
Systems Function

Philip woke up and he clutched his head " i didnt die? Is that a dream?" He asked himself rather confused" yeah it should be, there wasnt an explosion and my room is still fine". Then before he pass out he remembered a voice" i think it said God beats a System?? Why would a God beat a system though?".

Before he could organize his thoughts he heard that familiar voice again.


"I really have entered a stupid host. I am the Ultimate God Beast System not some God beating a system!!".

He was startled" huh? Why can i hear you in my head? Are you some kind of an evil spirit? Don't tell me the reason why there's no explosion earlier is not because you are some star, but an evil spirit which will try to possess the handsome me?"he ask while being Narcisstic.


*Host im no evil spirit. I am just a bright light earlier, only the chosen one could see me.i have come from a totally different and distant multiverse of a another dimension. We were created by a Supreme omnipotent God to help unfortunate ones, but sadly i encountered an error while searching for the designated host. then luckily i have transcended unfortunately I have merged with you, You look stupid i doubt that you can even unlock all my function*.

He was amazed at the start and got angry later, he said" you ugly talky system. Is it my fault you malfuntioned halfway? What created by a Supreme Omnipotent God, you are clearly a shitty system even faulty. I doubt it myself that you can make me stronger. What ultimate system? What can you even do shitty system?" He fumes.


*host, do you know a person on this planet that can make a system like me?. I am a Living A.I in a system. I have already transcended the normal standard for a system after i merged with you. anyways you are right its not your fault. I am now your system and ill make you the strongest".

Philip looked pleased he had a change in attitude then clenched his fists "you are right system. I dont know anyone who can make someone as awesome like you. but how do i open the system?"he ask expectantly.


*host just need to say " Systems Menu " and you will see the systems interface*

"Systems Menu" he spoke a bit louder, to look cooler as his mind is running wild with imaginations.

While he was still engrossed in his imaginations. A series of words appeared in front of him. "Categories: Skills, Armor,Summons, Beast Hall,lottery,Market place, Pet, locked, locked, locked, System Upgrade".

"System how do i use this? And why is there a lock section?" He ask.


*Host just need to touch or say what category you want the system to perform and you need to unlock those function for you to use them"

"Let me try" his right hand then moved upwards and touch Skills Category. It was then further subdivided to three more categories: Attack, Survivability, Movement. He then touch Attack and it show him a list of skills meant for attacking

~Iron Fist~

The arms will be coated in metal and can punch through steel

5000 Beast Coins.

~Hurricane Storm~

Every slash of the blade creates a devastating Hurricane with amazing accuracy

15,000 Beast Coins

~Continental Sweep~

A bomb like energy Capable enough to destroy all living things in a continent.

500,000 Beast Coins

~One Sword Slash~

Every slash of the sword is meant to take a life. (Do 10,000 sword slash to achieve full mastery)

100,000 Beast Coins

~Void Fist~

Every hit with a punch makes crack in the void and tear in space.

250,000 Beast Coins

~Lightning Domain~ (upgradable)

A world of thunder able to decimate any being within a certain radius

10,000 Beast Coins ~ 10,000,000 Beast Coins

He was out of breath, he almost forgot to breathe "huuuff! huuuuuuff, holy s**t!!!! holy s**t!!! This is way too awesome" he was so fuc***g excited" but system, how do i earn Beast Coins?" He ask rather calm.


" Good question host, you automatically gained Beast Coins, everytime you kill and it depends on the level and its rarity".

"I see, but System what are summons, beast hall and market place?


" You had good eyesight host. Since you are in a world of summoners, you will appear rather abnormal if you are not like one of them. In this function, you can be a summoner and obtain your very own gear".

"Beast Hall, this function allows you to be in a separate dimension and fight monsters. You also get Beast coins here, but you only get half of what you get in the real world and you wont die inside, so you can relax.

"Lastly Market Place, this is where you buy and sell items, from different owners of a system across different planes. Though, you cant use this function yet cause your level is too low, so dont mind this one until you get to a certain level".

"Thats a lot of information. Anyways, I get it now. But if everything needs a Beast Coin, can I atleast have a starter pack or something? I need have a some leverage right?.


"Sorry host i almost forgot here you go"

(Obtained newbie gift pack)

OPEN [Yes/No]


(Newbie Gift pack opened)

500,000 Beast Coins received

10x lottery ticket received

1x Legendary Summoners draw received

System storage received (upgradable)

System Map received (upgradable)

Iron sword received

Iron armor received

Ultimate body refinement (lvl. 1) received (upgradable)

Lightning domain (lvl.1) received (upgradable)

Spectral Steps (lvl.1) received (upgradable)

"System you are generous!!! What noob giftpack this is perfect" philip said wide eyed.

Lol this drain me of my energy

IIIRavenmitZIIIcreators' thoughts