
Chapter 71

Of course, Maxi knew that greater trials awaited them beyond reaching Eth Lene Castle. She quickly cast such thoughts from her mind. It was best not to dwell on the coming war at the moment. Soon, she would be sleeping in a room furnished with a bed and a fireplace. That was the only thing she wished to think about for now.

Sejuleu finished overseeing the tent preparations just as the group was wrapping up their meal. He pulled a chair over to join them around the brazier.

"So, what do you intend to do now? The party you sent ahead gave me a brief account of your findings, and I must say, it sounds grim indeed. Do you have a plan in mind?"

Kuahel was oiling his sword a short distance away. He regarded the Livadonian commander as though he were a small insect.

"I would think the answer is obvious. Try using that head of yours for once. Do you think we would've carried out such an expedition without a plan?"
