

In the hidden world of Werewolf University, Alex's scholarship opens the doors to magic, love, and self-discovery. Amid secrets whispered by a campus gossip blog, Alex battles misbeliefs while chasing the heart of Cassandra, a descendant of the Lycoan family, a generation of the first werewolves. As they uncover ancient truths and face a manipulative foe, their journey becomes a symphony of loyalty, unity, and embracing worthiness in the shadow of a moonlit destiny."

EGWUJI · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 9

Alex's POV

The night settled over the woods, casting an inky darkness that was both mysterious and alluring. The rustling leaves and distant hoots of owls created an atmosphere that was both serene and unsettling. Tonight was not just any night—it was the night of a class that would test my limits, challenge my abilities, and ultimately reveal a side of myself I had never anticipated.

The class was simple—or so I thought. Run through the woods, see who was the fastest. It was a challenge that resonated with the competitive streak within me, a challenge I was determined to win. As I stood at the starting line, surrounded by my classmates, I felt a surge of anticipation. This was my chance to prove that I could excel, that I could surpass the limitations that had once defined me.

The instructor's signal pierced the air, and I took off, my legs propelling me forward through the undergrowth. The darkness around me was a blur, the world reduced to a tunnel vision focused solely on the path ahead. My heart pounded in my chest, the exhilaration of the race pushing me to go faster, to push past my limits.

But then, as I sprinted through the woods, a sensation overtook me—intense, overwhelming. It was as if my very being was vibrating with a force I couldn't comprehend. I stumbled, my limbs trembling, and I could feel a power surging through me that was both exhilarating and terrifying.

And then, in an instant, it happened—the transformation that had always been a distant possibility, a hidden truth that I had never fully grasped. My body contorted, my bones shifting, and in the span of a heartbeat, I was no longer human. I was a werewolf.

The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced—raw power coursing through my veins, the world around me taking on new dimensions, new scents, new sounds. But as I looked down at my transformed body, my elation gave way to a chilling realization—the path I had inadvertently taken was fraught with danger.

A scream pierced the night, shattering the stillness. My ears perked up, my senses honing in on the sound. Panic surged within me as I realized the implications of what had just occurred. I had not transformed in isolation—I had transformed amidst others, and my newfound strength had consequences.

I dashed through the woods, my instincts guiding me toward the source of the scream. And then I saw it—a figure lying on the ground, unmoving, lifeless. Dread settled over me like a heavy shroud, my heart pounding as I took in the scene before me.

A sense of horror washed over me, the weight of my actions crashing down like a tidal wave. I had killed someone, unintentionally, but the outcome was undeniable. The reality of the situation was a nightmare I couldn't wake from, a disaster that had unfolded in the blink of an eye.

I fell to my knees beside the lifeless figure, a sense of helplessness overwhelming me. The woods that had once been my playground were now a haunting reminder of the darkness within me, the potential for destruction that I had never truly understood.


My surroundings spun and blurred, a disorienting sensation that left me dazed and struggling to stay upright. The last thing I remembered was the overwhelming weight of guilt and the lifeless figure before me. And now, darkness seemed to consume me once more.

When consciousness finally returned, it was gradual—like emerging from the depths of a deep sleep. My head throbbed with a dull ache, and my senses began to register unfamiliar sights and sounds. The air carried a sense of opulence, an aura of extravagance that was utterly foreign to me.

Blinking, I found myself in a lavish room, the decor rich and extravagant, a stark contrast to my own humble surroundings. Gilded furniture, ornate tapestries, and soft lighting created an ambiance that was both breathtaking and overwhelming.

As I tentatively rose to my feet, my movements sluggish, I realized that I was not in a place I recognized. My gaze fell upon the expansive windows that revealed a breathtaking view of the cityscape, confirming that I was far removed from the woods and the university.

My curiosity propelled me forward, and I began to explore the opulent building, every step taking me further into a world that felt disconnected from my own. My heart raced, uncertainty mingling with a sense of awe as I ventured deeper into the lavish halls.

And then, as I turned a corner, my eyes landed on a scene that made my heart skip a beat. A grand dining room, bathed in golden hues, revealed a figure seated at the head of a grand table—a figure that sent a shiver down my spine.

Tall and imposing, the man exuded an air of authority that was impossible to ignore. His silver hair was a striking contrast to his dark attire, and his gaze held an intensity that seemed to penetrate my very soul. There was an aura of power that surrounded him, a presence that left me feeling small in his presence.

He looked up from his meal, his gaze locking onto mine. In that moment, I felt like a mouse caught in the gaze of a predator, my vulnerability laid bare before him.

"You must be Alex," he said, his voice commanding yet tinged with an undercurrent of curiosity.

My voice was barely a whisper as I managed to respond. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, a gesture that seemed both calculated and enigmatic. "I am Mr. Lycoan. You may call me that."

The name sent a jolt of recognition through me—the Lycoan family, a name synonymous with power and influence among werewolves. This man before me was no ordinary individual; he was Cassandra's father, a man of great stature and reputation.

As he continued to regard me, his gaze unwavering, a chill ran down my spine. And then, in a voice that held a sense of both gravity and intrigue, he spoke words that left me stunned.

"I know what happened in the woods, Alex. I know that you were involved in the girl's death."

The air seemed to freeze around me, my heart pounding in my chest. How could he possibly know? Had my secret been discovered?

Seeing the shock in my eyes, Mr. Lycoan offered a small, knowing smile. "But fear not, Alex. Your secret is safe with me. I have no intention of revealing your actions."

Confusion and relief warred within me, a tangle of emotions that left me struggling to find my voice. "Why? Why would you keep this a secret?"

Mr. Lycoan's gaze held mine, his expression unreadable. "The answer to that question is one I will share with you when the time is right. For now, know that you are safe here, under my protection."


The weight of his words settled over me and couldn't shake the feeling that I had stepped into a world far more complex and dangerous than I had ever imagined. The encounter with Mr. Lycoan had opened a door to a realm of secrets and intrigue, a world where the stakes were higher than I could have anticipated. And as I looked into his eyes, I knew that the mysteries that lay ahead were only beginning to unfold.