
Turbulent Blitz In Another World

In the world of Blizsto, fighters develop extraordinary abilities which leads to bloody and endless conflict. Date 1747 in Blizsto, Constance Aureilus wakes up here without his memories from his old life. He learns to unlock his potential and aims to conquer the entire world.

XColdenburg · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

King Otto's Scheme

As Constance and Laurens recover, Benjamin goes out for a walk. Eventually he approaches the coast and as he descends from Limerburg's sandy staircase then he sees 2 masked men armed with with bows "OTTO" engraved on the mask. One of the men who's code name is engraved in the mask is "CSF101" says to a man who's code name is "CSF1014" "1014, you pull the hit of the chief of Limertown. While I cause chaos by setting their coastal settlements ablaze." CSF1014 would reply back "Alright good, this rubbish vassal state of our king who ain't paying they taxes will pay!" then he forms a fist. Benjamin shocked their conversation knew he has to take action. He dashed at high speeds towards 101 using a left hook to knock 101 out. "Ah shit! I wish someone like 14 or 741 would accompany me in this mission." Then 1014 would use an attack called "Multi Arrow Bombardment!" Then Benjamin would seemingly disappear then he is seen running at CSF1014 then 1014 would use an attack called "Tiger Shark Finger!" and aims it at Benjamin's lower chest pushing him back. This attack leaves Benjamin with a bleeding wound which he holds. 1014 would comment on the recent attack saying "I am a master of not only archery but a master of the Cutter Martial Arts." Benjamin would reply to 1014's comment saying "I will beat you with speed alone no fancy attacks with cool names." Then 1014 would use the attack "Barracuda Slice" where he rushes at Benjamin preparing to slash his teeth at him to resemble a sword slash which Benjamin dodges. Then he throws a couple of punches at 1014 then kicks him into the air. CSF1014 would then use the "Barracuda Slice" yet again this time landing a hit on Benjamin. After getting hit, Benjamin would dash at 1014 right throw his abdomen which sends him flying to a nearby cliff. 1014 would use use a match to light his arrows ablaze and uses the attack "Volcanic Impact!" What's bad for Benjamin is that these arrows move faster due to being ignited in flames. Benjamin attempts to dodge but was hit by 4 arrows on the left arm which leads him to burn. 1014 would stare at him and a deliver a menacing laugh saying "My my- what happened to the brave warrior which left hooked my mate?" Then Benjamin surprisingly appears beside him and pull out the arrows embedded in his flesh then and shoves it straight into 1014's chest leading him to bleed and cough out blood. He would say to Benjamin "You piece of shit! How messed up a man could be to enter someone else's home and burn it!" Benjamin would reply "Didn't your mate talk about burning innocent civilian's houses?" Then 1014 would use a smoke bomb on Benjamin escaping to his boat.

Benjamin would then start coughing out blood. He says to himself "Ah- I must return to Mira now." After a while he enters Mira's home and Mira is shocked to see Benjamin covered in blood followed a flinch. Then Mira would tell Benjamin "You shouldn't really be involved in these street fights you know." Benjamin would reply "Street fights? Nah some guys at the beach with a mask with the text "OTTO" and some weird codenames were talking about committing arson and killing the Chief of this place." Mira would scream followed by some statements "What?! Some masked men planning to pillage? You must be insane." Benjamin would say "Nuh uh-" then Mira would follow with "Hmm.. wait, a mask with the text- OTTO?!" then she proceeds to stare at the wall shedding a few tears. Benjamin would respond with "What's the big deal with some stupid mask text?" Mira would reply "Uhh- something personal. You don't care about a random person in the story- storages in one of the largest islands in this ocean!" Benjamin would leave a final reply saying "Okay, I am going to take some rest 1st."

In a palace in the "Kingdom of Crimsonistan" a soldier would walk over the king's thrown saying "Your highness, King Otto!" then King Otto would over him with a menacing stare saying "What is it soldier, C7IF12?" The soldier would say "I've received word from Camp BowWow that special forces members have already infiltrated the-" Then the doors would get open by none other than Clark after beating up a rookie. The king would exclaim to his guards "Get that man!" His guards at 1st refused as they are shaking in fear but King Otto berated them saying "Are you boys real men? Serve your King and just kick his ass!" Then the guards would over to Clark but were neutralized when Clark creates rock arms to grab them. Then Clark would tell King Otto "I'm not here to kill you your highness. All I want is the ancient map to Springo Island as I want to use the ancient "Crack Blitz" along with my rock." King Otto would say "You, one of the most feared Blitz users? are believing in some stupid legend!" Clark would reply "Just give me it. You know I have the ability to destroy entire islands at full power?" Then King Otto would reluctantly say "Fine.." then he tells a servant "Go to the royal storage to fetch the "Springo Island map." now!" the servant fetches the map and gives it to Clark. Satisfied, Clark walks away leaving King Otto's Palace.

A few hours later Clark sails away from Crimsonistan to the island of "Kurtzip" encountering a tall cloaked man named Augustus who then tells Clark "You came to my island?! If that one threat isn't enough byaah!-" the Augustus creates a trident made of lightning then uses the attack "Sky Hack!" gathering clouds and a ball of thunder at the tip then Clark creates a rock arm then he makes it sporadically spin and uses the attack "Rock Hard And Rifled" Then attacks would clash creating shockwaves ultimately leading to Augustus destroying the hand but then Clark would create an arm which would grab Augustus's leg and spin him in the air. But then Augustus destroys it by turning his leg into lightning then shooting it at the Rock arm destroying it. Then Clark would create a gigantic mech made of rock saying "Mountain Golem" which he sits on and controls. In response Augustus creates a gigantic avatar made of thunder. These transformations dwarf the island of Kurtzip both of them touching the sea floor and can be seen miles away. Both of them deliver punches in the face which lead's to half of Clark's golem's head being turned to the debris by Augustus' lightning. In turn August's avatar head was also cut in half. Then the fighting raged on for a day which leads to many brawling

Ultimately, by the next day both sides have been fatigued then Clark delivers his most powerful attack "Titanic Meteor's Ablaze" which could be seen hundreds of miles away. This attack can destroy a chunk of the planet while Augustus has gathered every cloud in the region for an attack called "Lightning Siege" then both of these attacks clashed together. Which Augustus's Meteor's had won and has hit Augustus' lighting avatar destroying it and leaving Augustus lying on the debris of Kurtzip heavily wounded. But Clark's attack has drained a lot of his energy which leads to his golem turning into rubble and him drowning in the ocean.

Message from XColdenburg the author:

Yo lads, thanks for the spike in viewers but don't congratulate me congratulate TBAW. No pressure but leave a comment or review if you've come this far through the story. I will also dedicated a part of each chapter to answer questions in comments. Ya silly lil lads go on with the rest with your left till' TBAW releases a new chapter which I try to do daily ahahahahhahahaha >;D .

Ask me anything lol:..

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