


/"Daddy!/" Nicole squealed. /"Where are we going to go on another horse ride?/"

/"Soon pumpkin, soon./" He smiled at his little girl.

/"I miss Mocha, I haven't been riding in such a long time./" The ten year old girl frowned.

/"Okay pumpkin, how about we go tomorrow after school? I'll pick you up and we'll go. Sound good?/"

Nicole squealed as she jumped up and down and hugged her fathers legs. /"Thank you daddy! I love you!/"

/"I love you too, pumpkin./" He mumbled, smiling as he kissed her forehead.

/"Nicole! Jason's here!/" Drew called her down. Nicole sat up in her recliner and rubbed her eyes. She yawned as she closed the book that was in her lap and made her way downstairs.

/"Hey,/" he grinned.

/"Hey./" Nicole smiled back.

/"Don't have sex please../" Drew groaned before he grabbed his coat and left the house.

Nicole's cheeks tinged pink.