1 Prologue

Do you believe that there are multiple worlds out there? Somewhere we insignificant humans cannot reach? Do you?

Well, it does not really matter whether you believe it or not. Why you ask? It is rather simple, because other worlds do exist. It is not a matter of believing but a matter of existence.

Some may scoff and laugh. Call believers delusional, crazy and all sorts of unkind descriptions. What does it matter in the grand scheme of bigger things?

Let their words flow off you like water. Undisturbed by their words. They too will understand in time.

Oops. I seem to have gotten offtracked. My apologies. Now, let us get back to where we started. Where was I? Ah yes, other worlds besides our own do exist. They are merely unaccessible to most of us, causing ignorance. But there are a select few who can access these worlds and even create their own worlds.

This story is about one of these select few and how he discovers more about his abilities and the worlds. However, great power comes with a great price. After all, in order to get something, you must give something in return, be it of lesser, equal or more in value.

Oh dear, how did the atmosphere turn so gloomy? Did you feel a chill going down your spine? Now, no need to be scared. After all, this is not a tragedy. Most probably not.

Oh no! I seem to be rambling again. Sorry for that. Ahem! Let the story begin!
