
Undercover Maid

"Can I trust you?" He asked, his breath fanning her back as he drop wet kisses up to her neck. Micah turned towards him, she could see the love and admiration for her in his eyes. She nibbled on her bottom lip in nervousness. "Can I really trust you with my darkest secret Micah?" He questioned. "Yes" ~~~ He is the infamous Italian-Mexican Mafia King of the underworld. She's a pretty Assassin and a Skilled Hacker. Xavier Costello Lucas, the Mafia King and a successful CEO of Lucas Group. He is arrogant, ruthless, cruel, heartless and to top it all, a sexy Greek God. He doesn't care about those he kills. Living two lives at a time, one in hiding and the other in public. His family is the Number one Mafia Family in Italy. The Italian-Mexican organized crime syndicate is known widely across the country but then, no one knows who the Mafia King is or what he looks like. She's Micah Davon, fierce, fearless, excitingly sexy and a straight-out badass. She joined the Mafia at the age of ten and has been trained into a skilled harker and an assassin. She is from the third most famous Mafia Family in Italy. When her underboss found out about Xavier Costello Lucas, she is sent into his house in disguise of a maid to gain his trust, get some useful informations about him then kill him afterwards. What happens when the Italian-Mexican Mafia King gets involved with the Assassin who is a threat to him and his entire Mafia Family?

DaoistO2KNWi · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Caught in the act

Micah stared at the woman not shorter than five seconds, she wore a confused expression on her face. This wasn't the person she was expecting to see.

If this lady in front of her is her boss' girlfriend then, there is a lot she needs to learn about him.

Does it mean that he has been living a lie? He has also not only been lying to all the Mafia groups across the globe but also the media?

"Are you going to usher me in or stand there and mop at me all day?" The woman spoke up.

Micah comported herself, cleared her throat and stepped away from the door to give enough room for the visitor to come in.

"Good afternoon ma'am, you are welcome" she greeted politely as a maid should. At least, she was able to learn that as part of the trainings she underwent.

Visitors must always be respected no matter who they are or what they look like.

Mateo always make them pay forceful respects to some of his friends whenever they come to their mansion, it's nothing new to her.

"Thank you dear, please get me a glass of water" the woman requested.

Micah gnashed her teeth, how can a lady like her send her? She even look older than her. Instead of saying anything, she nodded with a tight smile on her face as the woman's gaze sweep around her every action.

She hurried into the kitchen, rinsed a cup and poured in some cold water before heading back to the living room.

Micah dropped the water on the side table beside her and stood straight.

"I learnt that you are the new maid" she asked.

Micah's head snapped to her direction.

"Yes, I came in yesterday" she replied sharply while screaming mentally under the woman's scrutinizing gaze wondering why she is staring so intently at her.

"Good, I can see the confused look on your face. I should have introduced myself earlier, I am Costello's mother" The woman introduced.

Micah's hands flew to her mouth which were widened, her eyes growing wide in surprise.

She's Xavier's Mum? Then how in hell did she maintain this beautiful body and remained young? She looks very young like an adult who is still enjoying her life with marriage as the least thing on her agenda.

"I am sorry ma'am, I didn't know that you were the visitor" she apologized.

Xavier's father did a good job at hiding his wife from the world until he died.

She doesn't make appearances or get too involved in the underworld business back then which made it impossible for a lot of people to know her. She is only very popular in Mexico.

Mrs Lucas laughed seeing the shocked look on Micah's face, she isn't as bad as she thought she would be.

The young lady looks innocent to her.

"It's okay, I understand. People do mistake me for his woman most of the times, that was why I made the introduction" she laughed.

Micah nodded her head without knowing what to say.

"Yes ma'am, please what else can I offer you? I made omelette for lunch, is it okay if I serve you that?" She asked nicely.

The woman seem friendly unlike her Son whom she have met under ten hours and she is already tired of seeing him because of his rude attitudes.

"Oh, I would have loved to test your food but then, I am filled up. Maybe some other time, I will just have juice" she requested.

"Right away ma'am" Micah replied and dashed out to the kitchen once again.

She took out the apple juice, with another glass cup back to the living room before serving her.

"Thank you my dear, please sit" Mrs Lucas said and Micah sat down opposite her.

"So tell me, where are you from and what agency were you sent from?" Mrs Lucas asked.

Micah took a quick peek at her with a surprised look, she wasn't expecting her to ask her those kind of questions.

What is she here for? To know about her? She shifted a little uncomfortable in her seat trying to mask the surprise to avoid suspicion.

"I grew up in BE MY HOME orphanage home and I was sent from Bell agency" she lied smoothly. Mateo had earlier made fake files that proved she grew up in that orphanage home in case Xavier will request for her information.

"Oh, that's great. I want to trust you with my son, please take care of him" Mrs Lucas said.

It means that she believed the lie Micah had just told her. Is she that easy to be lied to or she is just pretending or letting it go?

Which ever way it is, Micah hoped that she doesn't pry any further. And if she does, she will have no choice than to get rid of her.

But why is she asking her to take care of a grown up man? And someone like Xavier?

"Yes ma'am" Micah nodded even if she is not going to do that, what is she supposed to do? How is she supposed to take care of him?

Like bathing him? Cleaning up his body? Or what? Micah smiled inwardly, if she is asked to do that, she will stick a knife deep into his neck and hear him cry painfully until he slump and die.

"I know my son is at work, I just wanted to stop by to see his new maid. He haven't had a maid that lasted a month since he moved but I hope you stay longer because I like you" Mrs Lucas said with a smile on her face.

