
New Start

[Ding!! Congratulation! You have been Sponsored by BlackHeart to be Transmigrated to another world!]

Ain was dumbfounded when he saw a virtual message appear suddenly in front of him.

"What's this?"

Just a moment ago, he was still at his house, looking through his phone to find something new on Reddit, but the next moment, he had a terrible headache. Then, he lost consciousness.

After how long he had fallen unconscious... he woke up in this unfamiliar place.

He looked around and realized that he was in an unfamiliar room. the room is very dark, not far from it, there is a window but ...

Looking up at the sky, the weather was gloomy and dark clouds were looming above. The whole world looked like an ink painting that had been stained with gray dye.


"Can I Skip?"

Ain muttered. As an online novelist and a Reddit fan, he was very familiar with such scenes.

Now not only he wasn't afraid, he just sighed in annoyance. but still, he didn't complain.

"Hmm... so figuratively speaking, as a transmigrator, I suppose to receive a syste-..."


"Heh...knew it" Ains said with satisfaction

[Installing Sign-in System...]




[Installation has been completed]

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for activating the Sign-in system. Hosts able Sign-in every day! There is a chance for the host to get abilities, Constructions, Summoned Creatures, Items or basically anything from the Sign-in rewards!]

Ains was surprised. As expected, the transmigration was accompanied by System.

He had read thousands of novels Online in the 21st century, he knew what this system was. With the system, He doesn't have to worry about his life nor does he worry about being bored in this world

"What are the system rules for Sign-in?" Ain immediately asked in his heart.

[Every day, the host can Sign-in and have the opportunity to receive rewards. to Sign-in, you can command the system to Sign-in.]

"I see...well system, were you able to restore the previous body's memory?"


"then do it"

immediately, as Ains said that, memories started flooding Ain's mind.

The world he was in was called Blue Star.

This world is different from Earth, in this world many creatures are rampant and many races dominate a continent

The Blue Star is much larger than Earth because the Blue Star is the same size as Jupiter, you can imagine how big the world is.

If you want a comparison then you could fit 1,300 Earths inside a blue star.

Furthermore, Blue Star has many continents. However, Humanity is only able to explore 8 continents, Humanity occupies 1 continent with several islands around it, but don't get it wrong because just one continent is larger than the Earth's landmass combined, The Human continent is called the Human Federation, the Human Federation is then divided into 4 regions. spring, summer, fall, and winter. The reason why the region is called such is because of its geographical location. For example, Summer Region is near the coast and islands whereas Winter Region has many snowy mountains and frozen grounds surrounding this region

Another continent is occupied by other races, one continent is occupied by the Elf Federation, one continent is occupied by the Beastman Federation, two continents are occupied by the Underworld, People from the underworld are basically demon-like beings. And the remaining 2 continents are occupied by Monsters.

Speaking of races, each race has its own superiority. Elf with their Magic, Beastman with their Physical power, and Underworld with their overall strength or you can say they are the jack of all trades with only a few disadvantages.

Then what about Humanity? Humanity's Excellence in their thinking and Potential, the reason humanity remains standing firm is because Humanity develops its technology and science. so even though they are weak in terms of personal strength, their technology is cheating. Even so, Humanity is also unable to use its technology at will due to limited resources, so in the end, humanity still needs to develop its own power.

How did they develop their own power? This world is unique because every human being, when they reach the age of 18 will awaken their Attribute Talent, by cultivating their Talent they will be able to develop their strength and break through the limits of their body. Developing talent is also not difficult, you can do it by meditating using techniques or simply by killing monsters and absorbing their essence.

Now back to Ain,

Ain's current body is called Ain Richter, he lives in a small-size city called Helical within the spring region, the predecessor of this body...passed away because he had been poisoned, the reason why he had been poisoned because of jealousy!

Ain was known to be so handsome and charming that he could steal other people's wives or girlfriends with one glance, and because of this many men developed hatred and jealousy towards him, this was also one of the reasons why his predecessor was introverted and except school, Ain would not leave his house because of he afraid of being hacked by someone out of jealousy, not to mention Ain was an Orphan and without backers, he believed people actually dared to do so. And who knew that today he was actually poisoned by eating the delivery food he ordered.

