
Unbounded Ruler of Death

Kanata Nagisa along with his classmates gets summoned to strange world facing the crisis of the demon king. However unlike the others he was not needed as a main character in the main act. He gets banished, fated to die a dogs death. Facing numerous trials in this unfamiliar world he seeks to overcome them all. ======================================== Original story by: Akemi Kyoshi

Akemi_Kyoshi · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Episode(57): Sullivan's Excitement, The power of the a Knight!


Instantly, Mavis circulated her mana and guided it to her feet instead of around her body.

Although circulating mana all over the body would guarantee an equal amount of enhancement, at her skill level she knew that focusing on a few areas rather than the whole was better.

But, even if it was said this way, not everyone could do this as it required an absurd amount of control of one's body and mana.

Even geniuses might become as incompetent as idiots if they had to do this.

However, the harder it was to achieve the more powerful it was when used!

As Mavis stomped on the ground, her figure flashed out with a terrifying speed.

It was a shock, even Renji who had the boost from his holy sword wasn't this fast at all.

Sullivan grinned when he heard her words.

The corner of his lips raised slightly and he spoke coldly in an almost expectant tone.

[Is that so?]

What a joke!

In this world, what he wanted, only the demon king or the Gods could stop him from getting.

What did this human woman think she was?

The heavens will?


Just a monkey prancing around on so called 'justice'!

Even so, Sullivan had to admit that he was slightly curious about this woman.

Her presence brought him a hint of excitement for some reason.

Even with all the pressure and intimidation he poured down she was still so determined, so firm in her ways and seemed even more persistent to defeat him.

Normally when faced with an overwhelming and powerful enemy, Humans only had two reactions.

One was to run with the hope they can escape.

Two was to give into despair.

But before him, this knight stood tall, unwilling to let fear grip her heart and fall to the abyss.

It wasn't like the others that just had ulterior motives and false bravado to defeat him, the genuine need to protect shone in her eyes like a bright sun on a clear day.


Fine then!

[I'm curious in so many ways, Knight of Floren! Just how can you stop my rampage, show me!]

Finally, as if an answer to his words, Mavis arrived before Sullivan and she swung the sword without any hesitation.

It was a swift strike without a hint hesitation.

Unlike Renji who just swung his sword like a toy, technique and precision could easily be noticed with each movement Mavis made.

The sword slash tore through the air unhindered by any force as it made its way towards the target.

It was as if nothing in this world could halt its swing at all!

Grinning, Sullivan held his left palm towards the right where the sword was falling.

Before the sword could even properly make contact, A membrane of energy formed a barrier blocking the strike with a resounding clang.

The metallic clash echoed in the hall like the deafening chime of a huge bell. 

Mavis was stunned.

This guy could conjure a barrier so quickly!

He didn't even chant nor was there a sign of mana being used! There was only one explanation!

He was an expert!

But Mavis was confused.

Was he a mage?

A mage that fought at close range, did this guy have a special class or was it his trait?

She had no time to think during battle.

She wanted to quickly retreat and regroup her thoughts but how could Sullivan let her do such a thing?

When had he ever let an enemy do as they pleased before him?

Haha! What a joke!

Instantly, he brought back his left hand and clasped it tightly with his right.

In a whispering tone, he spoke so low that only Mavis could hear his words, 'Deadly Embrace'.


Terrifying surges of energy exploded from his body shaking the surrounding and in the next moment, two huge and powerful palms slapped towards Mavis clamping together.

[Knight captain!]

Maria was horrified when she saw this.

Although Mavis wasn't as strong as the heroes, she had enough potential to be comparable to most of the heroes.

She was valuable personnel that Maria really couldn't afford to lose at this moment.

In this era of war where the one with less momentum would likely have an ugly end, Manpower was everything.

Especially when the situation might develop in a stalemate and become a war of attrition.

They needed to have the strength to be able to hold on until the heroes had the qualifications to strike back.

Right now the heroes were still too weak.

Just look at what happened now?

How would they be sure whether or not this would happen in the future again?

Maria wasn't stupid enough to think that the demons would temporarily take their eyes off Floren and tackle the other nations.

No, there was a reason why Floren Empire was being eyed like a heavenly treasure that fell from the sky.

The value of the heroes far exceeded that of any other treasure in this world!

For humans, gaining a single hero would be able to make their own nation stand on summit of the entire world!

It was like gaining a universal treasure!

For demons, eradicating these heroes before they could grow up would solve them a whole deal of trouble.

So, Maria wasn't optimistic that this situation wouldn't recur in the near future.

If so they needed capable people who could safely ensure that these young heroes could mature into powerful experts fully capable of carrying out their roles.

Mavis was such a person.

And even with such a role she might very well be able to stand beside the strongest heroes in the end with her overwhelming potential.

Maria really didn't want such a overpowered character to meet a dead end here.

She reached out her hand but the mass of black energy that formed hands had long since clamped down.

A shockwave sent her and the others flying back and she could only stab the sword into the ground to stabilize herself.

Terrifying gales of wind tried to blast her away and if not for the sword stuck in the ground she really would have been sent flying.

However Maria didn't care about this.

The situation was too bad!

Of all people why Mavis!?

Her face was as pale as if the sky had collapsed.

Was it over just like that?

She couldn't accept the loss of such a talent and she grit her teeth in anger.

Mana surged through her body circulating violently through her pathways as she prepared an attack.

[Don't be reckless!]

The sage saw this and instantly realized that Maria was about to do something stupid.

But, so what? Did she care?

What a joke!

Not only was Mavis a talent with immense potential but she also had a terrifying background!

