
Trials of Daybreak and Nightfall [Dropped]

Read as Topia travels around the world in order to be a god.

Spaghuddi · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Travel Store

After calming down Topia walked back to the inn. With a solemn glance at the room her dad was in, she walked by and entered her own room.

Topia changed into plain everyday clothes, and packed her armour into her sack. With sack in hand she left her room and knocked on her dad's door.

"Who is it?" Her dad said from the other side.

"It's me, Topia. Can you let me in? I want to talk." She said with hints of hesitation in her voice. Nonetheless the door opened to reveal her dad who had dark bags under his eyes.

"Alright what is it you wanted to talk about? I see that you are ready to leave, is that what this is about? He asked while looking her in the eyes, but as she spoke she failed to maintain eye contact.

"Yes. But also no." She took a pause to take a deep breath. "I am sorry for not listening to you. While this could have led to me becoming a god faster, I didn't think about the dangers and how it worried you. I was acting off of emotions, and forgot to think my actions through." She spoke with vigor but once she finished speaking she felt lost and embarrassed, and could only find comfort in sticking her head down and closing her eyes. That was the case until she felt the warm embrace from her dad, in which her eyes opened and all discomfort was gone, except for from how hard he was squeezing her.

"You're gonna squish me to death!"' She said while pushing him away. He immediately stopped, and looked at her closely.

"My little girl has finally begun to grow up. This is the happiest day of my life besides when this little angel was born." He teased her, but it lost effect when he burst into laughter moments after saying it.

"Ha. Ha. You're nev..." Before he could finish mocking his daughter something knocked the breath out of him. With her fist still in the same position from when it slammed into his stomach. She stood there and looked at him with a look of deep thought.

"Since that is what you think, then instead of going directly to the city with the 2nd trial we will instead go do the 5th and 3rd trials on the way." She said while litterally looking down on her dad who is collapsed on the floor with his hands wrapped around his stomach.

"Don't they both seem like you're rushing to complete the trials?" He muttered from the ground.

"While I do apologize for not thinking ahead I will not apologize for working hard to make my dream come true faster than I would otherwise." She said while helping'her dad off the floor. "On that note we will be leaving now!" She said as she began pulling him towards the door.

"What about my bag?" He asked as he tried to resist beging pulled.

"What need does one have for things like clothes?" She asked while attempting and failing at making a cool voice.

"Clothes are not the only thing in my bag, I also have money which I am prettt sure you are lacking." He said while sneaking a glance at her bag hidden behind her that litterally only had clothes in it because she still kept her sword on her even with her casual wear.

"Fine, you have a minute." She said as she let him go loose." With her first two trials having built up excitement in her, she was hesitent to wait a minute longer. However she thought about it, and having money will save much more time than a minute.

"Times up." she said as she began leaving her dad who was just barely finished checking to make sure he had everything.

"Are you in a bad mood or something." He asked as soon as he caught up with her.

"Bad mood? Actually I think it is the oposite. After that apology I feel like I am lacking any negative emotions. Right now I feel super energized and motivated, and I really want to do a trial!" She finished speaking right when they reached a store on the bottom of one of the large stone buildings that seemed to be a store selling opportunities and items for travelling. With Topia having a confused look on her face, her dad went ahead to enter the store.

"Does this have one of the rumored teleportation divine art users inside?" She whispered to her father as they entered the store.

"You think I know?" He whispered back. Topia looked around at many weird things that she hadn't seen before, and realized that these were divine artifacts. They could be found in trials or crafted by demi-gods who put a part of their soul into their creation. The divine artifact would always have magical effects such as fireballs or maybe even flight. Some were more powerful but one time use, while others had unlimited uses.

"In what way are divine artifacts different from divine arts?" Topia whispered to her dad.

"While most of the abilities will be of similar kinds, divine arts have far more potential since they can grow stronger from the demi-god using it, or completing trials. The only divine artifacts that can completely surpass the potential of divine arts are the 3 divine relics that were crafted, and infused with the entire souls of 3 brothers who had completed 999 trials. What comes with the souls is the divinity from the completed trials, so weilding one of those relics will give you power comparable to someone who has beaten 999 trials." He replied.

"Great answer. Just for that I will give you three a free service of any kind." A lady in a uniform aproached Topia and her dad.

"Three?" Topia asked.

"Is that young man there, standing behind you not apart of your group?" She asked as Topia looked behind her. Maxwell stood behind the father and daughter pair with a professional face that was completely different from the one shown when they last saw eachother.

"We want your teleportation divine art to send us to the town of Ghuld." Maxwell said with a professional smile.

"Very well then, I will send you off right away." The lady responded. The ground beneath them now shined with a bright and blinding light that quickly spread around the three. Topia looked at the lady who was causing this, and saw her eyes flash from a sapphire color to a golden color. Less than a second later the three found themselves right outside a creepy looking town that had no light inside it despite being fairly early in the morning still.

"Why are we here?" Topia pointed at the town with a frown. "This place wasn't in my travel plans at all. What need is there to come to this town at all?" Topia looked at Maxwell with disatisfaction.

Was busy yesterday, I will make two chapters tomorrow that are extra long.

Spaghuddicreators' thoughts