
Two different :worlds

Elizabeth is a seventeen year old girl who has an ugly past due to family and emotional turmoil. She lost her best friend in the process and since then she has been having nightmares constantly for two years. Not until she meets Adam, an eighteen years old boy who helps her with her emotional problems where she's able to get over the death of her friend and the nightmares. But there's more to Adam. He drinks, smokes, and loves partying. He is known as the school golden boy as he is the striker and also the captain of the school football team. He isn't also a popular boy in Southwest high school. As they get close, they start to see past their big walls as they fall in love but none of them are willing to admit it since they belong to two different worlds.

DaoistpaI7jP · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

Chapter 14

Who is the girl? " Cheryl asked me before walking into my room. She plopped down on my bed before staring at me with a frown. I'm pretty confused right now.

" uhmmm " I say and raise my eyebrows at her. " who's who? " I asked her as I faced her too. She rolls her eyes

" blah blah. The girl whose gat you whipped " she mutters, her lips formed into a thin line.

" one there is no girl and two I'm not whipped " I grumble. She shifts against my sheets.

" yeah yeah keep saying it till you believe it " she says and turns her head so she can stare right into my eyes.

" I'm not hanged over any girl and stop looking at me like that " I say with a frown.

" like how " she gives me a grim look " oh you mean like this " she asks as she gives me the look again before giggling. I end up throwing a pillow over her head.

" okay fine stop its creepy. I like someone " I finally say and she smiles so wide I though her lips were going to separate from her face..

" oh my god. Oh my god.. Who is she? " she says jumping up and down while shaking the life out of me.. " oh wait what!! " she screams...

" fuck!! Why would you yell like that " I yell back at her.

" well maybe because you finally like someone.. " she says and I roll my eyes. " so have you asked her out yet? " she asks again.

" no I haven't. " I say before getting up from the bed.

" why? " she asks again

" because she kind of hates my guts " I say

" ohh and how do you know that ? " she asks me.

" she made it very clear " I say again " wait remind me why I'm telling you this now " I added and she chuckles before getting up to stand beside me.

" well because you love me and because you are just so dumb when it comes to love " she says looking at me with a smile.

" I'm older than you " I say grimly with a smirk..

" whatever big brother. She will cone around or not " she says with a grin " either ways, I love you " she says and pecks my cheeks before leaving the room. I smile at her back view before she disappears into her room. Such a dummy....



I cried out in fear and annoyance at the scene before me. Dad was on mum, beating her to a pulp. I run from the staircase as fast as my legs could take me to where dad is bent over mum as I dragged his hands from her neck.

" Stop you are going to kill her!! " I yelled at dad but he wasn't listening to me, he kept on delivering blows after blows at mum's head..

I started beating his neck, his back and pulling his cloth while screaming in tears at him " you will kill her " I yelled .

" get the fuck off me " he yelled before throwing me across the room with one push. I could hear mum's scream as I hit my back against the wall. Pain shot through my whole back as tears pricked my eyes and threatened to fall.

I could hear mum screaming in pain asking if I was okay. I stood up in pain and grabbed the first thing in sight, the white marble vase on the center table. With shaky hands, I walked closer to dad and I lifted the vase up before hitting it on dad's head with all the strength I had.

He fell down in pain and held the back of his head as he groans in pain. Not caring about my foot, I stepped on the half broken vase on the floor before kneeling down beside mum with tears in my eyes.

" are you okay? " mum yelled as she touched my face and kissed my head with shaky bloody palms.

" I'm fine... Mum " my voice shaked as I hugged mum then stared at her face. She was bleeding all over and I will never understand why she is still with dad even after all these beatings.

" get up mum.. Let's go " I cried out as I tried to lift her up but for a fifteen year old skinny teenager, it was quite the task.

" go Elizabeth " mum said as she touched my face.

" I'm not leaving without you mum " I said nodding my head..

" no leave betty. Please leave " mum said again .

" no mum... " I was interrupted by the loud jerk of my ponytail . I screamed aloud as I came face to face with a mad glare of my dad. He was holding my hair so tight I wanted to cry..

" let me go you bastard " I yelled at him but that was a mistake as he slapped me hard on my face, resulting me to land at the other side of the room due to the force. I laid there in pain, unable to get up from the ground. My head hurt from the impact.

My mum yells my name and asked me to run. She holds dad's cloth with her bloody hands and this takes his attention away from me as he resumes kicking her while she gasps for air.

" mum !! " I yelled and moved closer by crawling but she spits out blood in pain. " run! " she manages to spit out again then blood follows again.

" I can't leave you " I cry out but she smiles at me and still hold his cloth. She motions to the door asking me to run. With all the strength in me, I stand up and bolt for the door, still crying heavily. As soon as I open the door, I heat his footsteps right behind me.

