2 Characters

Name:Joshua Rose

Age: 37 years old

Status: Married to Sandra Millen

How many kids: 2

About: Has angry issues, his family means a lot to him, he loves his wife dearly but then pushes her away... He is the CEO of his bank company, he is a football star and a model.

Name: Sandra Bailey Rose

Age: 36 years old

Status: Married to Joshua Rose

How many kids: 2

About: Generous, kind young lady, easy to talk to about anything, humble, smart, family means a lot to her, the little things matter, she owns two businesses: one as a clothes designer and the other as a make up artist.

Names: Ashley and Michael

Age: 6 years old

Status: Both single

About: Identical twins, they always have each other back, they can mind link each other, they both love soccer but Ashley is better than Michael..... Michael is jealous but then members that everything happens for a reason, they love their parents, most popular kids at their pewinhares secret with each other, Michael and Ashley are so close they pop together.....

Name: Alex/the bully

Age: 6

Status: Single

About: He likes Ashley but he doesn't know how to tell her so he billy's her instead, easily gets distracted, he doesn't have any friends (but all of that will change soon). The reason he is so mean is because his father treats his mother badly so he adapts his father behaviour.

Name: Catherine Hall

Age: 38

Status: Single

How many kids: 1

About: She moves a lot, she is a nice young woman, she doesn't believes in marriage, she likes dating married men and her neighbour Joshua seemed perfect for her so she did what she did best, she isn't so fund of people, she only cares about her child and herself, she likes competing with people.

Name: Jermaine Rowe

Age: 19

Status: Single

How many kids:0

About: He is a player, he only has one night stands, he is studying to become a lawyer, he's smart, he is kind only when he chooses to be, he doesn't trust people easily and he is Catherine's son.

Name:Jordon Rowe

Age: 40

Status: Divorced

How many kids:1

About: Jermaine's father, simple, cool guy to reason with, he is soft but has quite a temper but he can control his anger, he is heart broken from Catherine cheated on him with his best friend Kyle, he has a devastating past.

Name: Lucky


Status: wild

About:Ashley's and Michael's dog, he's very active,he loves attention,he's a player.

(I don't know if that's a thing in reality but it sure is in this book lol), he loves burgers and pizza and hates bones, lucky is not an ordinary dog, understands human, love playing video games and never loses one before..... Interesting dog ain't he?????

Name: Milton Bailey



About: Husband of Sharlene Louis Bailey, grumpy old man, he had three kids but two died leaving only Sandra, he isn't very fund of his grand children, he's a smart man but he has his bad ways, loves his wife dearly, he loves sports and enjoys going out to enjoy himself..... Etc....

Name:Sharlene Louis Bailey



About: Wife of Milton Bailey, she's a easy person to trust, she loves children dearly, she has a willing heart, she's a kind and generous woman that loves her family endlessly, loves other peoples children as she loves her very own, she's a Christian and she loves spending time with the people she loves, the mother of Sandra Millen.. Etc....

There's a picture of Sharlene below

Name: Gabriella Grant


Status: Single

How many kids:None

About: She's a lawyer in the court of law, she doesn't have a family because they all past away, she doesn't believe in love, she's one of the best lawyer when it comes to family issues, she's a nice young woman she just needs to open up to people more, she's rich but not happy, she lives in a big mansion by herself, owns a few company's as well, she doesn't have much friend because people hate her for what she has..... Etc...

That's all the characters that's gonna be in this book, I think 12 characters is good enough.... I get majority of my pictures at shuttershock, alamy, pinterest, simple delicious food, istock on Google .... They all have amazing pictures so be sure to look for your pictures on these sites.
