1 unfortunate events

this story like all other reincarnated stories begins with a series of unfortunate events, unlike the actual book series or the Netflix show.

There is no smart or genius level girl that invents things all over the place, nor is there no historical bookworm that can remember things off the top of his mind, and also there is no FREAKISH baby that has the ability to bite through anything. (like come on how the heck can a little girl do that😂)

No this story is about a man that was obsessed with fantasy, and anime. unlike his fellow otakus that will stay at home and watch anime all day, he will go out and LARP.

(Live Action Role Playing)

You see this is something that can be seen as a normal thing, if you were a nerd or other type of social form that our magnificent society deems as weird and awkward.

As great as the art of Larping is not many people attend or make such activities near their hometowns. which is why Larping is usually done with a great deal of planning to make it a spectacular event.

which is where our main character comes in, due to his obsession with fantasy he was a regular attendee in these social gatherings. And he hardly misses any Larping that has to do with fantasy. even if the weather is in horrible conditions or if the location is a long way from his house.

just before an event he was driving towards the location which out of a sudden, his tire popped.


*screeching noise*

the man gets out of the car and looks at his car too see what happened.

"GOD DAMMIT!!!! All fucking day it's been like this" the man said as he leans on the car before hearing tires screeching and then a crashing noise. as he looks up startled by the commotion he sees a car flipping through the air heading towards him. while this is happening he suddenly gets a flashback of his day and how bad it started out.


*RIFFING noise"

Listen to 'Wake up by Rage against the machine'

riffing of a guitar is heard as I suddenly open my eyes in a great mood jamming out to an awesome song as soon as you wake up can brighten up anybody's mood especially when knowing what day it is.

"yeah today is going to be a great day" I said not knowing I spoke a bit too soon as I got out of the bed I began to walk towards the bathroom but unknown to me my comforter was still hanging of my legs which causes me to fumble around till I tripped and hit my head on the side of the bed frame instantly causing a huge bump to appear in my forehead.

"For Fucks sake I had to jinx myself" I said as I get back up and go to the restroom to look at the mirror. " yeah that looks like shit" I said as I stare at the huge bruise.

after I do all my business in the restroom I head towards the kitchen and look for something to eat, but as my luck so far. there is nothing literally no food only bottles of water and soda like the fridge is empty.

"ahh screw it I still have a three hour drive ahead of me I can probably stop at a gas station and get something to eat there."

or so he thought

Through out the the way he stopped at five different gas stations that sold no hot food and they ran out of gas like seriously 😑 so many unfortunate events had been going on for this guy all day.

But just as he found one last Gas station that actually had gas and food he believed that his bad luck was running out. that is to say that just a few miles away from the Larping location he finds himself looking at a car and thinking "this fucking day just wasn't right for me" .
