
Tyrant's Mighty Tower

In Liam's life on Earth, he gave everything he had for the world's peace and ended up dying in vain, unable to save his wife from an unknown dark syndicate. A hero is somebody who is selfless and generous in spirit. But is that the life you would live again if it took everything away from you? After waking up in a strange world, Liam Kai Smith had sworn an oath to do everything for himself. [Welcome to the Tyrants' Mighty Tower!] Mighty Tower, the Tower of the Tyrants, is a tower in a place in the center of the multiverse called Nullvard where several universes and dimensions intersect. Full of deep regrets and guilt, Liam was determined to evoke his supremacy in the tower as an anti-hero. Join us and follow Liam as he utilized his top-notch detective skills to climb the Tyrants' Mighty Tower! All genres: Sci-Fi, Transmutation, Transmigration, System, Cultivation, Martial Arts, Isekai, Game-Elements, World-Building, Romance, Ruthless-MC, Clever MC, Action, Adventure, Weak-to-strong, Mystery, Kingdom-Building.

Siwoon_Han · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Nuclear Force Manifestation

Kaiser's eyes broadened.


Everything around him suddenly seemed to have been reduced to slow motion, he was in the center of time. "Y- you agreed?!" he mumbled in surprise.


His heart began pounding inside his chest like crazy, kicking at his ribcage, wanting to escape. Did he hear right? For the first time in his life, he would have a chance to touch a woman, with consent on top of that!


Colleen averted his gaze, feeling awkward as sweat began dripping down her heated face. Oh…she wanted to take back her words so badly, but she couldn't go back now that she said it, could she?


If she didn't feel responsible about dragging Kaiser along in this Player-gimmick, she wouldn't feel bad about him dying without the slightest experience with a woman. At least, she could offer him this much… This was just her consideration for her dying colleague, right? It's not wrong, is it? It's simply a farewell gift!


Colleen tried to convince herself as she bit on her nails and habitually flipped her brown hair behind her shoulder. "Uh…yeah," she mumbled. "But, just for a minute, okay? Just for a minute before we die…"


Hearing so, Kaiser's lustful gaze slowly dropped towards the woman's round breasts. Colleen was a range-type player and wasn't wearing full-body armour like him to retain her agility, and although he knew there was a layer of chainmail protecting her torso under her tight, green, hooded ranger robe, her two erected mountains were too huge for her clothes to hide.


He gulped as his hands started towards her chest. He tried hard to remain calm, but his body was doing so otherwise, acting against his will. His face twitched involuntarily as his hands neared closer and closer… It was a good thing she wasn't looking; else he might die from the nervousness alone before the Serpents could have a chance to kill him!


'Stop trembling!' he screamed inwardly to himself, hands shaking. Without even knowing, drool was trickling down the side of his open mouth as he continued to hesitate.


Not being able to stand himself much longer, he squeezed his eyes shut and forced away his fascinated daze and told himself, 'Just do it!'


Boink, boink, boink...




When he opened his eyes to take a peek, his hands were squeezing Colleen's breasts, prompting her to let out a soft moan that she attempted to suppress but failed to do so. She did her best to compose herself in front of him, but she was so sensitive that she couldn't hold it in even if she wanted to.


'She's liking it?!' Kaiser thought in surprise. 'H- Heck yeah! O- of course she's liking it! Should I kiss her? But she would kill me… F*ck it all, I'll die either way. I'll take this chance-'


As his male instincts got the best of him, Kaiser stepped forward in uncontrollable excitement, his mouth targeting Colleen's bare, vulnerable neck. His lips were on her smooth skin, and the moment her enticing scent reached his nose, he was bewitched, feeling as if he suddenly entered another world.


Her breathing hitched as he took her by surprise by his sudden advances, her cheeks flushed pink. She bit down on her lip to minimize the sound of her moans, but Kaiser could hear them as clear as crystal. "Kaiser~! W- what are you doing? You said you were just going to touch!" Nevertheless, Colleen's pretty reaction only turned Kaiser on even more.


"Does it matter now, Colleen? We're both feeling good. Let's just enjoy it," Kaiser answered. Unexpectedly, he was now taking control of the situation as if he was somehow already experienced. Maybe thinking about it all the time counted as experience, making him quite decent for a beginner to drive this scene towards his long-awaited goal.


Colleen couldn't think; she didn't know how to react, her mind a complete mess. And as Kaiser hugged her, a different kind of sword was poking her from below.


Against the Queen Swamp Serpent, they were clueless about what to do. But Axis and Sharky, two of the most experienced players in the group, were quick to map out their plan of attack.

"I'll scratch the body while you look for a way to chop the head off, got it?" Sharky instructed before he dashed forward and pounced at the Serpent's body.

"Good plan, Murkee!" Axis responded.

But before she attacks, she called, "Player!"

"What do you want?" Liam responded.

"It seems you can still fight. Take care of the remaining small snakes for-" Before she could even finish, Liam sprinted towards a horde of swamp serpents, his eyes blazing with determination like his flaming feet.

