Augusto was a successful businessman known for his coldness and marketing skills, but he had a secret, behind that strong and well-known figure there was a dream of being a princess, wearing women's clothes and being beautiful and cute, unfortunately Augustos was a man 2 meters strong and hairy ..... when he died he suddenly found himself in the body of a new character in GOT, he was born before Jaime and became the firstborn Lannister......and his biggest dream came true, even though he was a man he had a beautiful female body, slim and cute
A strong man in an expensive suit walked back to his mansion again, he was Augustos, strong and good looking and beyond all rich, the perfect businessman. He showed self-assurance on the outside, but on the inside he just wanted to be a princess. A dream he held deep in his heart.
Augustos opened his huge secret closet, inside there were hundreds of expensive women's dresses, he took out a beautiful red dress and looked lovingly at it
This dress belonged to the oscar de la renta line, Augustous paid almost 20 thousand dollars for it, he loved the dress because it almost fit inside
"I went on a crazy diet and almost starved to death just to fit inside you my beloved dress" Augustos said looking at the dress
He then took off his suit, a 2 meter tall muscular body was visible, He hated his body but his damn genetics made him an ogre
That huge ogre then started trying to wear the dress, unfortunately part of the fabric got stuck in the head, Augustos didn't use force because he wanted to tear the dress
His nose and mouth were covered and he couldn't breathe, he just needed to tear the dress off easily and he would be free, but he refused.
Little by little, Augustus lost the ability to breathe and tears fell from his eyes...
'I be a cute princess'
He fell to the ground and died without air, as he preferred death to destroying his beloved dress that brought him happiness.
Year 265 after the landing
Casterly Rock was rejoicing, for Tywin Lannister's wife was giving birth to the great lion's first child.
Joanna Lannister was sounding deep, in her arms she held a cute little child... her genitals didn't lie, it was a boy
Tywin Lannister at his side removed his cold countenance and placed a warm smile on his face, his beloved wife having borne the heir to his house.
"Tywin...what will his name be?" Joanna
"He will be tall and strong like his father and in the future will lead this house, so his name will be Augustus" Tywin
year 273
At the training ground, a swift shadow wielded his sword and fought a young teenage soldier.
Augustus Lannister now 8 years old, with only 1 year of sword training already had the same level as teenagers, his fighting skill was so high that legends about him spread endlessly throughout the Lannister land.
Of course he didn't have great physical strength after all he was a child, however his speed and technique were at the level of an adult, with that he simply was never hitting and beat his opponents by speed.
However in addition to his skill, Augustos was also known for his natural beauty, long blonde hair and a doll face, if they didn't know he was a boy, everyone would think he was a cute little girl.
Skill and beauty, can you improve? the answer is yes, for young Augustus is a good student and hard worker, the Maester of House Lannister had nothing but praise for the young heir's great skill.
Tywin Lannister who watched everything just smiled, only when he was close to his firstborn and wife did he show a smile, even his twin children Jaime and Cersei did not have that privilege
Jaime was also very good and skillful....for a child
Augustus in the arena, dodged again and finally hit his wooden sword in the young teenager's mouth, knocking him down.
winner again
Augustos looked something in his mind, a simple interface
[Host: Augustus Lannister]
[Abilities: Strength 35/100, Agility 89/100, Intelligence 80/100, Politics 79/100, Beauty 100/100, Sword Mastery 79/100]
This simple system woke him up when he was 3 years old, all his skills were normal for a 3 year old but the system gave him 70 gift points to invest, without thinking too much he spent 20 points on beauty and left 100/100, the best part is that he can choose his beauty biotype
He chose to become a man with a feminine appearance and his dream would come true, the rest of the points he spent on agility and mastery of swords, he didn't like strength because he was afraid of him creating muscles and going back to being a strong man
He can earn points by training normally, intelligence increases with studies and reading for example
There are no other functions, but Augustos is satisfied, very satisfied