
Two souls far from love (Chapter 1)

IM GONNA BE LATE, I screamed while run down the university halls. It was my first day at Kyoto university. One of the best universities in Japan AND IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR MY FIRST DAY.

ugh, what an impression this is going to give my teacher.

as I was running through the halls I had spotted a boy that looked my age I think he was reading a book but I had quickly forgotten about him when I had gotten to my math class.

Um sorry to interrupt but is this mister Ejiros class, I said

You must be Akira welcome you do know that you 10 minutes late, he said with a smile on his face

Sorry I replied I had missed the bus

it's ok I'm not going to be hard on you especially on your first day so there is no need to makes excuses, he responded

as I thought in my head, I really wasn't making excuses my bus had completely ignored me and kept going without stopping for me.

You can go sit next to Isabella, he said.

as I went to sit down next to Isabelle I could feel that she was gonna be bad news to me. As I was putting my things down the same boy I saw in the halls had come into the class.

hello sir you must be Aito you are very late and I have no tolerance for that now go sit next to Akira, he said to him.

I was shocked, it was like he immediately changed his response. he had been so kind and understanding towards me but towards the boy, he had been very angry and mean I wondered why?