
Character Bio

Full Name: Hadrian Tempest Munroe

Nicknames: Weather witch, Hades, Witchie.

Ethnicity: African American

Height: 5'15

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Blue

Gender: Male

Age: 16 years old


Mother: Amara Bennett =Witch

Father: Hakeem Munroe = Shaman

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Witch

Details: Before their deaths Hadrian's mother Amara was a distant relative to the mystic falls Bennett's and a very powerful witch with the ability to manipulate and empower magic , His father Hakeem was a powerful shaman from Africa with the power to manipulate the earths leylines, upon learning she was pregnant Amara used her empowerment ability to strength Hadrian's magic and body to beyond human levels, Hakeem used his ability to create a necklace talisman of protection to absorb magical attacks and physical and mental ones but to also store magic in case of emergencies

Both unfortunately died in an car accident Hadrian was raised by a family friend




°Magic absorption

°Magic empowerment


°leylines Manipulation: Able to tap into the very essence of the world.

*Aura Manipulation

*Weather Manipulation


°Resistance to Both

*Teleportation via Lightning

*Weapons expert

*Potion Master/Enchanter


*Plant Manipulation

*Matter Manipulation

*Enhanced physiology






*Spell Negation
