
Awakening Ceremony

In the Auditorium of Windscepe High School, Third Year students are sitting in their seats while waiting for the awakening ceremony to begin, they have expressions of nervousness and anticipation, as well as excitement, filled their young faces of the 18-year-olds.

it didn't take long for them to wait as an old man with white hair stood in front of them on the podium. He was the principal of Windscepe high school. Behind him stood a group of teachers, who looked at these 18-year-old students with expectant eyes

"Students, today is the day of your awakening. I hope that after today, all of you will be able to enter the Awakened Beings University, become strong, and contribute to the country."

The principal said in a loud and clear voice, "Now, you will be arranged according to the results of your written exams and be awakened on the Awakening Platform in that order. First up is Andreas Virla from the third-year class A."

"Yes!" as soon as the principal finished, a student walk up to the podium to start his awakening ceremony.

Everyone has their eyes on him since he's the first person who comes up.

He walked to the center of the Awakening Platform. on the platform there is a round crystal placed and under the crystal, there are wires that connect the crystal to the screen on top of the platform, he then placed his hand on the Awakening crystal.

He closed his eyes as if trying to probe something.

The originally colorless crystal suddenly emitted light. after 5 seconds, the light slowly faded away, however, there is a Wind Stigma on the crystal and 2 dots of lights under the pattern. this is indicating he had successfully Awakened and he has awakened Wind's talent.

The screen on top of the platform shows the information of Andreas

[Name: Andreas Virla

Awakened Attribute: Wind

Potential: ⭐⭐]

seeing this, Andreas let out a sigh of relief since the result of his awakening is not bad

in this world, awakened attributes are divided into three categories.

the first category usually be called common awakener, is nature attribute awakener, those awakeners usually awakened the most common elemental power such as wind, fire, water and etc.

the second category usually be called a rare awakener, is an awakener who awakened mixed attributes of natural elements such as Ice Elemental from mixed water and wind or Mud elemental from mixed water and earth

The last category is called unique awakener, those who awakened in this category usually do not awaken any elemental attributes, moreover, the reason it is called "Unique" is that the existence of this attribute can only be held by 1 person which means, no other awakener can awaken this attribute unless the current holder of this attribute died.

Whatsmore awakening this attribute is like a death sentence because there is a 90% chance of people awakening this attribute, receiving a useless attribute.

However, the person who awakens this attribute receives 1 privilege. For common and rare awakeners, they can only learn the appropriate elemental techniques they awaken. BUT! for unique awakeners, they could learn any elemental technique. although the effect and the power are nerfed to some extent. For example, a fire awakener who uses the fireball technique is able to condense fireballs the size of a basketball, whereas a unique awakener who has learned fireball techniques is only able to condense fireballs the size of a tennis ball.

People might think this isn't a problem...well, not until they found out about the growth rate and learning rate of unique awakener are extremely slow, their growth rate 10 times slower than Common and Rare awakener.

That is why, people who awaken unique attributes, mostly give up on pursuing their dream to become awakener and choose to become scientists or engineers in hopes of helping to improve science and technology in the human federation.

back to the story

Seeing this, the principal just nodded and made a gesture to Andreas to come down from the stage so the ceremony can be continued.

After seeing Andreas leave the platform, the principal then continues to call the next student to awaken her/his talent.

most of the students pay attention to the platform with a look of excitement but...

why "most"? not all?

It's because there are a lot of students or to be exact female students stealing a glance at a person who sits at the back.

They can't help it! because there is a rare sight!

sitting at the back, there was a man with long light blue hair coupled with an extremely handsome face. He had a flawless face and his facial features were perfectly proportioned to the best ratio. He had a slender figure. sitting among the students, He looked cultured and refined and his entire body exuded a gentle aura of an older brother. All the guys who sit beside him would pale in comparison.

He was undoubtedly the most handsome man in Windscepe High School. Many girls had a crush on him, and he received love letters almost every day during his three years in high school. With such treatment, which teenage boy wouldn't be jealous of him? Everyone wanted to be the one the girls paid the most attention to.

Who is he? he's none other than our protagonist...Ain Richter.

Ain who is known as a charming prince with a cold demeanor, right now exuded a warm aura that makes you want to get close to him, when the girls first time see this, they somehow feel that Ain changes so drastic, but...who cares? their eye-candy changes just make them feel happier!

