
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Library too big not for me. Dumbledore's strings are cut.

I then apeared behind the group of ravens as they are near the entrance of the dorms.

We arrive in front of a statue of a raven, hardly inconspicuous.

"This is the portal to our common room" The prefect began 'No sh*t sherlock I thought ravenclaw was for smart people. Bloody hell'

"To get in You need to answer it's riddle"

A few of the other first years paled at this. Chloe laughed

"They are not usually terribly hard, it tend to come up with a harder one on the sorting night to mess with us." She hesitated "and it can be a bit … odd at times" She tapped her wand on the ravens head, causing it to come to life.

"Ah, new members!" It sang "This will be fun, here goes. What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contain a thin, whitish liquid?" If raven could smirk, it was right now.

Chloe groaned and the prefect could barely hold in his laughter. Most of the first-years were either confused or blushing.

"A coconut" I said, deciding to ruin the game. The raven scowled.

"I never have fun any more" It sulked and swung the statue aside, revealing a passageway.

We were ushered inside a cosy looking room with a big fireplace and lots of sofas.

"The dormitories are through here" Chloe said, point to some stairs. "Girls upstairs, boys downstairs. Boys cannot enter the girls wings, but girls can enter the boys wing if they wish to."

'Equality my *ss to be honest at this age girls then boys that have the desire to date.I guess after 14 I'd understand but unless your in naruto world or the year 2014 and up.'

"Your curfew is at nine o'clock sharp, if you get caught outside after then, you will lose house points and likely earn yourself a detention. Breakfast starts at Seven and ends at quarter to nine, giving you time to get to your first lesson. Your schedules will be handed out at breakfast tomorrow. Any questions?"

No one said anything.

"Off to bed then" She said (I quickly do a clone jutsu then undoing it ,to make smoke while I order my drones to scan the library and try to get to dumbledore's library as well.)

"Blimey, what in the bloody hell cause that?" Chloe said

"I don't know maybe it was peeves?" I suggested with a shrug

"Night Tonks" I said as i headed down stairs.

She nodded at headed up the dorm stairs as I descended. Walking down seems like a good idea now, but it means we have to walk up in the mornings.

Down the stairs was a corridor with seven doors, one for each year. The first door opened into a hallway with several more doors, One of which had the letters "I.O " Above it. Pushing it open revealed a fair sized room with a basic bed, a cupboard and a desk. Much better than the Gryffindors get.

Placing my trunk at the bottom of my bed, and haphazardly strew them across the floor. No point in hiding them in the cupboard, the house elves will have much easier access to them this way.

I transformed my cloak into sleeping wear, I sit on my bed. I tell my ai to go through the data, and implant the good stuff into my brain. You would never believe what I found, someone encoded a book so if you uncoded it. You would find it ,depicting how to have more then one animagus form. It used the concept of occelemcy ,to create another personality that would change your former into one that suited it. So I decided this time I want to be a Phoenix, but not any but a king black and white Phoenix. Its black fire destroys ,while its white flame heals and purifies but if the thing is evil it destroys it. I decided to sneak out with perception filter, since I know ghosts can phase through walls I'm all set. I get to Harry's room then I whisper to him "Harry it's me itatchi." Hes startled but wakes up and looks at me shocked as he sees my animagus form. "Dont tell anyone I can do this as it's illegal to be unregistered. Plus they won't beleive you, that I can turn into an animagus magical creature and a Phoenix at that. Im here to get rid of that scar you have so you dont have to die to get rid of it. Dont panic this won't hurt ,it will heal you.I then out my healing flames on him ,and he then looks alot better then he used to like he wasn't abused." "Bloody hell, amazing my scar gone! Thank you so much." "Normally I would put an illusion on you but if Dumbledore asks just say a black and white Phoenix met you at night ,keep your shields up hes a tricky one.Also say that the Phoenix became your familiar, but it has a personality of being free. Going where it wants, when ever it wants. He should believe that ,as Phoenixs bond with people with similar ideals."

"Thanks" he says as I leave. I then fly off into the hallways then phase through into Dumbledoors room then l show off my flames." "Caw!!!" His Phoenix sees me and flys around me ,I do the same then I perch on her spot. The other Phoenix follows me and stands besides me. Then I see a old man with twinkling eyes looking at me in shock ,bewilderment, then curiosity. He then says "Who might you be little one? Also who do you belong to? I shape white flames in the air Madara, then I make a lightning bolt shaped like Harry's scar. At this Dumbledore drops his jaw, then says with a grandfather voice. "Oh, I see a good boy he is, I'm glad you choose him." I then make black flames making an image of Dumbledore with puppet strings to harry, with me chopping the strings away with my beak covered in white flames. I then have the strings reconnect then I make it disappear with a giant skull." He sees this gasps, then I can see him with his face all red, pulling for his wand. Fawkes seen this and bit him on the hand, then huffed and went to its cage. 'I hope his Phoenix didnt choose me as a mate or something like that, that would be awkward. I mean I'm sorry it's not you, but your master? <shiver>'While I disappeared then reappeared in my room turning back.

"Jeeves activate timelock for 24 hrs just in case." *Right away sir* I then look at the clock and see it turn ten o'clock. Bedtime.

I heard my door creak open in the morning,I stayed still and heard a tiny giggle ,from who I could only guess was Tonks and then a hushing sound from someone else.

I felt them inhale right next to my ear, I took this moment to leap out of bed onto them.

The second person was Chloe, who tumbled down with my half-naked body, Shrieking all the way.

We hit the floor, I'd somehow managed to land on my knees.

"Wotcher Itachi" I heard Tonks sputter out.