If that person found out that his daughter died while fighting for the arrogant Renji, even if he didn't cause a scene he would definitely leave the Empire.

If he left then it would be like losing a pillar of the Empire instantly crippling its battle power and enemies could easily invade and cause trouble as they pleased.

The only reason some surrounding forces had scruples when it came to invading and directly making trouble was only because Floren had such an expert that could dominate with overwhelming force!

If such an expert left, hehe-

What was the difference between this and dying?

So Maria really didn't care anymore and just intended to suicide and kill Sullivan along with herself.


The very next moment, Maria's heaving chest fell slightly and her eyes opened wide.

At the same time, she took a breath and her angry expression eased up like the calm after a storm.

Inside her body, the violently fluctuating waves of magic power also came to a calm and she lowered her sword no longer intending to attack.

'I see..'

A smile formed on her face as she muttered.

At this time, Sullivan also wore a dumbfounded expression.

The two hands clamping down from either side were being forced open.

He furrowed his brows wondering how this was even possible.

The next moment however he seemed to see a bright light flashing between the openings of the two hands and soon a sword light flashed.

Instantly, the ten fingers wrapped around each other were sliced apart and the sword light tore open the dark embrace like sharp scissors slicing through thin paper.

It didn't stop there as the sword light tore through Sullivan's barrier the next moment cutting deep into his flesh!


This, she broke through my attack?

He felt like it was impossible but wasn't reality slapping him hard enough in the face?

Was he going to even discredit his eyes?

Sullivan placed a hand over the wound and steam rose as it was healing at an incredibly fast rate.

It was estimated that he could recover in no less than two minutes if not one.

He used his other hand to form another formless barrier trying to protect himself but it was at this moment.

Vines flew out from the floor and wrapped around him immediately disrupting his focus.

Thanks to this, Sullivan's magic was interrupted and the sound of shattered glass echoed as particles of mana dispersed from his body from the failed activation of the spell.

Sullivan frowned.

He never expected someone to interfere and at such a good timing as well!

Tracing the magic back to its source, Sullivan was enraged and bellowed.


At this moment, the sage was still holding his injured body but seeing the demon that acted arrogant moments before now looking at him with such anger made him forget the pain altogether. 

He stood tall with a smug expression as if saying, if you don't like it then come slap me!

It wasn't that Sullivan didn't want to.

At this moment he really wanted to slap this old geezer's ugly mug but, in the middle of battle when did he have such leisure?

If he could, believe him he would definitely slap him into his next life!

Because of Mavis, Sullivan had completely forgotten about the rest of those spicy chickens and this caused the current situation.

Wait—Not good!

Sullivan suddenly recalled Mavis and looked over.

At the same time, a threatening amount of mana condensed on her sword to form a blinding saber light that gave off a menacing aura.

Mavis poured mana into her sword as if the amount she had already poured into the sword wasn't enough.

A cry came from the sword as if it couldn't handle the massive amount of mana and it was at that time she finally moved.

The sword drew a trajectory diagonally upward from the right.

As it slash, the sound of flesh being torn open entered the ears of everyone present as the sword tore through the vines and carved deep into Sullivan's flesh until it left his right shoulder.

Black blood splashed all over the place.

Looking at Sullivan who even the white of his bones could be seen it was clear how miserable the state he was in now.

If Mavis's sword had cut any deeper it was likely that his shoulder would have only been left barely hanging on for dear life.

But even with that, the wound was still severe.

Any normal human would definitely die if they were hit with such a devastating attack.

Even so, how could Mavis be content?

Especially when she knew that the demon had high regenerative abilities she didn't stop with a single slash.

Immediately, she shifted her posture bringing the sword to her left side.

The sword energy had been exhausted and only steam and magical residue had been left on the blade after the attack.

The hissing sound was like an exhausted motor without any fuel remaining.

However the moment she shifted her posture, her hands holding the sword trembled and another blast of terrifying sword energy exploded from the sword.

It sent waves of mana and shockwaves like the blast of a rocket before flying into outer space!

Mavis didn't even hesitate before she stomped on the ground creating a deep crack and swung the sword diagonally.

She wanted to cut the demon in half with this swing and put every ounce of power she had into this swing.

It was terrifying!

One had to know that unlike the heroes that were summoned from another world,

Mavis didn't have a cheat like [Hero's blessing] that could double EXP gain from defeating monsters.

Nor did she have the [Chosen] blessing that Renji held exclusively as the god's chosen that would directly quadruple her EXP gain.

Then, she was just a normal person.

Aside from having two unique traits she couldn't be said to have the same potential as the heroes.

Even so, what was happening now proved that even as a hero, even as the god's chosen.

Not one of them could measure up to a single strand of her hair.

She was normally so unassuming and humble that one would forget that she had climb to her position through her own hard work and efforts.

Maria and the others were shocked but then nodded.

'As expected of that man's daughter!'

Sullivan on the other hand didn't have time to admire the powerful attack.

He hurriedly lifted his hand as it was the only thing he could down in this situation.

He didn't even have the time to pour mana into his defensive skills and activate the armor on his skin.

Even with the durability of a demons body, he could only helplessly watch as his arm was cleanly severed bringing with it a splash of black blood.

Sullivan grit his teeth in indignation.

A human really forced him to such dire straits!

He stepped back with the intention of hurriedly retaliating.

He really didn't believe that after such an attack Mavis would still have the energy to continue attacking.

Based on his understanding of humans she should have long exhausted herself. Well, this should have been the case.

But who was Mavis?

Was she someone like Renji who used flashy moves that would leave her helpless on the battlefield?