

"So what spells do you know?" Fred asked breaking the awkward silence as they were sneaking out of the hallway.

"Not much." Miles said as he looked around carefully, "Some basic spells and basically a shield charm and the Stupefy spell."

"I've been wanting to learn to the Stupefy spell as well but never had the chance too," George said.

"I heard its really useful even for magical beasts."

"It is, that's why my mom insisted on me learning this spell before anything else. " Miles nodded, "Your brother actually helped quite a lot learning the spell, he's good at it, to say the least."

Before they could say anything else they heard a murmuring voice pass by as the quickly hid inside one of the open rooms. The murmur belonged to no one other than Filch who walked around with his small lantern. He did a quick look at the place as he began making his way out.

"He should be heading towards the Ravenclaw common room." Miles whispered as he looked at Filch walking by them, "We should separate now."

"Where are you heading by the way?"

"Towards Filch's office and you two?"

"We found a secret passage so we wanted to explore it."

"Why would you even want to go to that horrible place."

"I need something from his office." Miles said vaguely, "See you again tomorrow then."

Saying that Miles quickly moved out of the room leaving the twins. He slowly snickered past by the sleeping portraits on the wall and started making his way towards Filch's office. Filch lived in a dingy and windowless office containing filing cabinets which were said to hold detailed records of all the students Filch had disciplined. A highly polished collection of chains and manacles hung on the wall behind Filch's desk.

According to what Cedric told him, Filch had an obsession of wanting to hang someone by their ankles from the ceiling. Luckily, Dumbledore would never allow that but Miles still wondered why would he allow someone like Filch to work here in Hogwarts.

Other than the obvious craziness, the guy was literally the definition of what a caretakes shouldn't be, a squib in a wizarding school trying to control young wizards must be the biggest joke of all time. He wondered how many people have used memory charm on Filch to get away from his nosy behavior, but seeing how people are scared of that guy he was sure there wouldn't be many.

Breaking into the office he quickly searched for all the boxes and drawers around the place. Looking around he finally came across a drawer named "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous". As suspected this was the drawer he had been looking for, opening it he quickly found many dung-bombs, Stink pellets, Hiccough Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, Sugar Quills, and Nose-Biting Teacups. But to his disappointment, he couldn't find the most important thing he was looking for, The Marauder's Map.

After his mother's left Hogwarts after teaching here for a while, she was sure the Marauder's Map was left in Filch's office again for any future students looking to do some mischief. Since the Map wasn't here it was clear that the twins already had taken it.

Sighing he was about to leave with all of his finds when he heard Filch voices once again, as he muttered something to his cat.

Miles quickly hid beside one of the cabinet, as Filch came in the room. He looked around as he placed his lantern on top of his desk. Not caring much he placed his lantern on top of his desk.

"Let's go to sleep, Ms. Norris." Filch said in a slimy tone carrying his cat as he walked towards his room, which was right across....


I am dropping this novel. Since most people keep fighting about whether my story is a harem or whatever and how people keep pressuring me to make my character a certain way like taking in incest because they have some sort of fucked-up taste, it is really demotivating.

Holy shit! I thought I was writing a story about fantasy and magic but people keep focusing on the romance aspect so much that it's really annoying.

If you want Romance that bad, go read some Mr. CEO bullshit they have all over this site.

And if you want incest and Harem that bad go watch some porn and stop bullshiting over in this site over whether you want Harem or normal romance.

Go and take that bullshit elsewhere, like these people even post reviews about the romance aspect. Fuck! I feel like all of you're a bunch of kids, who just can't take some flirting scenes without making a mountain out of it. It's like none of you have been out of your house even once, to the point where you think every conversation with a female character means the MC wants to fuck them.

I hope this will make these people understand that their useless fighting is the cause of why novels get dropped.
