
Under His Temptation

Ansel Balder has it all. Good looks, wealth, and position. People considered him a helpful and kind man, not knowing the scandals he kept from the world. Ansel Balder loves his own employee's wife. When Matthew Tjia offers Daphne Tjia, his daughter in exchange for paying off his debt, Ansel Balder agrees. Not to make her his wife, but to make Daphne Tjia as bait for fishing, Rachel Colleen the dark lover, to be jealous and willing to accept his proposal. Then, will Ansel Balder be caught in a trap he made himself?

ry_santi · สมัยใหม่
131 Chs

Chapter 20

The horse has not shown any signs of stopping running. Daphne Tjia kept her grip on the rope because she was too scared. The rope had even wrapped around her hand until it was scratched.

Alec had no choice but to remove the Glock 17 from his waist. With focused eyes, he surveyed his target. The choice was to save the horse or the girl. He was prepared to pull the trigger because the second option made more sense to him.


And the horse neighs loudly yet to fall to the ground with his feet covered in blood. Dust flew into the sky accompanying the thud of the horse's body that fell slamming.

Daphne Tjia couldn't get up. She could only move her hands. Very weak. Alec ran to where Daphne Tjia was lying face down. Her body was dirty and covered in wounds. Her clothes were torn at the front.