
Unexpected change

the life of Elaina turns from being a nobody to fame overnight, what she always wanted but the question remains the same will she be able to cope with the terrors that come with being famous, read as she makes an unexpected change that will determine her fate

Jemimah_14 · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Chapter 1

As little as paisley was, it was packed with celebs like young models and actors and the schools there were expensive, they valued quality over quantity, therefore I was a misfit, I was a scholar so I had neither quality nor quantity and it was hard.

I never cared about how the people looked at me or what they thought of me and even though I could hear the whispers of rumours I couldn't care less, well I thought I couldn't, but that all changed when I met Xavier

Now don't think this is any typical love story okay? 'Cause that only happens in Hollywood and as far as I'm concerned I'm nowhere near Los Angeles. I remember the first time I saw Xavier; it was during the 9th grade with me in the back seat wearing the cutest blink shirt and him walking in as a new student, he sat next to me and minutes later we were already talking even though it was just him asking for a pen but that's not the point, we connected and I was sure he felt it too, cause every time he passed me, he'd give me this captivating look but what happened during this summer changed everything, I had endured enough. You desperately need a flashback to understand

This summer was supposed to be my turn time, being the most popular girl and having the dream guy Xavier, but It was all wrong, sure I was popular but not the way I wanted to be and my so-called dream guy caused it.

This happened In between summer, I decided to go to a party Xavier was throwing and used my whole allowance to rent a beautiful outfit just to impress him. I arrived at the party looking and feeling confident and it did attract but all for the wrong reasons. We were talking for a while when he asked if we could go upstairs to talk more and that the noise was too much so I agreed. we talked some more and then he started getting closer, he kissed me without my permission and then went in for more, I was struggling to get away from him cause he was –holding me down tight and then something inside me snapped and I hit him with a hard lamp stick thingy and he let go in anger

Xavier; ouch....you fool, you think I want to touch you, you're just a toy for me to cure my boredom (I slapped him)

Elaina; try that with me again and I will not hesitate to break all your fingers including your good-for-nothing face (grunting as I threw a shoe at him).

I left the party in tears, how could he do that to me, who did he think he was and worst of all was that it wasn't over, first my dress got ruined then I got to school the next day and as soon as I was in the halls of crown lake high I was bombarded with rumours of me being milked by Xavier.

If you didn't know, if you've been tagged as milked in crown lake high that meant you were a slut and that was a bad reputation screaming for a good name and that wasn't only it(the drama keeps on coming), I went to meet him to clear the rumours and in front of everybody Xavier said

Xavier; oh darling don't try to fight it or were you too drunk, you barged into my room declaring your undying love for me and then literally pushed yourself to me and I mean I'm only human, who was I to disagree?

Elaina; you crazy-

Xavier; oh and don't let me forget the best part, the after result, you started crying and then went crazy saying I had defiled you and you were a willing virgin cute isn't it?

Then someone shouted Milky Way in the crowd and sooner enough it became a chant and once again I ran out humiliated.

And that's how I ended up here in my room, completely shut down waiting for the world to end, my mum knocking on the door constantly to check on me, I remained like that for a week until my mum came with the most breathtaking news of all times, you see, other than cleaning toilets and housekeeping stuff, my mum had a big eye for fashion and she was amazing, she could turn rags into Gucci, she had a lot of designs she had sketched over the years and that was our breakthrough. Someone had invested in her clothing line.

Mum; el. Darling, we've finally done it

Elaine; Mum no, all I did was get you supplies, everything else was you.

Mum; thanks darling, but there's a teensy tiny problem.....we have to move, wait before you say anything, they've already got us covered so you don't have to worry.

Elaine; is that all?

Mum; I mean yeah, your friends and all (I never told Mum about my difficulties in school, the last thing I wanted was her to be worried because of me)

Elaine; oh yeah them, it'll be hard mum but this I a one in a life time opportunity, I'm not ready to let our family take any chances other than grabbing it, so when are we moving (Oscar winning performance.)

Mum; next week honey.

Elaina; okay mum, it gives me time to say good bye to my friends (lie)

Mum; okay love (hugging me)

Once I got to my room I was ecstatic, finally a new chapter in my life and I get to write it, I was going to make a wonderful impression once I got to my new school. A whole week passed and yes, I went to school but the thought of leaving this hellhole made me ignore the insults and eventually when they saw that it wasn't getting to me anymore, they stopped, although my last day in Crown Lake was somewhat weird, people got to find out that I was leaving and going to new york and everything took a wild turn.one day I was walking home when it started raining and then Xavier stopped me with his motorcycle.

Elaina; (groans) and my day just got worse, like the rain isn't bad enough

Xavier; (laughing) nice seeing you too

Elaina; wrong, I never said nice seeing you, what do you want

Xavier; to offer you a ride

Elaina; (laughs) not only are you a jerk, you have a low sense of humor; get lost (walking away)

Xavier; hey, I'm serious, hey Elaine I'm talking to you (driving toward me)

Elaina; can you stop following me you psycho and FYI its Elaina.

Xavier; Elaina, sorry now will you get on

Elaina; no, why would you think I would ever come near you after what you did to me

Xavier; look (he got off the motorcycle) I'm sorry I did that to you but I panicked okay? Look I….i…I like you but people say you're social suicide and I have a reputation to uphold

Elaina; okay, where's the camera, this is obviously a setup, so come on out guys, you've been busted. (Then I Xavier laughing)

Xavier; I knew there was a reason I liked you. (That made my heart beat stop)

Elaina; what a nice performance (he held my hand I was walking away)

Xavier; Elaina just get on...please, I don't want you to die out of hypothermia (I reluctantly got on, he put my hands on his abs) hold tight (he winked).

Elaina; don't push your luck dude (he drove off)

Once we got to my house

Elaina; thanks….now bye (walking really fast)

Xavier; wait... (He caught up to me on my porch)I want to talk to you

Elaina; haven't we talked already…look, Xavier I'm tired of your lies, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on me again

Xavier; what? No, it's shame on me for the first fooling, then shame of you for the second

Elaina; what are you talking about? (Confused)

Xavier; forget that, i-(the door opened and my mum came out)

Mum; Ely, what are you doing, you're drenched (gasps) isn't this the boy you've been talking to me about

Elaine; mum!!!

Mum; (totally ignoring me) why don't you come inside

Elaine; no mum, he has other things to do (giving him the get lost look)

Xavier; actually I have nothing to do right now so yes I'd love to come in (smirking at me)

Elaine; *asshole*

He got in and my mum kept showering him with praises of how handsome he was and better than what I had described.

Mum; why don't you take Xavier upstairs to get dry and I'll make you guys some hot cocoa and cookies, Noah's not around right now, so I'll grab some of his clothes for you

Before I could protest the animal was already climbing up the stairs and mum was in the kitchen so I went up hesitantly.

/In my room/

Xavier; so you really are leaving

Elaine; what's it to you and could you stop going through my stuff (taking my diary out of his hand)

Xavier; Ely, i-

Elaina; what did you just call me

Xavier; I heard your mum calling you Ely so I-

Elaina; thought you could call me that, don't you ever say that name again (throwing a towel at him harshly)

Xavier; I'm sorry I didn't know that name meant a lot to you

Elaina; of course, you rich people never do, all you care about is humiliating us poor people to what? Make yourselves feel good

Xavier; Elaina (he held my shoulders tightly) I'm sorry for what I did, I'm not asking you to date me or anything

Elaina; what are you (he cut me off)

Xavier; no, before you say anything, I just want you to know that I like you, I sincerely do, this is not just some dumb prank, I want to be with you and get to know you.

Elaine; *why did he sound so genuine * I'm sorry but no

Xavier; what? Why

Elaina; I'm moving half way across the world, I'm not going to see you, and no offense but your face isn't the type that screams long distance relationship, I don't trust you that much.

Xavier; then what do we do? I don't want you to go away just yet (he held my hand)

Elaina; what do you expect me to do, stay here? With you?

Xavier; that's not a bad idea actually

Elaina; you're crazy (I removed my hands from his) you think I'd leave my family for the guy that humiliated me weeks ago?

Before Xavier could say anything my mum came in

Mum; the cookies and cocoas are done-, ohh you're not dry yet, well get down once you're dry and don't take too much time, the cocoa might get cold oh and I brought you the clothes (she left)

Elaina; (I turned around to get my inhaler) look I don't wanna talk about it anymore dude, i- (I turned to see Xavier shirtless as he was already getting dry) shit dude (looking away)

Xavier; (laughing) you're so red right now

Elaina; just wear the damn shirt dude

He wore it and then came close, brushed a strand of my long ginger curls behind my ear and whispered

Xavier; at least can I have your number, beautiful.

Elaina; fine

He brought out his phone and I put in my number, called and said "in case you gave me a wrong number" then he saved it as LOML

Elaina; eww, cringe (he laughed).

We went downstairs to meet mum waiting for us

Mum; awwn, you guys remind me of me and your father when we were a power couple in high school

Xavier; see even your mum wants us together (he whispered)

Elaina; shut up dude (he laughed)

My mum handed me the cookies to give Xavier and I took a bite, it was too sugary.

Elaina; no you can't have these

Mum; what? Why?

Elaina; cause I want it all

Mum; don't be ridiculous

She snatched it from my hands and gave it to Xavier and when I tried to take it from him, I tripped and when I looked up, our faces were so close, I stared right into his deep I was certain he could hear my heartbeat

Xavier; (gave me a seductive look, then whispered again) are you sure you don't want me (then took a big bite out of a cookie)

I was certain he was going to spit it out and id get embarrassed but the total opposite happened, he smiled, took the final bite and said

Xavier; just like how my gammy makes `em

Mum; awwn you're so nice, thank you.

We talked for a little while as the rain went down and he was a whole different person, the person I thought I liked, I was aboutto reconsiderg my decision on being with him and called him when he was leaving but the thought of what he did to me then rushed into my mind and I told him never mind. That night I was so confused about how I felt till I slept off.