
The Great Escape.

I woke up early the next morning, or at least I think I did. It was hard to tell if it was morning or night.

I got up, leaving a drooling Amy in the bed, and enjoyed my last real shower for a while.

Once I had finished I got dressed into some fresh fatigues before walking back out to the bedroom.

The sight that greeted me was one to behold.

Amy sat upon the bed, rubbing her eyes and stretching her naked body.

"Morning beautiful." I said with a smile, causing her to jump.

Once she realised it was me though she quickly calmed down and returned my smile with one of her own.

"Good Morning Leon." she said before shyly looking away as she stood up from the bed.

The room was still filled with a lustful scent which was easily picked up by our enhanced senses. This caused me to feel the heat as she got closer to me, her naked body swaying from side to side as she walked.

Once she was close I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled the beauty in for a sensual kiss.

It lasted a few moments but I knew that now wasn't the time and thus reeled in my seemingly insatiable sex drive and allowed her to get a shower.

I told her to meet me in the kitchen before leaving the room and heading to where we are last night.

When I arrived I found that most of the group were up already.

Rick had just walked in before me and took a seat next to his wife, she had made a joke about him being hungover so I assumed she must have gotten over the whole Shane situation for now.

Amy walked in as T-Dog was serving some scrambled eggs and baked beans.

She took a seat next to me which warranted an "Ooohhhh" from most of the group, I smiled and shook my head at them as I took her hand in mine.

I was likely going to miss this kind of atmosphere, like children in a school yard, though I would have to come to terms with it.

As we started to dig into our hot breakfast, Shane stumbled in and poured himself a cup of coffee.

I struggled to keep myself in check when he shot a glare at Lori, but I managed to quell the beast for now.

I know he was feeling wronged and he was drunk but that's no excuse for trying to rape a woman.

After a quick and rather awkward breakfast, Doctor Jenner showed up for some coffee before taking us into the main room, after Dale and Andrea's Mivering.

After we made our way into the big room the Doctor began to explain what he knew.

"Vi give me a playback of TS-19." he said before a large screen lit up with data and a video of the inside of a human head.

He explained the video as it played along.

Anyone could tell he was very emotional, I would be too if I was showing strangers the process of my loved one dying.

Everyone listened attentively but I couldn't help but drift my attention to the timer counting down on the wall.


It was slowly creeping down. It was almost time to leave this place.

By the time my attention focused back on the screen a bullet was fired.

Andrea started going hysterical for a moment before Amy calmed her down.

Jenner was speculating what the virus could be whilst admitting he didn't have any clue.

Everyone was getting riled up at the doctor's words.

It was at this point when I decided to scan Edwin since he was going to be dead in an hour and I wanted to see if he had any use.

/Name: Edwin Jenner

Status: Healthy (Tired)

Skills: Soul Boost (lvl2)

Traits: Survivor, Alive, Depressed, Pathology/

/Soul Boost - Level 2 - Gives the user higher capacity for the soul stat. Current capacity: 10.2 (Skill is passive and so doesn't have energy consumption)/

'Hey Z what does soul do again?'

(It's like a combination of mind and body. It's basically the drive behind the person, it's what allows you to move forward.)

'So like willpower and mental fortitude?'

(Yeah. The Heart of the cards bro, heart of the cards.)

I giggled at Z's little reference. Before refocusing on the Doctor's status.

I hadn't tried to copy a trait yet so I didn't know if I had enough energy to do so, though there wasn't any harm in trying.

Before I could copy the Pathology trait however Z intervened.

(Bro if you copy the trait I doubt you'll have enough energy to copy the skill as well.)

'Well which one should I choose? Pathology could be seriously useful if I ever find myself developing a cure for the zombie virus.'

(But when are you actually going to use it? In order to put it in to practice you would need all of the equipment and supplies not to mention a completely sterile environment. The only place where you could get that is gonna be blown up in 45 minutes.)

I sighed at this revelation. Pathology would be cool since I could potentially understand how the zombie disease works, but Z was right.

