
Until You See Me, My Wife

While about to give a birthday surprise for her boyfriend, Flora Hadley was surprised by the fact that Tristan was having an affair behind with her bestfriend. Flora was disappointed, their relationship ends and when she was sad, she got an accident. Flora was unable to see the world after the accident. She had lost a lover, her father was disappointed on her and always blamed her bad luck. However, Flora's bad luck did not stop there. She was framed by her scheming bestfriend so that she had to spend one night's stand with a man. After knowing that both of them were framed, the misterious man finally decided to take responsibility and marry Flora even if by force. With his perfect disguised, the man was able to get Flora. Would Flora forgive her husband? Or did she start to open her heart when he turns soft and sweet?

Rizuki_Umi · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Let Me Go!

'Ugh! Shit! They must have put something in my drink!' A handsome man cursed with a face already red from holding back his desire that suddenly appeared after his dinner.

His strong hands immediately grabbed the phone from his pocket. He had already contacted his confidant. With his condition as it was, the only way to reduce this uncomfortable feeling was making love. His eyes were now looking at the screen of the phone to see which room he has to meet the woman he ordered.

Then with limping steps, this handsome man with a cold face stopped in front of a door. He looked at the room number in front of him. Then without any further hesitation, the man entered the room and locked it. Now in a dim view, the man saw a beautiful girl sitting quietly facing the direction he came.

'Huh. Shit! If it weren't for this damned drink, I wouldn't want to do it with a bitch like you,' the man thought as he walked over.

"Mrs. Axelson has come?" Flora said while standing. The girl could not see that it was not Mrs. Axelson, but a stranger who was not even Valerie's people.

This misterious man stood silently before Flora. His tall and stocky body was now faced Flora's tiny body. The masculine scent wafting from the man's body, began to tickle Flora's nose.

"Ummm, Mrs. Axelson?" Flora asked as she raised one hand and then touched to feel the body in front of her.

Flora squealed softly. Her palm had just touched the chest of a man she did not recognize. Flora took two steps backward but her feet had touched one side of the bed and made the girl fall.

"Why are you surprised? Can't wait to meet me?" The man asked in a deep and sexy masculine voice.

Flora widened her eyes in shock. It was the first time she had heard that cold voice. The atmosphere changed from quiet to tense. This mysterious man was getting closer to Flora and now dropping the girl on the bed and locking her up.

"Wh-who are you?" Flora starting to asked. She got scared. Her sling bag that she had been holding all this time fell close to this man's feet.

The handsome man with a perfect face and two gray irises smirked. "You ask who I am? You're joking. You won't know who I am because that was the original agreement," He replied.

Flora was getting more scared to hear the cold voice now whispering near her face. The girl tried to push his chest which she could hardly see. Both of Flora's dark iris eyes seemed to be staring at the man who was pressing him down.

This mysterious man smirked again. He did not expect anyone to dare to look directly at him. In fact, it was a girl whom he ordered to fulfill his desire that was starting to become unbearable.

"You're brave, huh? What's your name?" the man asked.

Flora chose silence. She did not want to tell her name. What was more, she did not know the man who was holding her at all.

"Let go of me! This must be Valerie's plan! She must have sent you here to beat me!" Flora began to struggle and beat the man's chest.

"Shut up!" This mysterious man suddenly snapped. Flora instantly froze.

"You are just a woman who came to fulfill my desire. Now serve me and I will pay you according to your performance," the handsome man said with his eyes starting to fog up.

Flora was again taken aback by the accusations leveled at her. This man was misunderstood. She was not a woman he told. Her presence here must be because of what Valerie did when Darcy and Evan were off of guard.


Flora must immediately take her phone and call Darcy to ask for help. However, because she could not find where her sling bag was, Flora could not take the cell phone was given to her by her bestfriend.

"Good. You go, Sweety," the man sneered. He then started kissing Flora with an amateur kiss.

Flora was very surprised because she was kissed forcefully and rudely by a man she could not even see what he looked like. Her two hands were still trying to push the man's body that was holding her back, but her strength was not comparable. What was more now the man was holding back by gripping her hands.

When the man was almost out of breath, he released his grip. Flora took a ravenous breath. The man did not give her a chance to explain. Again, he smelled Flora's sweet scent and this time he kissed a little more gently.

"Emmh. Let me go ...." Flora squeaked when she was separated from the intoxicating kiss.

Unexpectedly, the man turned to kiss her neck, which gave off a very fragrant rose scent. A scent that actually made the man even more unable to contain himself.

While Flora was trying to escape from this mysterious man's, her phone unconsciously started vibrating. Somewhere else Darcy was calling her bestfriend. Evan has returned and he was also looking for Flora.

"She won't pick up the phone," Darcy said in a worried expression.

Evan clenched his fists. He was the one who felt the most guilty for not taking Flora with him when he received the call.

"Where are you, Flo?" He murmured. Evan was very worried about Flora.

"Was Valerie involved in this?" Darcy asked. The girl was already frustrated asking the visitors about the whereabouts of her bestfriend. Moreover, Flora's phone cannot be contacted.

"Damn! It could be like that. Flora herself can't just go without someone else. I just left her cane in my car," Evan said, agreeing with Darcy's words.

"Oh my God ... I'm going to find Valerie. She must be held accountable!" Darcy said with her high emotions.

The girl immediately walked but managed to be restrained by Evan.

"Valerie has already left this place with the Axelson family. We can't possibly meet them because the escort is quite tight," Evan said.

The two of them were just ordinary guests. That was why this was really hard to get involved. However, the concern for Flora wasbso great. At least they will look for Flora until they find her.

"That's it. Then we'll look for Flora until we find it!" Darcy started to cry. the girl loves Flora who was always kind and accepts her and her family even though they are in different circles.

"Yes. We must look for Flora until we find her!" Evan also confirmed.

Both of them started looking for Flora by asking people they met. Even now they were in front of the reception desk.

"Sorry, but we can't give out the visitor's data haphazardly," a woman on duty explained.

"But we're looking for our missing friend," Darcy asked.

"Sorry, Miss. But so far there has never been a missing person report at our hotel. And if your friend can't be found, she could be with another friend or her boyfriend," the woman explained again.

Darcy was getting desperate. Knocking on doors one by one in such a spacious and luxurious hotel was not a good idea. Moreover she could later be prosecuted for violating order and convenience.
