
Unimaginable love: I really can't live without you.

[WARNING: MATURED CONTENT INSIDE THIS NOVEL. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, DON'T READ THIS ONE. ELSE, YOU'RE AT YOUR OWN RISK.] She was a simple girl with unimaginable dreams although she has always been looked down upon by the people around her. She emerged from a middle-class family, she lost her mother as a toddler which compelled her father to remarry. Some years after the marriage, Mr. Fazer died, he left the young little girl with her siblings and a stepmother... Annabel was forced to provide for the family since what her father left for them wasn't enough to take care of the family. She often finds herself in adversity that left her in a dilemma. ********* Months later, She met a dying lad on the roadside who was ambushed by his rivals and was left there to die. Annabel froze at the spot when she saw the dying lad covered in cold blood. After she regained herself, she scurried over to help the young man, people who saw the scenario helped her and they took him to the hospital. ********* a year later (scene 1) She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess and was in her most vulnerable state. "Young Lady, why are you sitting alone in the dark? Don't you know it's unsafe for you?" Derrick Markham said. "What difference would it make? Is it not better to die or be taken advantage of by a stranger than someone close to you?" Annabel said. "I don't know where you're driving at but it's not safe for you to be out here." "Where do you live, let me take you home.?" Derrick inquired "Why do you ask, did they send you here?" She asked. She gulped down the beer she was holding. Most of the beer spilled on her dress, only a few went in. "Well, I will have to sit here with you, if you're unwilling to go home right now." Derrick Markham said and sat close to her. "Hey! what are you doing? Go! get lost!" "I'm not leaving you here." He firmly said "And why is that?" She queried "Because there are many wolves out there waiting for the right opportunity to devour you." He said "And why do you care? you don't know me. What would you benefit from this gesture?" she inquired. "You don't need to know someone before helping them." He said. ********* (scene 2) She was comfortably lying down half-naked on a cozy bed covered with a quilt. The morning sun rays forced their way into the room through the curtain openings and woke her up. "OMG! what happened here?" "Where am I? whose house is this?" "And how did I spend the night here?" She kept asking herself these questions without getting any answers in return... Just then the door was pushed open by a man with a tray in his hands that contains different dishes... She has a conflicted look on her face...

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48 Chs

Nightmare (2)

"My dear, if I were you I wouldn't do that. Don't you want to give them a roof over their heads? You have to be nice to me my beauty if you want that to happen." He said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"You are a demon I hate you. Mom was right all along, even Alex, they warned me several times to stay away from you but I contumaciously disregarded their warning and fell into your trap." She cried out in guilt.

He ordered his men to bring her along but Simon intervened and blocked them, protecting his sister like a shield.

This caused a fight between him and the men. As the fight surged farther, the men were running out of options seeing that Simon was a man to be reckoned with.

To make things easier for them, One of the men pulled out a pistol and shot him in the head.

"NO!" Olivia cried out with surging eyes and flopped.

Simon fell onto the ground and died instantly, Sophia stood up to fight those thugs but while dragging the pistol with them she got shot along the line and fell, beside her brother.

"NO! NO!! NO!!! Not my children" Olivia was shredded into pieces with grief. The tragic scene was unbearable.

Afraid of being caught the men ran away from the scene. It was just Olivia and her children's corpses. She was entirely covered in darkness and was in disarray.

There was no single drop of tears in her eyes, she refused to accept that her kids are dead. She chose to believe that they are sleeping not dead. She stood up, drew closer to her children's lifeless bodies, and called their names trying to wake them up but there was no response.

She kept on calling them thinking maybe they didn't hear her the last time but still no sound was heard from them.

"Simon my dear?"

"Sophia! Please stop playing this prank with me. I know you can still hear me, wake up please?"

"I promise to do anything you want me to do. There will be no restrictions again and I won't shout at you ever again."

"See, I slapped you with this hand right?" She said while gesticulating with the hand she hit her with.

Passerby, who saw the scene proceed towards her to console her, "Madam they can't hear you, they are dead. I'm so sorry for your loss." the person said.

"NO!!!" She shouted out aloud and finally woke up. Just then she realized that it was a nightmare. She was prolifically engulfed in perspiration.

There was a piece of cloth beside her, she took it and wiped away the sweat. "Thank goodness, it was all just a dream." She says and got up to go check on her kids.

Advancing closer to her kid's bedroom, she couldn't help being nervous and worried. She hopes that it's truly a dream and nothing more. She first went to Simon's room and saw that he's fine, nothing was wrong with him. Only his quilt had fallen off, so she carefully picked it up and tucked him in.

Right now, she's standing at the front door of Sophia's bedroom, she anxiously pushed the door open. It was extremely dark inside, the lights were switched off. She looked for the switch and turned on the light.

She panicked when she saw no one in the room. She went to the bathroom to check if she's in there but she saw nobody.

She went closer to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Simon is fine and sleeping soundly in his bedroom. So, if he's fine, it means Sophia must be fine. She may not be in her room right now, maybe she went downstairs.' She thought.

With a sigh of relief, she left her daughters' room and went downstairs. On her way to the dining room, she recalled Sophia had called to inform her that she will be passing the night at her friend's house.

With that in mind, she went upstairs and goes straight to bed.

The next day, very early in the morning Olivia left to go see her daughter be sure she's fine and nothing's wrong with her.

To be honest, she didn't have a good night's rest. She slept like a nocturnal. She was worried sick, trying to understand the nightmare she had.

She believes it's a sign of what's going to happen in the future. Now, she's more vigilant than ever.

When she drew closer, she pulled over by the side of the road and gave her daughter a call to come outside that she wants to see her.

Sophia froze at that instant, her mind spiral up. She wonders what her mother is doing here so early in the morning. Did she suspect anything? Wasn't her acting convincing enough? Or has she seen her with Robbin? Her thoughts kept spiraling. Her phone chimed again, it was her mother. The phone ringtone brought her back to substantiality.

She hurriedly went outside to go see her mother. As she moves closer to where her mother packed her car, she greets, "good morning mom. What brought you here so early in the morning?" She says, hiding her nervousness and eagerness to know what lead her here.

"Come inside the car," Olivia said. Sophia entered and shut the door.

"My dear, how are you? I hope you are alright." She says as she scrutinizes her daughter to be sure she's safe.

"Mom I'm fine, nothing is wrong with me." She said.

Sophia was lost, she doesn't understand the situation; the reason her mother is so worried about her safety. And she was about to ask for more explanation but Olivia spoke up just then, "I had a terrible nightmare where I lost you and your brother to a stranger. You were both shot dead in the dream. To be sure you're safe, I drove from home to this place to see you, my princess."