
True Love Exist

Sally is a very smart, kind, holy and loving person who always saw herself not to be ready to fall in love but a boy name Chris changed that

Salvation_Gloria · วัยรุ่น
47 Chs

Chapter 8

"Good morning Liam" Sally said stretching.

"hahahaha Good morning. Are you still feeling sleepy?" Liam asked laughing

" Nope " Sally replied going to the wash room

In no time she came out but Liam had already gone out. She put on her uniform and went downstairs.

"Good morning" Sally greeted

"Good morning Princess how are you" Mr James asked

"Pretty good. How are you too Dad? "Sally said sitting beside Ben

" Hmm am just shocked "Mr. James said

" About what Dad? "Sally asked

" About your brother already in his uniform "Mr James replied and they all started laughing

" Dad seriously " Ben said laughing

" Princess let me take you to school today "Mr James said smiling

" Uhm no Dad I will go with Ronald " Sally said

" Awesome "Ben said but he knew Sally was only hiding her true identity that's why she never wanted their Dad to take her to school.

In no time they were done with breakfast. Ben opened the car for his sister to get in when he was also in and was about to go he saw Liam raising her hand for them to stop.

"Hey are you sure you want to go to school after what happened yesterday?" Liam asked Sally looking sad

"Well I don't want Dad to suspect anything and after all am okay" Sally replied and Liam nodded

"Ronald take good care of her please" Liam said to Ben

"You got it. I promise that Harper is not getting close to her again" Ben said and winked

"Okay bye love you guys" Liam said and kissed Sally on her cheek

"Bye" Sally replied and they zoomed off

In no time they got to school. Sally came out of the car she saw some of the girls giving her death glares, she even saw that most of them were in Ben's class but she just ignored them and started walking to class. When she got to the hall way she felt someone's hand on her shoulder so turn and then saw Jason looking at her with a sad face.

"Hey how are you feeling" Jason asked

"am okay and stop looking at me like that" Sally said laughing

"So did you tell your parents about what Harper did?. Hmm let me guess your Mom is coming here right?. Mothers don't really joke with their kids especially when they are so cute like you. What does your Mom look like? she probably looks like you right? Your Mom is probably... "Jason said but couldn't finish

" Please stop nobody is coming and MY MOM IS DEAD OKAY!!!! "Sally said shouting with tears in her eyes. All of the students around them turn to them and some of them felt sad when they heard Sally saying that her Mother was dead.

Jason just stood there not moving or even blinking he was just shocked as everyone there.

When Sally felt the students looking at her she run to the wash room crying.

"Come on Sally get yourself together. You are a strong girl like Liam. Oh no what have I done? why did I shout at Jason? I have to apologize to him right now. "Sally whipped the tears in her eyes and walked straight to her class.