There was no way I could use it in the short term so I went for the Soul Boost instead.

It was at this point that everyone started scrambling due to Jenner breaking the news about the generators.

While most people began to go downstairs and check to see if he was telling the truth, I went to gather as much as I could from the cupboards and the rec room.

I was always raised not to waste anything so I hoarded like a magpie keeping shiny stuff.

By the time I cleared out everything I wanted and made my way back to the main room, the guys were already back from the basement and the emergency lighting had turned on.

Everyone was panicking as Jenner explained what was happening to them, they all started scrambling to the exits.

Amy was by my side, holding my hand, I stroked her hair to comfort her as she looked a little scared.

"Don't worry, I'll get us out." I said with a reassuring smile.

She smiled back at me, though her hand was still shaking slightly in my grasp.

It was then that the alarm started blaring.

"Thirty minutes to decontamination." a robotic voice spoke over the intercom as a large red timer appeared on the nearby screen.

I quickly went and grabbed the axe from beside the door and walked over to the exit before placing the head of the axe in the fast closing gap between the door and it's frame, stopping the door from closing immediately.

This didn't last however as the door came back again for seconds and smashed the axe to pieces in the process.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I wiped the shards of wood from my jacket before returning to the panicking individuals in the centre of the room.

Daryl was drunk and tried to smash a bottle over Jenner's head, Shane stopped him though before the doctor explained his twisted reasoning.

I just listened as the doctor and Rick got into a shouting match.

I shook my head in disappointment as I listened to the doctor's reasons, his delusions.

While others broke down Daryl and Shane took to trying to smash the door open by any means necessary.

I just stood back and watched as most of the group began to cry. The sound of the men trying to break the door with desk chairs and axes that they seemed to pull from nowhere.

Daryl again tried to kill the doctor but was stopped, then Shane tried to kill the doctor and proceeded to waste his shells on the monitors beside everyone, damn these people were dramatic.

Though I couldn't really blame them. Even my palms were sweating as I watched the clock slowly tick away the time.

I'm not going to lie, when Shane got knocked down I enjoyed the look of hopelessness on his face.

Rick then proceeded to sweet talk the doctor. I held my breath as he spoke, listening to every word, being careful not to interrupt anything so as to not cause the doctor to change his mind.

Finally after a minute of talk, and Lori's pleas which seemed to help, Edwin Jenner finally let us leave the facility.

I ran out of the door as soon as it opened, Amy and Andrea running closely beside me.

Since Andrea was here I didn't have to worry about her trying to stay behind and thus I moved as quickly as I could through the building towards the reception where we came in.

We made it to the top first, likely due to the others wasting time below.

I copied a grenade from my inventory since Rick didn't have one in this universe, I then placed the grenade in my bag and began firing my rifle at the corner of one of the windows.

The rest of the group eventually came running into the room and began to open for as well.

It was then that I pulled the grenade from my bag.

"Everyone take cover!" I said before running to he window that we had been shooting prior.

Everyone scrambled down the steps and behind pillars as I stood near the window with the grenade in my hand.

My hands were shaking as I had never used any explosives before, but I quenched my nerves before glancing behind me to make sure I had somewhere to run for cover.

Then I pulled the pin and dropped the grenade right by the window before sprinting for cover behind a large metal sign where Carol and Sophia were huddled.

By the time I had taken cover I only had a moment to cover my ears before a loud explosion took place a mear few metres ahead of me.

The noise laster a few seconds more before the dust settled and the way out was revealed.

The force of the grenade had shattered the window, opening the way out of the death trap we were in.

Everyone quickly rushed out of the building, firing shots at the walkers who were attracted to the previous explosion.

We ran to the cars and started their engines before swiftly high tailing it out of the area.

We made it no more than 300 yards from the building before we saw the missiles.

I looked up at the weapons of mass destruction as they passed over my truck.

The explosion shook the vehicles slightly as the shockwave passed us by.

I looked back at the flaming inferno erupting behind us before continuing on down the road as the building collapsed and the black smoke billowed up into the sky.
