
Funky Skeleton

[ A/N: Sans will be a skeleton not human, no harem because that shit gay, sans will have a mode which uses his parasite in his body to multiply his power by 100x, not like he's going to use it anytime soon though. Lastly, sorry if my grammar isn't perfect and this fanfic sucks lol. ]

( 3rd POV )

Sans awakens to find himself sitting on a funky looking street, last thing he remembers is telling some radical puns to the friendly human.

" Yo bro this weird, mah brain must be funked, where da heck am I? " - Sans

Sans looks around his surroundings, confused as he is in a mysterious place that he's never seen in the underground before. Although Sans is in a new environment, he adapts to the situation.

Sans looks around noticing that he's on a ominous road and how dark it is and that there is only a enormous white circle in the sky illuminating his surroundings. Sans also noticed how green and lush his surroundings were.

" Woah bro, giant white cheese in the sky??? " - Sans

Sans started his walk following one way of a road, continously for a few hours. Soon, he was able to see more clearly as the sun was rising, not that he knows what that is.

" Oh mah god broseph, what is wrong with da sky today. " - Sans

Off in the distance, a city could be seen, bustling with humans roaming around. Sans noticed the city and starts to walk in it's direction on the road. As Sans was walking he felt a feeling as if he was being stalked...

- Rustle, Rustle, Rustle -

Soon, a bush started quaking aggressively, catching San's attention having himself slightly prepared for what may come from the bush.

Soon, a silhouette appeared in the shape of a human. It kept on coming closer to Sans revealing itself more and more, and soon, a human emergered that looked slightly strange to Sans.

" Well well well, what do we have here? " - ???

A stranger appeared behind Sans, Sans noticed that this particular human is different. This human had a fin protruding from it's back and hands that looked like they could rip through wood like a piece of butter.

" Interesting quirk you got there, too bad you're gonna die with it. " - ???

Sans, confused as what a quirk was, and how the first person he meets is this aggresive. Sans repplied quickly.

"Mah man, why you lookin like a radical monster, not to "fin" or anything but waz a quart or a whatcha'ma call it." - Sans

The stranger looked at Sans as if he'd was talking to the most stupid thing in the entire solar system.

" Oi 'nincapoop boo-' what the 'fork,' WHAT THE 'RAD' IS HAPPENING" - ???

The stranger seemed confused and angry, as he no longer had the ability to swear near Sans, as he was in his radical no cuss zone.

" Ey man, this da no cussing zone coz that's unradical and no one wanna hear ur sardine lips. " - Sans

Sans joked, as the man the man was infurriated as this pile of bones was joking around with him, even though he's gonna end his life.

" I swear to god, I am going to 'funky' end your 'doodie' life." - ???

Sans snorted, as the man seemed less intimidating as he sounds as if he's random hooligan on those streets you'd find.

The man pounced upon Sans, jumping in the air like those comics you'd find. Sans raised his hands towards the man and soon, the man floated mid-air with a shocked expression on his face.

" Yo dawg, lets just talk dis out, or else..." Sans proceeds to slip his shades down which pronounced YOLO, revealing a purplish color heart and summoning a few gaster blasters, instantly horrifying the man which caused him to piss his pants.

" Ya undastand mah homelice broski? " - Sans

" P-please spare me, I'm only doing this for money because I'm poor! I'll do anything, please! " - ???

" ok broski, tell me what one of them quirks or something are? " - Sans

" A-alright ok, they're like an ability people are born with, but not everyone gets them but almost everyone does! Is that good for you?! " - ???

" hmhmhmhmhf ok bro dun have to bee so mad, I know you're just very 'bon-ley' and besides, you were the one that had a 'bone to pick with me.' " - Sans

Sans flung the man a couple of meters across a flat field of grass, and he ran off. Now that Sans had removed an obstacle and gained some knowledge, having wasted his time on him and rather than walking to the city, he simply uses a shortcut.

' HONK! '

A car comes speeding in San's direction honking loudly as he just arrived to the city causing him to teleport a few feets away from the car to the sidewalk.

" jeez, this place spooping me out with those things, unradical dude. " - Sans

Sans strolled around the city endlessly getting a few looks at him from people as he's just bones. As Sans was getting bored from walking around, he noticed a particular alley that had the sounds of struggling being heard and a crowd of people forming.

Sans took a peak at what was going on and noticed a teenaged boy with hair that looked like he has an explosion on it and a weird looking sludge consuming him with noticable eyes. Yes, you know who that is, Katsuki, the kid that litterally has an over sized ego in his head.

" Why isn't All Might here! " - Bystander 1

" The heros aren't even doing their job, they're only watching that boy get killed! " -Bystander 2

" Someone help him!! " - Bystander 3

A boy ran in there attempting to save the captured teenager from the villain's grasp. Throwing his bag toward the villain and ripping apart the villain's slime, trying to free Katsuki. That boy being Izuku of course!

' Shit, that kid is going to die what the hell are these so called heros doing... ' - Sans thought

Sans couldn't watch and helped out, soon, the teenage that was being consumed was lift off the ground, confusing many people as what's going on and who's doing it. Soon, the boy was a couple of feet in the air, safe from the villain.