'Is that an Eternal Black Flame...? Anyway... I should start moving as well.' Axis, a petite woman with fierce determination, was confident that her axe was strong enough to take down the Queen Swamp Serpent. She turned to Sharky, an amphibian player who had the skill to keep the Queen in place, and together, they move according to their strategy.

Liam was initially wary of these newcomers. But as he saw how Axis and Sharky collaborated, he was convinced that they were up to the task. However, he couldn't shake off his worry, knowing that the Queen had godlike powers.

As they gathered around Queen Swamp Serpent, the two players' combined efforts focused on the creature. Axis hurled her axe at the monster, and Sharky caught it by the tail. She then ran towards the serpent, wielding her axe, and used her special skills to chop off its head. But, much to their shock, the Queen was still alive.


"What in the bloody hell?" Liam exclaimed.

He turned and watched as Colleen's body flushed in a rosy pink glow, causing Kaiser to pause for a second before kissing the woman deeper. Then everything went crazy. They all became entranced and lost their cool, battling as though it was just another day at the office.

"Is this normal in here?" Just watching them made Liam want to throw up. He couldn't fathom why they would do "it" during such a critical moment. Liam became extremely frustrated and felt like they were all doomed to fail.

He turned his back on them and decided to have a blind eye. Then, he saw Axis and Sharky's failed attempt to kill the Queen Swamp Serpent.

"You can go now. I'll take down the Queen alone." Liam said as he leapt in the air, kicking the Queen in its face.

Axis and Sharky knew time was running out, and they could not let Liam's proposal of a solo attack happen. Axis yelled at Liam, "Don't be an idiot. We all need to work together."

"No, I said I will do it."

Hearing his ridiculously calm but serious voice, Axis regrouped the demoralized members.

The situation was dire and danger was lurking around every corner, but Liam remained calm and collected through it all. His leadership skills were evident as he directed the group through the chaos and destruction. However, it was Sharky who came up with the plan to get them out of harm's way.

"Grab onto me," Sharky barked amidst the chaos. "We need to get out of here before the whole building collapses on us."

Everyone obeyed without hesitation, clinging to Sharky as he led them to safety. Axis, however, decided to stay behind and hold off the monsters on her own. Her fighting skills were unmatched, and she knew she could buy some time for the others to escape.

As they fled the crumbling building, Liam stayed behind, his eyes fixed on the Queen Swamp Serpent. The creature was massive, and Liam knew he had to take it down.

Ignoring the debris raining down around him, Liam focused all his energy on the serpent. His eyes turned black, and he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins.

The group made it to safety, but their relief was short-lived when they saw Liam's appearance. His body was covered in bulging veins, and his eyes had turned black and bloody red. His clothes were ripped to shreds, revealing a muscular physique that none of them had seen before.

"Guys, what's happening to Liam?" Kaiser asked, a look of concern etched on his face.

Aaron, the resident expert on all things supernatural on Earth, stepped up to explain. "This is... Nuclear Force Manifestation," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "We, humans, are capable of incredible strength, but we rarely tap into our full potential unless in great danger and extreme situations."

"And why is that?" Kaiser blurted.

"Our brains restricted our bodies to use their full capabilities in fear that we might hurt ourselves while using our full power. Most humans can only access about 5-20% of their muscular strength depending on their lifestyle while top athletes around our world can access 20-30% of their muscular strength. Liam, on the other hand, has trained himself not only to access 100% of his muscular strength at will but also to survive the backlash of using the latent pinnacle human strength. It's a rare gift, but it also comes at a cost."

While Aaron was fanboying while explaining his idol's skills and capabilities, Kaiser find Aaron creepy for knowing too much about Liam who's also a man like him.

Kaiser recoiled at the information, feeling slightly disturbed by Aaron's fanaticism towards Liam. "That's creepy, man. You know too much about Liam. He's just a guy like us."

Aaron shrugged, undeterred. "No, he's not just a guy like us. He is a hero on my planet. We are far from him! Don't ever disrespect him like that! Even here, he's still a hero. He's truly one of a kind."

Meanwhile, Liam was facing off against the Queen Swamp Serpent, his eyes fixed on the creature. He knew that he had the power to take it down, but he also knew the cost of using his full strength. It was a risk he was willing to take.

The serpent lunged at him with incredible speed, but Liam was ready. He dodged the attack and landed a powerful kick on the creature's remaining eye. The serpent recoiled in pain, but it wasn't enough to take it down yet.

Liam knew he had to push himself to the limit, using every ounce of strength he had. He felt his muscles stretching to their breaking point, but he didn't stop. He continued to pummel the serpent with all his might, until... a tail that he didn't see smacked him onto the ground.

Exhausted and covered in sweat, Liam collapsed, his breathing ragged. Axis rushed to his side, concerned for his well-being.

"Liam, are you okay?" Axis asked, a look of worry etched on her face.

Liam smiled diabolically, quickly looking back at the monster. "HAHAHAHA! That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it!!!! Entertain me, you vile creature!"