The young lady is considered trustworthy from her observation, she doesn't seem like someone that has other objective and given that she was brought up in an orphanage home, she needs money to take care of herself.

Somehow, she look pitiful to Mrs Lucas, having lived without a parent.

Micah smiled, this time more genuinely. She is glad she was able to convince Xavier's mother into believing what she is not.

But then, why does Xavier fire his maids even before a month into their job? She became curious to find out the reason. It might be of help to her.

"Oh dear, I forgot to ask of your name" Mrs Lucas asked.

Micah looked up at her with a smile.

"Micah, I am Micah Davon"


After Xavier's Mum left, Micah finished her lunch even as it got cold. She jogged to her room, switch on her laptop and logged into her social media account with the aim of finding informations about Xavier.

She typed in his full name and different kinds of news and scandals began popping up on her screen.

Xavier is quite popular, he is the CEO of a multi billionaire company so why wouldn't he?

She started skimming through the headlines for the most interesting ones. Almost all the news about him are about his achievements and how he became a reputable chairman at a young age, it was boring her to death.

Her eyes flickered to one which finally caught her interest.


It was written in capital letters, maybe that was what drew Micah's attention to it or it might be just out of curiosity.

She opened it with the hope that it is better than the previous ones she have opened.

*Xavier Costello Lucas is the most successful business man in Italy with a total net worth of 2847 billion euro*

Micah's hand flew to her mouth, an unexpected gasp escaped her mouth. Like what?

How can one person has such a huge amount of money? The shock on her face was visible, she couldn't continue reading the article.

Micah closed her laptop and stood up, investigating the source of his wealth is part of her task too. If she finds out, Mateo will be very happy, they won't be a way they will not become the top mafia group.

Xavier's wealth shook her to the core, she knew that he is wealthy but not as much as she just saw. It is overwhelming for her.

She can't believe that he got his wealth from just being a CEO, does his underground business add to it?

The more she gather informations, the more curious Micah gets.

She is determined to find out all the secrets Xavier holds dear to. She will crawl into his life and know everything she wishes to know.

Micah stood up, she left her room. Maybe it's time for her to do a thorough searching in this mansion. There must be something that will lead to the kind of informations she wants to obtain.

For now, this is the only chance she has gotten. She won't let it slip away.

The first place she has in mind to intrude first is Xavier's room, the same room he had warned her not to enter.


Xavier entered into a half built building at the Sea side. It is a little far from the city, almost at the outskirt of Italy.

This his gang's usual hideout, not even the cops can locate this kind of place because it is far and most people will think it is just an uncompleted building.

Little did they know that there is more to it, there are about twenty five rooms in it and all of them has doors and window-like curtains.

From the outside, anyone will think that the house has no life and meaning. Xavier planned it all and this is a part of his buildings.

It is the place he keeps all the illegal things he buys, collect or kill to get. Like hard drugs. Most of the goods he has here are long containers full of hard drugs and different illegal materials.

And a few steps from the building stands his very well built tall loan shark building which almost resembled a bank. Since it wasn't what he was here for, he ignored it as he entered inside the house.

"Welcome back Don, I have been waiting for you" Noah greeted bowing slightly.

A few of his gang members were here, they greeted him.

"How's everything going here?" He asked.

"Everything is fine Don, the goods are safe" one of them replied

"We will be moving some of them out by weekend" Xavier informed going into one of the rooms which almost look like an office, his office. Noah trailed behind him until they got into the room.

Xavier sat down on the chair, he dropped his phone on the table while crossing his legs giving his full attention to Noah.

"What did you find out?" He asked anxiously.

"It might not be helpful but according to my investigation, Capone Lucas was called around nine in the evening on the 6th of June five years ago" Noah announced, he glanced down at Xavier who had no expression on his face.

Since he didn't speak up, that was a clue for him to continue.

"After he received the call, he drove off to Caribbean Hotel. I think he had a discussion with someone but I haven't gotten any information on who it might be" Noah added.

This time, he knows that Xavier might want to speak up.

"Find out who he was with at that hotel, you can ask for the surveillance cameras from five years ago, if they give you a hard time, inform me to buy the hotel" Xavier instructed.

There is nothing he can do with this information but it is at least better he was able to find something.

For the past five years, Xavier has been looking for the culprit to no avail.

"Yes Don, but there is also something surprising that I found out" Noah's voice brought Xavier out of his daze.

"Speak up Noah" he replied impatiently.

"I strongly believe that someone else killed him on his way from the hotel. More than one person was involved in his death" Noah said.

Xavier's jaw seized, he clutched the table tightly as his eyes morph into sea-like red.

He stood up without premeditation and ended up hitting his legs but it didn't hurt. He didn't feel a pain from it.

"I am leaving, keep me posted on every single detail after obtaining them" he instructed.

"Yes Don"

Xavier stepped out of the building, he entered his car and drove off. He has gotten a lot of information today and it is beginning to affect him, mentally.

Knowing that they were many people involved in his father's death made him greet his teeth in exasperation.

He needed to clear his head to be able to think straight again. He drove in a full speed, ignoring all the traffic rules.

He got to the city after an hour on a journey that takes at least five hours.

After about thirty minutes of reaching the main city, Xavier arrived at his mansion.

He entered into the living room, it was a bit dark and quiet. All that was on his mind is to take a hot shower, it will at least help him cool off.

As soon as he opened his door, he saw a female figure in his room, on his bed and going through his things.

The anger he felt earlier rose to its peak as he clench and unclench his hand.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?"