After sorting through his memories, the new or current Ain couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"F, this guy really unlucky, tomorrow is the awakening ceremony in his school but now... *sigh* "

After saying that Ain could only shake his head, but then again, he couldn't help but write this because...like hell he want to be poisoned for the second time!

"Okay, my first goal in this world is to find a way, to cover up my charm, since I'm still weak right now, I need to pay attention to my safety" Ain said narcissistically

After thinking about his first goal, Ain then looked back at the system again

With this system, he could get rid of the powerless state, because from what he knew, the Sign-in system could also be called a bug-level system.

However, he was still not familiar with using this system, so he decided to test it out first.

Since the system said that he could Sign-in anytime and anywhere, then he would give it a try

"System, do Sign-in for today"

[Ding! Congratulations to the hosts for successfully signing in!. You have received Extreme Computing Power: Lösen Algorithm]

"eh what is this?" Ain said confusedly, he had never heard of anything like this before "System, show my status"

[Name: Ain Richter

Awakened Attribute: Not yet awakened

skills: [Extreme Computing Power: Lösen Algorithm]

Companion Beasts:-

Combat Strength: Mortal]

A simple status appeared in front of him, looking at his status, Ain simply just nodded since except for the skill part, there is nothing on it.

Ain then click his newly gotten skill to see the description of the skill

[Extreme Computing Power: Lösen Algorithm

Description: The main skill of Ex-Machina Races, That capable of analyzing and recreating all attacks if they are attacked by them, Using the Lösen algorithm, they are able to emulate the attack, or create new techniques and use them on a target they wish. due to their incredible ability to learn and adapt. No tactics or weapons will work on them twice, and everything used against them will be added to their ever-expanding arsenal (Note: the attack that is re-created will be in form of tech)]

Reading the description of the skill, Ain can't help but be dumbfounded, because he remembers now, Ex-Machina is the 10th race of exceeds from no game no life. But what puzzled him is that Ex-Machina is a Cybernetic lifeform, different from him, a complete normal Human...

"Hold on...Hey system, is that mean I can get skills even though they're not compatible with me?"

[ Answer, Host doesn't need to worry. The reward from the system doesn't have restrictions or limitations, so even if host gains a unique ability from different races, host is still able to use the ability without restriction and the ability still works like how the ability suppose to work.]

Hearing the answer, Ain Without any hesitation tried his new gainly power by stabbing his thumb with a fork near him.

The reason why Ain did this is because of the limitation of the Losen Algorithm, Ain is only able to analyze and recreate an attack if he is hit by it, in other words...self-harm, for now.


As he stabbed his thumb, blood spilled from the aftermath, but Ain didn't care, he wait for his power to do his job, however...

After waiting for 5 minutes, nothing happened, his thumb still bleeding, there is no change, he didn't feel anything...

Ain then thought to himself "did I got scammed?"

seeing this, the corner of Ain's mouth twitched

Looking at his thumb, Ain felt nothing, the skill didn't work at all.

One must know that to make Losen's Algorithm work, Ain needs to be attacked or harmed in any way. in the novel, when Ex-Machina was attacked, at that time it only took them less than 1 second to analyze and figure out how the attack worked and how to counter the attack.

But what about the current Ain? when he poked and hurt his thumb with a fork, at that moment the Losen Algorithm should work, however...nothing happened.

Even in the Novel, Ex-Machina could deduce and analyze a disaster class attack within 0.0071 seconds. but now? it can't even analyze the attack of a freaking fork! how unreasonable that is!

"Why doesn't it work? Did I just get a fake skill?"

"No...there's no way it's a fake skill...then there's only one explanation!"

"The Fork I used to poke my thumb with is an Almighty fork from the legends! that's why it can't be analyzed with my skill!..."




