
Chapter 0: Prologue


[System is binding to the host. 10%]

[System is binding to the host. 25%]

[System is binding to the host. 70%]

[System is binding to the host. 100%]

[Hello, 'Host' welcome to the world of One Piece, I am your system, "The System". Please say status to get started with the tutorial.]

"AHHH FUCK! WHY AM I IN SO MUCH PAIN!?!?!?" I scream the pain then subsided. The pain was replaced by confusion 'System?' 'Host?'. Ahhh, this must be one of those cliche transmigration situations. I slowly stood up observing my situation, 'The last thing I remember was going to bed, next thing I know I'm laying on the beach with something that calls itself a system screaming in my head.' The beach I was standing on seemed to go on for miles in each direction, the sand felt good on my bare feet. The sky is so clear, a blue that you would never see back on Earth. Behind me was an ocean that was so blue and humongous, it felt like it was calling to me, but I ignored that for now. I was gobsmacked at the scenery, this island had such beauty, it was obvious that humans never touched it.

"ROARRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Snapping me out of my daze, I immediately remembered I should probably focus on my survival. I never was the smartest person, but it sounded like that roar was from a colossally large animal, bigger than anything on earth. I should probably do as the voice in my head says.



Name: (Host Can Choose New Name or Use Old)

Race: Human

Level: 1 (0/10)

Strength: 1 (How physically strong host is, increasing this will allow the host to lift more and hit harder, Strength is a necessary attribute to increase as agility has a slight dependency on it.)

Agility: 1 (How fast host is, how fast host can react, how fast host can think and anything else that requires dexterity or being fast.)

Endurance: 1 (How long host can fight, run and many other things. This stat affects stamina and at high levels can add small amounts of damage reduction)

Constitution: 5 (Durability of body, and how well built the body is.)

Willpower: 1 (Affects all three types of haki, and how much pain you can endure.)

Passive Skills:

Active Skills:

Cooking (Level 2): You have a decent knowledge of how to cook.

Survival Skills (Level 1): You have a small amount of survival knowledge.

Unique Skills:

Evolving/Adapting Bloodline: A bloodline that allows the owner to endlessly evolve overcoming any difficulties that may be presented, nearly impossible for the owner to die as when dying unless completely evaporated your body will adapt to the cause of death and regenerate you from scratch.

Gives Unique Sub-Skills: High-Level Regeneration (Upgrade-able), Pain Reduction(10%, Upgrade-able, Eternal Youth(Non-Upgradeable)). (Due to High-Level Regeneration host will be able to train for extended periods of time and only need to rest for a few minutes for the muscles to adapt and regenerate.)

System Functions: 'Status'(You know what this does), 'Quests'(You will be randomly given quests that will unlock new system functions, skills, XP and/or stat points).]

[ System will now explain some basic knowledge you need to know. The stats of an average farmer or normal citizen is 1 in all categories. The year is 1520 about 3 years before Luffy sets sail. The island you are on does not exist and is here because of Host and 'The System'. The animals/beasts on the island will increase in power as you do, however, there is a minimum that it can go, as is there are weak animals but there are animals that are up to 5 times stronger than host. Once you pass them the island will 'Respawn' or 'Upgrade' the monsters. The beach is the only safe spot as any of the animals will not wander out of the forest. You will only be able to stay here till Luffy sets sail or until you leave. After leaving the island, it will disappear and you won't be able to come back.]

'Well, that was a lot of information all at once. I think I'll sit down and meditate on it.'

Sorry for the info dump but I think having the info as soon as possible will be beneficial to the story as a whole.

I don't know the exact year Luffy set sail.

Thanks for reading and please leave any criticism that could improve my writing!

Ivinokcreators' thoughts