
Budding superstar

"So he will come back and take Yumi with him to country C?" Mian asked.

When Zian nodded his head, Mian sighed. "What will I do if Yumi goes away too? Linyang is always out of town so there is no one left whom I can hang out with. I think I should take a transfer and get shifted to some other hospital." 

Zian widened his eyes in shock. "What? Why would you do that?"

"Why should I stay here when everyone is leaving?" Mian asked.

"Well you still have Liang, me, Yushen, Qiang, Guang, Huiling and and-"

"I bet no one cares whether I stay here or not and-"

Cutting him off, Zian grabbed her hand. "I do,I care whether you stay or not. I don't want you to go anywhere again." Only he knew how tough it was to stay without seeing her for six months. If she would go away again, how would he carry on with his proposal plans?

"Hmm why? Why do you care about me?" Mian asked before inching closer. 