" What the 'funk'?! " - Villain Sludge thing

The villain attempted to grab the boy back, not even caring that he somehow got censored, angrily muttering words as how his plan was ruined. The villain noticed the other boy who attempted to save the other one, thinking maliciously.

" C'mere boy, you'll be my new hostage! " - Villain Sludge thing

" Eep! " - Izuku


" Oh my god it's All Might!! - Crowd of people

This particular man got San's attention as he was extremely muscular and buff as heck.

" 'Darnk' you All Might!!! " - Villain Sludge thing

" Err... TEXAS, SMASH! " - All Might

The slime was literally obliterated from existance and only splats remained, not even the eyes were there which was creepy. It's remains were all picked up by the police and put into a container as a jailcell for it.

Countless reports crowded around All Might, Katsuki was given praises for his power from the heros, and a brave bush head being berrated for attempting to save Katsuki. All Might noticed San's, knowing that he was the one that lifted Katsuki.

All Might soon flew away, not even speaking a word toward Izuku. Sans knew the problem was over and just walked away as if nothing ever happened. Sans also noticing he was being followed ONCE AGAIN.

Sans walked toward and alley to confront the person following him, he turned around to see an old looking man with blond hair and a skinny body.

" Yo broski, why ya following me, ya got a crush on me or somthin? " - Sans

" W-what?! No! I'm here to tell you that I noticed that you helped the kid being attacked, I just wanted to say, thank you. I couldn't even help and you were the only person that did help, you're not even a pro hero too! " - Old Dude

" uh, yo welcome broseph, now would'ya stop followin me? " - Sans

The man sighed and suddenly started enlargening and getting buffer and muscular, soon forming what seemed to be All Might. Sans was pretty shocked that this old timer could be the number 1 hero.

" I'm here to ask you if you'd inherit my quirk. " - All Might


" Nah brah, I'm already super duper hecka strong. " - Sans

" Alright but you have to- WAIT WHAT?! " - All Might

All Might was shocked, as this hero declined the strongest of Japan's hero's quirk.

" Broski, how bout you give it to dat salad head kiddie over dere he braver than I am lolz. " - Sans

' Oh yeah, that kid also tried to save him, I'm so stupid, I should probably go ask him instead! ' - All Might thought

All Might ran to Izuku and told him he was brave and inherit stuff and blah blah blah we already know that SKIP!

The event was all over social media, and soon the police were able to identify who rose Katsuki in the air. A certain skeleton that is. Sans was roaming the streets again so the police were able to find him easily.

" Hey you there! Yeah the skeleton! Stop, you're going to be under custody for using your quirk without a license! " - Police Officer 1

Sans was confused on how this world worked, you need a license to use your powers? What kind of law is that? Sans didn't want to fight back though, was it would be a pain in the ass.

" Alright broski take me in dat moving hunk of junk. " - Sans

Sans proceeded to get into the back of the police car and the police drove him to the police station where he was going to be questioned by some investigators. He arrived and was walked into an empty room. Waiting for someone to come in, Sans was just playing around with his gaster blasters, shooting mini gaster blasters at some bones he summoned.

' Crreeeeekk... '

The door opened slowly to reveal a man with a suit and a ' I love mysterious ' outfit and proceeded to sit on the chair across from Sans.

" Wassup broseph. " - Sans


" You are the one that lifted that kid above the ground, right? " - Detective dude

" Yeah broski, ya ain't doubting meh, ya? " - Sans

Sans noticed a tag on the detective's suit, reading it with it saying ' Naomasa Tsukauchi '

" Alright, you do understand that using your quirk without a license is illegal, correct? " - NT ( too long name )

" nnnope " - Sans


" Alright, we've deemed your quirk to be suitable for a hero, by the way how old are you? " - NT

" hOw oLd aRe yOu " - Sans

" If you don't we'll put you on cuffs for a long while if you don't answer me... " - NT

" 16 " - Sans

Sans lied, hiding the fact that he's actually 22. I mean, who wants to be an old dude when you could re-live young?

" Alright, great! You've been deemed good enough to become a pro hero, so you'll be enrolling into UA. " - NT

" Sorry broski, but going to school is a 'Skele-TON' of work, heheh. "

" Stop joking around... " - NT

" Whaat? Did I not your ' funny bone? ' " - Sans

" Alright actually stop now please. " - NT




" Alright good, the principal of the school seemed like you'd be a good student as I offered him for you to attend his school. " - NT

" Welp, not like I gotz anotha choice anyway mah homeslice broski. " - Sans

" Great! " - NT

" You'll be attending in 10 months so be ready. " - NT

" okey broseph. " - Sans

' dang school gonna be unradical bro, such a pain atleast dere be party i think, atleast a party. ' - Sans thought, dreading how boring school is going to be and trying to cheer himself up.

Sans was let go free and found a random alley he could just sleep in, not like he needs to go get food or water though.

[ A/N sorry for lot's of talking in this pointless conversation lol. ]

wow i did better than I thought i would on my first fan-fic :O




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