I run while screaming while he runs after me, with mad furry in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. What if he killed mum already. I close my hand over my mouth and run as fast as I could run. I looked back to see him just few feet's away from me and his hands reach my shoulder to grab me..

" Noooo!!!!" I yelled out as I opened my eyes. I was panting so hard. I curve into a ball as I cry so hard again.

" honey " mum calls as she sits on my bed with urgency.. I look at her sweet soft face and pull her into a hug..

" mum.. He almost got me " I rush out and cry harder.. " he was touching me " I muttered again

" no Elizabeth I'm here he don't get you " she said and kisses my forehead again.

" he wants to take you away from me mum " I said with shaky voice as I hugged her so tight.

" I don't want to lose you " I cry into my shoulder.

" you will never lose me " she said as she rocks me tho and fro. I weep into her shoulder while she pats my hair and my back.. " it will be fine Honey . it will be fine " .....


" hey girl with the pink hoodie " Alex said as she gave me a bright smile.

" hi you too " I said and smile at her too before closing my locker. I face her and rest my back.

" you have sleep bags under your eyes... " she said and frowned.. Must she have to have a very nice pair of eyes that work extraordinarily well.

" yeah i didn't get any sleep at all last night " I said and tug at her cloth so we can leave.

" and why didn't you sleep well? " she asked me as we made our way to our first class. I shrugged at her question as we continued our walk.

" don't tell me you didn't sleep because you were thinking of the kiss with Adam " she said suddenly and I came to a halt.

" I slapped him remember? " I said with a death glare.

" but you kissed before you slapped " she said again and I frowned at her. What the actual fuck is wrong with her.

" whatever I wasn't thinking about him or anyone. I just couldn't sleep that's all " I said

" okay if you say s.. " she started to say but was stopped by the strong firm hands that held both our necks.

" hey babes " the voice said and I looked back to see a cute boy with a beanie on his head.. Cole.

" uhmm " I mutter and remove his hands from my shoulder, which he places back there with a sweet smile.

" can we help you? " Alex slurred out and I glared at her.

" no we may not help you.. We have a class " I said and pushed him off gently before grabbing Alex and walking fast. He jogs up to us again and wraps his hands around us. Alex stares at him and bats her eyelashes and God its so annoying.

" but I need your help " he says and pouts his lips.

" with what " Alex asked again and I am basically fighting the urge to punch her in the guts just above her most priced possession.

" well nothing much.. I just want to be your friend " he says and pouts again.

" we don't need more friends" I say but was cut short by Alex who also uttered nonsense

" we don't mind being your friend" she says. Oh god I face palm my head and look down. This girl is whipped.

" okay then.. Girls I will see you at lunch... Don't wanna keep you waiting so you don't get late for class " he says

" gee thanks " I said sarcastically as I made my way to class but not till after pulling Alex who still had her tongue out and did I mention that she was eyeing cole....



" hey man you have been so happy lately and going to the library more than usual.. What's the call? " I said and I sat near Shawn in homeroom.. We were all called for an important announcement so here we are.

" nothing " he said and buries his head back in the book he was reading. I shoved his hands and he looks up at me.

" Shawn what are you not telling me? " I asked him with a stern look.

" fine its a girl.. There's this girl who visits the library often.. We have talked and stuffs and I like her " he said and grinned.

" I can't even remember the last time I saw you grin like this.. You must be in love. What's her name? " I asked him with a smile.

" Betty " he stated and I smirk before hitting his shoulder playfully.

" is that why you were reading that book how to make a girl like you. Dude that's very weird... You are handsome so suck it up and tell her you like her. If she doesn't like you then she is missing out on what a wonderful guy you are " I said and grin at him

" you are right Adam. I think I will tell her " he said and smiles sheepishly.

" Good. " I said and turn to the door..

You are a fool you know. You just gave Shawn an advice but you can't seem to make use of those words..

Yes I can't because I'm a coward.

" so how is your mum? " he asked me and I frown.

" we are considering rehab.. " I said and look at him

" did she agree to it? " he asked

" no.. I haven't even brought it up yet but I will soon. " I said and force a smile.

" don't worry man. I'm here for you. How is Cheryl taking all this? " he asked .

" well she isn't doing well. Hell no one is doing well. I haven't seen her all day too and I'm fucking worried " I said

" don't worry.. I will look around for her Adam.. We will pass through this together okay? " he asked and I look at him before smiling...

" thanks man.. What would I do without you?.. " I said and I hug him quickly before getting up.

" I need to rush to the bathroom before homeroom starts .. Be back soon " I added and Shawn nods before I walk to the door and exit the class. I run in the hallways when I hear someone crying.

I move close to the figure in the hallways who is sobbing only to see red flamy hair, I recognize her immediately.. Should I just pretend I didn't see her and walk past or should I go to her. As I touch her shoulder, I know I just made a wrong choice..