

Walking down the streets while heavy rain tear drops are falling down on to my umbrella.

Silently walking down paths of light lamps on the streets hearing nothing but the clouds crying.

Towards on my phone listening to soft relaxing music. \-"CRASH"-/ I bump into this handsome tall guy. His pearly black and grey eyes shining into mine. His flawless black hair swishing through as the air pulls on it. His serious face, and his lips not moving. "He gets up and walks away not looking back at her"

I walk all home alone wondering what in the world just happend. A strong headache kicking my forehead from the inside trying to escape, I rush home still thinking about that tall handsome guy.

As I put my keys unlocking my door leading me to a wonder land. My bed. I lay in bed writing in my book full of wonders Writing what I came crossed. I pull my bed sheets over as I turn off my lamp next to me on my dresser. I fall asleep wishing I see that guy again. Strange...
