
Basic Information

Alrighty folks. Let's get this party started shall we? Lets lay out some important information from the get go so you dont get confused along the way.

This is the story of someone who will need some major character development as, as you have surely read within the summary, he is essentially a blank slate. No memories, no morals, no personality. The only thing he knows is how to survive as well as wield a blade. When you first read the initial chapters, dont spam the review sections with "The MC is an unfeeling machine" or "Why is the main character such an asshole?". With no preconceived notions on what's right and what's wrong, he will only seek to establish his own survival until he gets a dose of that sweet sweet increase in emotional statistics. He will focus on logic and what will contribute to his own goals, rejecting whatever has the potential to become detrimental.

With that out of the way, let's move on to the bit everyone asks about. Is this a harem?

Simple answer? No f*ckin clue. Persuade me on which to choose I guess? I can pretty much go either way and PROBABLY do a good job on whichever is chosen, though this is purely my opinion and is more of a matter of taste then anything else. An example of this is if I hate asparagus while someone else loves it. We'll never see eye to eye on the topic as we have different tastes.

In summary, just give me some reasons about why you would or wouldn't want a harem and we'll see what happens.

On to the novel itself, taking a look at a broader perspective in a sense rather then what's IN the novel.

This novel is divided into "Volumes" so as to keep everything neat and tidy. These Volumes can be seen as "Arcs" and will span quite a few chapter between them.

The first volume, which I have decided to call The Wolf (not very creative I know), is meant to establish the character and the world so even those who have never watched Naruto can understand. I'll be building up everything piece by piece in such a way that you'll most likely find entertaining. I already have 2 Volumes planned out and hope you'll like them.

Also, my characters main practice will be in Kendo...just in case you were interested. He will also have access to chakra.

Another thing that gets complaints is where the MC starts. Everyone constantly says that starting in Konoha is annoying and stupid do to them hating Konoha in general. You have to remember though that that's the place with the MOST information and its the easiest to write about. The place I'M going to start off though is within the Land Of Fire itself rather then actual Village which should stop you guys from being annoyed as it's a nice little compromise.

With everything I just said, I hope you'll add this to your library and I look forward to dropping some chaps for you tomorrow.

If you have any questions, drop them in the comments and I'll answer them immediately should I not be asleep.

Stay Safe And Much Love

From ShadowDrev