Meanwhile, Ain who had become the object of attention of the girls, can't help but groan inwardly

'Ughh, I never thought it would be this helpless' thought Ain, he can only sigh.

When Ain comes to school, he has been thinking, about how he should act? but that thought instantly throws to the back of his head, he will just act like the usual him. well, not the usual past Ain but the current him.

But who knows it backfired really fast?!

the current Ain who is not used to getting attention can't help but get nervous, he can only hide it with a smile on his face.

as the time goes on, finally Ain Name was called

"Third-year class B, Ain Richter" said the principle

the moment his name was called, everyone including the teacher instantly looked toward Ain. The teachers' eyes were filled with gratification and anticipation, while the students behind them had mixed feelings. Most of the boys' eyes were filled with envy and jealousy, while most of the girls had an indescribable feeling in their hearts towards this Ain.

Under the gazes of everyone, Ain walks up to the awakening platform.

On the platform Ain's eyes look towards the crystal ball, taking a deep breath, he then placed his hands on the Awakening Crystal.

The originally colorless crystal suddenly emitted a blinding light, causing everyone to look away.

Shortly after, Ain felt a surge of energy emerging from his body, slowly circulating in him. He had never felt it before. The energy was extremely warm and made his entire body feel comfortable.

Ain felt that the entire duration of which this happened was a bit long. However, In reality, it only took 3 seconds.

In that instant, Ain felt something within his body being stimulated. A new power was being activated and born.

However before Ain want to feel the new power, the two abilities he got from the system activated

the moment was being activated, Ain was stunned and became dazed, closing his eyes, Ain tried to feel the change, he felt like his mind broke from a shackle and become more active, he can feel that he can process anything faster.

As he still being dazed, In this time, everyone looked at the electronic screen above the platform. Immediately after, a simple status appeared, causing everyone in the Auditorium to stand up in shock

[Name: Ain Richter

Awakened Attribute: Unknown (Unique)

Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

"A Full 5-star potential! This is the highest one can reach Awakening Stage!" Someone exclaimed.

When the deans and teachers of Windscepe Highschool saw this potential, their eyes immediately lit up with excitement. As expected, Ain's talent was indeed very high.

The students' eyes widened. Some were envious, while others were jealous.

"Damn! So high!"

"Full value of potential!!!"

"D*mn it, he reached the highest mark at once!"

in the human federation, the 5-star potential is no joking matter, in the story of humanity, there are only 6 people who awakened 5-star potential and all of them are a big guy in the human federation.

Potential is ranked into 5, to put it simply, 1 star is average, 2 stars above average, 3 stars are genius, 4 star genius among genius, and 5 stars are monster level genius.

if you have 2-star potential, your progress in learning and breaking through the next stage will be 2 times faster, if you are 3-star it will be 4 times faster, 4-star it will be 6 times faster, and lastly 5-star it will be 10 times faster!

this time, Ain reached 5-star potential, it's impossible for them to not get excited!

However the next moment, they were stunned, when they saw Ain's attribute...Unique attribute. their excitement quickly calms down...

when they do rough calculations...Ain seems not that great?

if we take the negative part of the Unique attribute, which makes any progress 10 times slower… Ain who has awakened a 5-star potential that makes him 10 times faster at making any progress…

didn't that mean the two effects neutralized each other and made Ain progress like 1-star potential? Average?

thinking this, all students, sigh in relief...

'at least god is fair by not giving every good part to one person' thought everyone...well mostly boys

Meanwhile, Ain, the moment he opened his eyes, he quickly summoned the system status to check himself, he also wanted to know what attribute he had awakened because the Stigma on the crystal confused him. he could also guess that he had awakened a unique attribute but according to his memory he had never seen this Stigma on the crystal.

the Stigma on the crystal was dark purple in color, if one looked closely, it looked like a head?

(IMG of The Stigma)

[Name: Ain Richter

Awakened Attribute: [Characteristic of Ant]

skills: [Extreme Computing Power: Lösen Algorithm] [Construct Arsenal]

Companion Beasts:

Combat Strength: Entry - Beginner]

Looking at his awakened attribute, Ain's back was drenched in a cold sweat

'You gotta be kidding me right?'

(End Chapter)
