
Chapter 17: Cynthia's First Gym Battle

After talking with his friends, Xander turned to the green-haired teen.

"The results of the bet are out. Please transfer over the promised amount," Xander told the teen

"You just got a strong Pokemon. Don't think this actually means that you are good enough to compete in the Conference," the trainer dissed him while transferring over the funds.

When Xander saw the funds, he nodded. "Don't worry. When we compete in 6 months, I'll show you just how powerful my team really is."

Xander was up for having another goal to hit. Cynthia was his rival, winning the Junior Conference was his first goal, and beating Dahlia who had previously won a Conference was his next goal after that. Having more than one person helping to push him forward would be perfect for getting him to the level that he wanted to be at. 

The teen scoffed before walking away, not wanting to see Xander or his Ninetales anymore. As soon as he left, Kent walked up behind the trio.

"Nice job, young man. That Ninetales of yours is special," Kent looked toward Ninetales when he saw the last part, curious about where Xander got the Pokemon. "With her strength alone, you are already able to compete as an Intermediate Trainer. Just be sure that the rest of your team are also able to keep up or you will fall short of the Conference."

"Thank you, sir. I will be sure to keep your advice," Xander agreed even though he had already planned to do so. This was the reason why he only planned to get 6 Pokemon since he wanted to give each one his full attention. 

Kent nodded before turning to Cynthia. 

"And I'm guessing that you're Cynthia, the next person I am supposed to have a match against," Kent looked toward the little girl, wondering just how strong she was since she seemed to be Xander's friend. 

"Yep. My Gabby is gonna help me this time," Cynthia was eager to send Gabby into the arena and show off just how strong she was.

"I can't wait to see how strong your Gabby is. We will start your match once they are done cleaning up the field," Kent commented while pointing toward the Houndoom melting the snow and ice on the field with its flames. 

When all the remains were melted from Ninetales moves and the field was dried, Cynthia stood where Xander had stood before while Kent and the referee were in the same positions. 

"This will be a Pokemon battle between Trainer Cynthia and Veilstone Gym Leader Kent. Since the trainer has less than 4 Gym Badges, this battle will be Cynthia's entire team against 2 Pokemon from Mr. Kent's Gym Battle team. 

The battle will be until all the Pokemon under one trainer lose consciousness. Does either trainer have any questions?" the referee turned to Cynthia to see if she had anything to ask.

"We're ready to go!" Cynthia was full of energy and ready to get her Gym Badge.

The referee turned to Kent who nodded that he was ready as well. With both of them ready, the referee raised his hand before suddenly bringing it down. 

"Let the battle... Begin!"

Cynthia and Kent threw their Pokeballs forward at the same time, sending their Pokemon several meters in front of them. 

Gabby appeared in the field looking fierce while another Tyrogue stood opposite of it. Gabby was twice the size of the Tyrogue and looked much more dangerous compared to the Fighting Type. 

"Gabby! Go full Spicy!" Cynthia commanded

'Got it. Bite them em till he surrenders!' Gabby responded before charging forward

"Tyrogue, focus on defense!" Kent tried to command his Pokemon but he realized that the difference in speed was too great

Tyrogue was caught off guard by how fast Gabby was when she appeared right in front of his face. Gabby's claws began to glow bright green before slashing the opposing Pokemon in the face with a [Dragon Claw]. Tyrogue staggered from the hit, only to be met with a [Dragon Tail] as Gabby swung her body around and hit the opposing Pokemon with a glowing green tail.

Tyrogue was sent flying and its Pokeball jumped from Kent's belt to catch it while another Pokeball fired a white beam into the arena, unleashing another Tyrogue. 

This Tyrogue looked around in confusion, not expecting to be summoned. It was caught off guard when it was hit with glowing green claws like the previous one, being knocked into the ground. Tyrogue looked up to see Gabby's glowing foot coming down at it, stomping the Pokemon on the head and creating a small dent beneath it. 

When she lifted her foot to perform the strike again, Gabby noticed that Tyrogue was already unconscious. 

'More! I want more!' Gabby complained, wanting to fight more

'What the hell are these two brats? Why did they have to go after me for their first Gym?' Kent silently questioned himself while recalling Tyrogue and sending out the injured one that Gabby had forced back into its ball. 

Tyrogue was back on the field and looked at Gabby with excitement. One thing about Tyrogue is that they knew no fear. Whenever they faced a difficult opponent, it would only make them want to fight even more. 

"Tyrogue, focus on offense!" Kent commanded even though he knew it was useless

Tyrogue nodded but before it could try to move forward, brown energy appeared in front of it and knocked it backward and unconscious. It had been hit with the same [Bulldoze] that had knocked out its partner. 

With both of Kent's Pokemon unconscious, the referee raised his hand and concluded the match. 

"Both of the Gym Leader's Pokemon are unable to battle. The winner is Cynthia and her Gabite," the referee concluded. 'So both of those kids are little monsters.'

Cynthia rushed into the arena to hug Gabby and celebrate their first victory.

"We did! One more step up the ladder!" Cynthia quoted one of Xander's various songs, feeling it was appropriate for the moment

'We need to fight someone stronger next time,' Gabby was also happy but wanted another challenge. She wasn't satisfied with simply beating weaker opponents. 