"Straddling the Head Girl on your first day, You work fast" I hear the seventh-year prefect call out, Anthony Goldstein I believe.

Chloe suddenly became aware of my lack of clothing and pushed me off onto the floor.

"Perhaps a simple knock on the door next time?" I grumble out.

Tonks was doubled over laughing by this point.

"We are about to take the first-years down to breakfast, so get dressed." Anthony called from just outside the door.

"What's the dress code for breakfast?" Not a fan of robes really.

"Well, there isn't' really one. The rules says that uniform is to be worn in classes and term-feasts at the very least."

"Wonderful" I quickly changes my clothes into chibi Deathknight armour. Seeing the awe-struck expressions of Tonks and Chloe, I grinned and strode past them and went upstairs to the common room.

The rest of the first years were already milling about in the centre, and some of the higher years were heading through the passageway to breakfast. Everyone that looked at me were very awestruck but they felt intimidated, by my armour as my eyes glowed ethereal blue(Mc put genjutsu on rest of eyes so they dont notice his Rinetensagen)

"Follow me first-years" Anthony said in a raised voice. Tonks and Chloe were still inspecting my clothes as we walked through the arch.

Our entourage arrived at breakfast at half-past seven, nice and early on the first day. Bleary eyed student filtering in still. Dumbledore, looking trying to look happy but he saw me scaring the students, in quiet conversation with Professor Flitwick. Then the headmistress decided to speak up. "Itatchi, although there is no dress code for breakfast, I hardly think this is appropriate."

"I see well if that's what you want, but I feel if I were to change it my mood would go down. If that's what you want then I'll change so is it?." "Yes, that would be best , Even if its unfortunate for you." she said in a slight mocking and irritated tone

"So be it" I change it to be assassin creed style without the weapons of course. However I put the dementor effect on. I start to see students pass out. Then she speaks up"W-hat are you doing stop this instant!" "Sorry I have lots of magical power, it responds to my mood so this is the effect." I see her face contort into controlled irritation and some rage at the unfortunate circumstances, but she cant tell if I'm lying. Also she cant proove it ,as its indeed possible. "F-ine you can wear your armour but If I see you hurt anyone with it, it will need to be removed. Also 5 points from ravenclaw for you not telling me of such important information ,as you should be smarter then that."She huffs in annoyance As I transform it back 'Ahh much better, showing people who is the boss around here.' I look at draco for but a second of a little ki and hes as white as a sheet. 'Good know your place racist.'

I took my seat and started shovelling bacon and eggs onto my plate.' I am going to tell the elf's to make me some beef jerky, hmm just thinking making my mouth water'."Thanks for the meal, it's well done." I say then I hear a small squeal of delight followed by crying."I just wish they had beef jerky here it would be heavenly and would deserve utmost praise and head pats."I see tonks look at me weirdly but just then she sees a plate of beef jerky on my plate. I look for the elf and see her I pat her on the head as she is invisible to everyone else ,I look crazy. I then say "Tonks, stock up on bacon if you are going to try to be more creative and … let's call it un-human morphing."

She eyed curiously at me for a moment before taking a heap of bacon.

Chloe poked my side. "Spill" She said

"How did you make those clothes change? A first year couldn't have conjured that with such fine detail, and ignoring that, you didn't even touch your wand. So spill"

I smirked at this. Have to love the smart ones.

"Special robe my father gifted me, I just will it and there we go. Hes very powerful he said he got it as a gift from death. I'm not worried of someone stealing it ,cuz let's just say their is worse things then the unforgivable curcio curse" Saying it like it was the simplest thing in the world.

She stared at me incredulously with a pale face "Your kidding right? Is what I would say if I didnt read the news, of what they are calling the dementor king incident. The second coming of the next dark lord. Your father made people pass out, and the only reason they didn't try to lock him up for doing so. Is because the goblins are backing him and they then said to the ministry that they welcomed them to try ,but pointed out they have no way to kill dementors. Futhermore they said do you think they would follow someone, they could kill with ease." she asked.

Deciding to end her berating. "They will say that about anyone that becomes too powerful, for them to control." Explaining it like you would to a small child.

She reached over and touched the metal sleeve. "I can feel magic powering through it and around it" She marvelled.

Seeing an opening, I said "The trousers are made of a harder metal too" Tonks started laughing as Chloe tore her hand away as if I was wearing fire.

"You're incorrigible" She scowled at me.

Looking at Tonks again, I decided to make time to see if she was adept as me. "So Tonksie" I started with a sweet smile. "If you're not otherwise engaged on Saturday, we could have a little fun, perhaps I could help you figure it out?"

Matching my grin, she accepted. "I'll hold you to that. If I can manage to do so I'll become famous for sure. How can you help though?" She said teasingly

"Well my father is good at runes and technology and molding them together, to make things that muggles wouldnt dream of in a hundred years. Also I can do it too but I'm not a morpher like you, but i just use my insane reserves and ingenious magic control techniques and wala." I demonstrated my making a whole under each arm, before sprouting two muscled arms. Quickly putting them to use, feeding bacon into another mouth.

Tonks grew another finger on each hand and frowned.

"Don't be dismayed, I didn't get this far without practise." Trying to cheer her up.

Chloe came back with our schedules. A quick scan over it revealed we had double charms after breakfast, flying lessons every day after lunch and Herbology this afternoon.

What should danzo punishment be? I already have it planned ,but I'm just wondering what you think. Also vote who the mc will take with him from naruto world when its over. Sasuke, naruto,kuruma,karin, or someone else? I've got someone I've chosen convince me otherwise.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts