

Love is not mere romantic gestures. It demands sacrifices. Just having candle light dinner isn't love. Love is when you stick together even in pain. Love is not momentary joy. Love is commitment to spend lifetime together. Love is not just a relief but a passion too. If it is darkness then light too is love. It is pain and remedy too. LOVE IS LIFE THEN DEATH TOO IS LOVE. ******* BLOSSOM, A normal girl from a small village. She is beautiful, kind hearted, cheerful girl who bring happiness in everybody's life. She respect elders and love children. She hate mafias with her life because of her past. She just want a normal happy life but WILL LIFE GRANT HER THIS WISH? BLOSSOM - EVERYBODY DESERVE SECOND CHANCE. NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE DID. ADRICK JEON, Mafia king. He is cold ,rude , arrogant. He doesn't show mercy to anyone. He is completely heartless and merciless.He doesn't think twice before killing anyone who betrayed him. He is a man of words and absolutely hate liers and betrayals. ADRICK- THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE IN MY WORLD. ******* Both of them are totally opposite to each other. One is Sun and another is Moon. What will happen when both of them crosses eachother's path? What will happen when both of them fall in love ? What will happen when Blossom will know Adrick's real identity?

rupali_Singh · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Unexpected Chase And First Meet

In a luxurious office their is a person sitting on a chair like a king which he obviously is. His aura is screaming richness. He is Adrick Jeon, Mafia King but for world he is CEO of AJ Empire. He has no emotions in his eyes and just looking at a void and thinking something or about someone.


A girl and a boy was sitting on a bench near a beautiful lake.Both of their families are eachothers bestfriends. Both of them were sad because on of them was going.

??- Adri, promise me you will wait for me.

Little Adrick- Yes ofcourse, Iam gonna wait for you and you also promise me that you will never forget me.

??- Let's seal the promise.

She extended her pinky finger and little Adrick also join his pinky finger and made a promise with a determination that they will never gonna break it.

??- BYE ADRI.....

Little Adrick- BYE...

After Sometime

Adrick's father came to know that his bestfriend and his family met with an accident and their younger daughter went missing. Nobody knows if she is alive or not.



After that day everybody thought that she is dead but somewhere I still believe that she is alive. I came out of my trance when I heard a knock on my office door.

Adrick - Come in.

After few minutes, his secratary Jack enters in the office.

Jack- Sir , You have a meeting with head of departments. Everybody is waiting for you.

On this Adrick just hummed and stands up with his usual cold and arrogant face and started walking toward meeting room. Well this meeting is related to his Mafia work.


Sound of people chattering filled the room that until Adrick enters the room which made all of them shut in an instant. As an arrogant person he is. He sat on his chair staring every person present inside the room with his ice cold eyes.

Adrick- START...

His dominant voice made everyone startled. In an instant his dark and cold aura covered the room which made everyone shiver.

Employee- Sir, the guns that has been transported from Itly had gone missing.

Adrick just keep on glaring him which made that employee to gulp in terror.

Employee- But our men are already searchi------


Adrick- That's not how my business work.

He tossed his gun to his man.

Adrick- Clean this mess and I want that person infront of me within two days who dared to stole my guns.

With this he left meeting room in pure anger. Many people already begged for forgiveness but he is merciless to give them a chance.

He has no flaws. Every women is ready to throw themselves on him but he never looked at any women.

?? ADRICK...


He gritted his teeth and turn around to face his friend.

George- What happened, Now iam not allowed to call you?

George is one of Adrick's childhood friend. They are five in total and all of them are like brothers to eachother. George is also his gang member. Many people envy him because he is Mr. Adrick 's friend. He has an aura which can made anyone weak infront of him.

Adrick- I am going somewhere and i will be late.

With that he turn around and walked away leaving George dumbfounded.

Adrick got inside his car and drove away from his company. These days he got alot of things in his mind and he needs some break. He came to the outskirts. After clearing his mind he decided to go back but to his bad luck it started raining. He started driving as it started dawn. After few minutes he realised that he is being followed. He increased his speed while other car also increased their speed and start firing toward him because of rain it's hard for Adrick to stay in line. He shoot the person who is driving the car due to which they lost their balance and ended up falling from cliff. Adrick move forward but his car also went out of control and in an instant car turned upside down. He came out of car as he know that car is going to blast any second. He came out of car but because of wounds he fell on the road . He is so weak that he is not able to get up. He is staring at the sky and eventually lost his consciousness.

??- Oh My God.... What is this ?

A girl came running toward burning car but when she looked toward the person. She dropped her bag and went toward him. She instantly checked his nerves.

??- He is alive.

She helped him to stood up and went toward her home.