"Nah....impossible" Ain shook his head, there is no way right? it was just a random fork he got from the food he ordered,

'Hm? can I just ask the system'

"System, why I can't use my skill?"

[Answer, Host is currently in an unawakened state, the current flow of energy from the host's body is blocked, in order to active Losen Algorithm, the Host's energy flow needs to be unblocked by going through the awakening process and then trigger the skill so it can be active like a switch on/off]

"....." Ain couldn't help but felt speechless because it was so obvious and why he couldn't think about it!

if he makes a comparison, it's like you want to surf the internet but you don't have a connection to the internet, obviously, it won't work.

"So I can only test the skill from my system tomorrow then? well fair enough, at least I can try to learn about this world first"

after saying that, Ain then went to get his laptop in his bedroom

The humanity of this world had reached and surpassed the technology of the earth, and Ain was happy about that, it made it easier for him to adapt to this world. After all, almost everything in this world is the same as earth, so Ain has no problem.

(time skip - 2 hours)

After surfing the internet for more than 2 hours, Ain found that on the internet, most of the discussions were about technology and creatures in the human federation, although it helped him a lot to study, Ain still felt sad that the entertainment in this world was almost non-existent, the number of games and novels are so pitiful in this world!

although the good part is, there are websites like youtube and twitch, however, most of the content are people talking about their achievements or people boosting about their so-called "noble" family to gain popularity.

on the internet, Ain also found out that the reason why the past Ain can afford a comfortable house with a big garden even though he was an orphan without anyone helping him.

The reason is that in the past Ain was active on a website similar to youtube in this world, the contents of his channel were about him, singing. even though it's only his singing voice, Ain has reached the top 10 of the most popular content creators on that website, Ain's voice when he sings is stunning, no one dares to find fault because it's a fact recognized by people, and if Ain shows his true face while singing instead of just a background picture, he believed that Ain would rise to the top 3.

Looking at his current balance account, Ain cannot help but feel speechless, because the amount of money he received from his content is so big.

"Well at least I don't need to have headache earning money in this world"

After he learned the basic information he needed to know about this world, he decided to go to sleep, he didn't understand why but for some reason Ain felt very tired and sleepy even though it was only 6 pm.

"Is it because it took a lot of toll on me when I transmigrated to this world? well whatever....*Yawn* Imma go sleep"




(Next morning)

Waking up from his sleep, Ain went to the shower and then prepare breakfast for him

While he making breakfast, Ain didn't forget to sign-in

"System, Sign-in for today"

[Ding! Congratulations to the hosts for successfully signing in! You have received Skill: Construct Arsenal]

"Hm? that's new?" feeling curious, Ain tap the skill to check the description of the skill

[Skill: Construct Arsenal

Description: Ability to reconstruct anything that has been thoroughly understood. Anything that had been constructed with this ability can be put into a separate dimension called Arsenal]


"F, isn't this similar to the ability of Herrscher of Reason? Wait, no...mine didn't restrict by "manmade" so I can literally construct anything"

Receiving this ability, Ain cannot help but smile widely.

with Losen Algorithm and Skill: Construct Arsenal, the combination is absolutely stunning

Imagine when both skills are activated, when Ain is attacked, the Losen Algorithm will analyze the attack to find out how to counter the attack plus it will also analyze the attack structure so that it can be recreated, and All this analysis only takes a second, when the Analysis is complete, Ain will instantly learn how to defend and recreate the attack in detail. after he learned the countermeasures and how to recreate the attacks, he then use the Constructs Arsenal skills, he would recreate attacks and send them back to the enemy, so they can eat their own shts. kewl right.

feeling happy, Ain then gets dressed to go to school. Putting on his dark blue shirt and White school blazer, Ain then looked in the mirror.

"...Yep this guy is stupidly handsome" Seeing his reflection in the mirror, Ain could only sigh in defeat and prepare himself to face trouble, with his face, Ain is not surprised when he found out that, the past Ain keep aggroing jealousy of boys in the school


"Meh, Imma off to school" having said that, Ain then left his house and went to the school

(End Chapter)
