

A smirk could be seen on Aurora and Toad's faces as they quickly approached the ship.

John looked at the ship and instantly knew that Magneto had arrived, as he observed Aurora and Toad's expressions. Moroeover Magneto believed that John had killed his daughter and wife along with Bobby.

Even though John and Bobby were framed for this, he knew that Magneto would definitely be not in the mood to listen to anyone.

John instantly prepared himself for the upcoming fight with Magneto and his group. He wondered whether Professor Xavier would be able to calm Magneto down.

As the ship landed, the ramp descended, revealing Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants stepping out with determined expressions on their faces. Magneto's piercing gaze locked onto John and the Professor, his eyes filled with rage and grief.

"Where is he?!" Magneto demanded, his voice cold and menacing. "Where is the one responsible for the deaths of my daughter and wife? I know he's here, and he will pay for what he's done."

'Is he talking about Bobby?' John wondered and scanned the ship only to found two people sitting inside, quietly without making any noise.

The Professor stepped forward, his voice calm and commanding. "Magneto, I assure you that neither John nor Bobby had any involvement in the deaths of your loved ones. They've been set up, and we need to work together to uncover the truth."

Magneto's eyes narrowed, and a powerful magnetic force crackled in the air around him. "I will not be deceived, Xavier. I will have my revenge, one way or another."

"Max, please, let's talk about this," Professor Xavier said, using Magneto's given name in an attempt to appeal to his old friend's humanity.

Magneto's eyes blazed with anger, but he paused, considering the Professor's words. "Charles, you know what they've done. Your students have caused unthinkable destruction. I demand justice for my family."

As tensions rose, Logan and the team stood ready, preparing for the inevitable clash with the Brotherhood. The air crackled with electricity, and the fate of the mutant world hung in the balance as two powerful forces stood on the brink of confrontation.

John stepped forward, he had no idea whether he would be able to convince Magneto after Charles failed, but he had to do something. There were in Russia and if a fight started here, it will attract a lot of unrelated people, causing a Chaos.

John was not afraid of a fight, but he didn't want to unless it was necessary. However before he could say anything

"Magneto, I understand your pain, but we can't let our emotions cloud our judgment," John said, his voice steady. "We need to find out the truth before we act. Let's work together and get to the bottom of this."

Magneto's eyes flickered with rage and he growled," Pain? You understand my pain? Would you be so calm if your loved once were murdered in cold blood? The time for talks is over, Charles. I will not rest until I have avenged my family."

Logan stepped forward, his claws glinting in the dim light. "We don't want a fight, but we won't back down either. We're not the enemy here, Erik. There are bigger forces at play, and we need to stand united against them."

The tension in the air was palpable as the two sides faced off, each group ready to defend their own. John could feel the weight of the moment, the consequences of their next actions hanging heavy in the air. He knew that the only way to avoid bloodshed was to find the truth and bring it to light.

With a deep breath, John locked eyes with Magneto and spoke with conviction, "We may have different methods, but we all want the same thing – a world where mutants can live without fear. Let's put our differences aside for now and focus on finding out who is truly behind this."

John thought that at least Magneto would calm down after his 'moving' speech. But Magneto didn't seem to be in the mood to listen to John at all, and attacked him.

The mutants behind him too started attacking Xavier's group.

John frowned, but with his Quake Quake Fruit and Haki, he was not weak. If things couldn't be solved with words, he wasn't going to just watch Magneto attack him. He decided to beat some sense in Magneto. However he had to be careful as Magneto was not some third rate mutant either.

As Magneto unleashed his powers, John activated his Haki to predict his movements and dodged the magnetic projectiles. With a swift movement, he activated his Quake Quake Fruit power, creating shockwaves that disrupted Magneto's concentration.

The ground shook and Magneto stumbled, giving John the opportunity to lunge forward and deliver a powerful punch, knocking Magneto back for a moment. But Magneto wasn't one to stay down easily. He retaliated with a magnetic blast, aiming to immobilize John.

With a quick thinking, John used his Haki to reinforce his body, making himself resistant to Magneto's magnetic influence. He charged at Magneto again, dodging and countering his attacks with a combination of martial arts and his Quake Quake powers, aiming not to harm Magneto but to subdue him.

Meanwhile, the other mutants were causing chaos around them, but John stayed focused on Magneto, knowing that if he could just get through to him, the rest of the mutants might stand down.

"I didn't kill your family, Magneto. Someone has manipulated you, and I want to help you find out the truth," John said, trying to appeal to the humanity within Magneto.

Magneto didn't say anything, but continued his ferocious attack on John. However John could see the doubt flickering in his eyes.

"Who would benefit from turning us against each other?" John asked, hoping to plant the seed of doubt in Magneto's mind.

Though Magneto's attacka didn't stop at all, John continued," Do you know what I am doing here in the middle of nowhere in Russia?"

"Running and hiding like a coward," Magneto replied.

John raised his eyebrow and using his fist he sent a concentrated attack using his Quake Quake Fruit that flunged Magneto far away into the forest.
