

As he stood wid blood both of his own n from various other breasts covering his body he only had one thought in his head I WANT THIS ADRENALINE RUSH FOR FOREVER He smirk n strengthened his grip on his weapons n charged forwards he appeared before the beast n slashed down cutting a gash in its neck while the beast swung its paw at his head he teleported behind the beast n even while coughing up more blood he kept stabbling n slashing DIE DIE DIE! As the single word repeated in an endless loop he jumped on the back of the beast which was alr starting to become sluggish from blood loss he stabbed down once again however his weapon broke on contact DIE DIE DIE! Even as he began losing his bearings from blood loss he could only hear one word he stuck his hands into the wound on the beasts neck n ripped it to open sinking his body into raw flesh DIE DIE DIE! He claw bit n ate n wid the last bit of reasoning he maintained he used the broken weapon to stab into the gapping hole in the beasts neck the beast fell to the floor lifeless as he began to lose consciousness he saw a holographic screen appeared before his eyes

[U WON!!]

As he drifted into unconsciousness his smile fade away HOLYCRAP y so early i was hving lil fun tht was the last game wht am i gonna do next I'm tired of these lil games nick i want smthng more realist deadly game where i can use my whole potential can't u make it for me? Nick was thinking smthng although he hoped to get even slightest twitch as a response he knew it'd be impossible nick smiled and said should we transform this world into smthng or should i make changes in ur curse? Thorne's excitement increased, his dopamine release was at its peak Thorne replied dayum u got an way to make changes in my curse FINALLY I can do smthng better smthng more cooler smthng diff

Flashback a month ago Thorne was caught up in another murder case and Nick was a victim there when they met for the first time nick iz a tech nerd n thorne iz a cursed human nick was there for an interview n thorne was the only son of tht company's chairman and the day they both met Thorne father was killed n cop suspected Thorne to be the one who killed him but cop didn't find his father's body n the victim [nick] said he's innocent so he got bailed after tht they both talked abt smthng nick wants smthng as well Thorne so they both had deal

Back to present thorne: nick?? Nick :WhatsUp man? Thone: U sure tht i didn't kill him? Nick: * Nwh he wasn't there whn u attached he gone smwhere... Thorne: Where do uh think he iz n how tf he disappeared quicker thn light speed? Nick : .... Can we focus on the changes? Which changes u would like to make?