
Transmigrated as A God Character With A System

The MC after sacrificing his life woke up in another body with the name "Ranz" and was in another world but that was not all he found out. he later found out that this world was The same as the novel he read a few days ago before he transmigrated. and the worst part is that he transmigrated to a certain god who will die before the Story of the novel even begins The MC now "Ranz" After knowing all this would not just let his New life die like that decided to become stronger than any God and save this World. and be with the love of his life. with The System that Brought him Into This Place. ======================================= I'm still new to This so Don't expect Anything great from My Work yet(and don't expect it to be fast either) (This Novel's power system is inspired by "The Beginning after the end")

NightFall_07 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


In the Barren Mountain of the Beast continent, within the dark castle, there lays a boy within the mansion of the Sullivan Castle. The boy appears to be asleep in a bedroom, the room was the exact definition of the word "gloomy".

The room was decorated with some kind of black stone the edges of the room with a wide space for at least 7 people to live. The boy appears to be about 10 years old with black hair, Chubby cheeks, and a cute face, No doubt the boy would surely grow up to be quite the looker.

It would have been a less gloomy scene if it weren't for the boy continuously frowning and turning in the bed as if he was in pain, The boy kept groaning until suddenly he jolts up clutching His head.

"WHAT THE HELL!, why does it hurt so MUCH!?"

"Arghhhhh....damn it, it hurts SO FUCKING MUCH!"

The "boy" suddenly jolts and starts Turning and tussling as if in great pain...

"Why does it feel like my mind is about to explode...WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!?"

He kept on screaming in pain for at least 10 minutes until the "boy" had gotten better.....

"Finally the pain freaking stop!.., huh? wait. I'm not dead?"

The "boy" said currently lying flat on the floor when he starts to realize that the ceiling he is looking at doesn't belong to him

"What the hell!?,... I swear I felt that bullet hit me, but never mind that...where am I?"

Trying to stand up the "boy" fails and falls back.

"Damn it! why does my muscle hurt so much!?"

While laying down questing himself the "boy" notices a certain characteristic that he had failed to notice before, that is...everything looks big

No that can't be right, the truth was he became smaller, feeling a sense of dread coming upon him the "boy" raises his hands and takes a look

Small, white, and most of all smooth

Suddenly a certain thought enters his mind, a concept that was extremely popular among light novels and web novels

As a former reader himself, he had read his fair share of fantasy transmigration novels

"No, it can't be real, haha..ha that's not possible"

While the boy was having a meltdown and was trying his best to push some thoughts away.

A voice was heard, nailing his fantasies to reality


[Scanning the current world.....]

[Scanning completed...]

[Welcome host!!!.....to your new life]

Hearing the words which he never thought to hear his whole life the "boy" suddenly starts to cry

'..... So I did die'

After about 5 minutes, the boy begins to calm down and started thinking deeply about the situation he's in.

'So things like reincarnation are true..... WAIT, is it possible the same thing happened to her too?'

Reading the host's thoughts the system replied

[Host, the person you are currently thinking about did indeed reincarnate into this place with you..]

Hearing the reply from this so-called system, the "boy" starts crying again even not caring how the system knows about her

'She's still alive.., maybe in this life I can-'

[Host, she might have reincarnated with you, but she might not remember her memories of you nor her past life, due to some error with her reincarnation and birth..]

"Doesn't matter as long as she's alive, I don't care, where is she right now?"

[She is currently on the human continent, as the princess of Belarus kingdom and one of the heroines of the novel]


Hearing his host words and, sensing his confusion the system replied

[Host, the world you transmigrated in is the world of the "I will topple all the Gods" novel]


Hearing the system words the boy became more confused, after about 3 minutes of thinking the boy finally realized that...

'Wait.., WHAT!?, are you saying I reincarnated to a novel!? "

'Finding out reincarnation is real is one thing, but reincarnating in a novel is just crazy!"

'Unlike reincarnation which is still a mystery and was always believed to be true, something like reincarnation in some novel is just some genre created by...Oh!... Right... having a system is a genre too..nevermind'

Taking a deep breath, the boy started organizing everything he knows about the novel.

'I remembered reading that book when my brother recommend it...'

"I think it was some fantasy novel, with the main character named John and the-, Wait"

Although there were traces of sadness when he thought of his brother, the boy thought about something and then, nervously asked the system.

"He-hey, system or whatever you are, if she did become one of the heroines in the story, then who am I right now?"

[The body you currently possess is the body of Ranz El de Dragon an-]

Hearing the first half of the system's words the "boy" face became a bit pale and shouted

"Ranz El de Draco!?, you mean THAT Ranz El de Draco!?,"

[That's correct...]


Taking a deep breath to control his rising fear, after being reminded about the character he remembered the scene he watch as a kid when it was animated, "And here I thought I won't have to be reminded about that nightmare"the "boy" thought, then ask the system nervously.

"Wha-what time of the novel am I currently on right now?"

[The time you are currently on are the beginning phases of the novel, host...]

Hearing the system's words the boy's fear faded away a bit

'Phew.. that's a relief there's still a chance I might escape that scenario'

After having his worry town down a little bit the boy spoke

"I got some Questions"

[As long it's within my authority to answer those questions, feel free to ask anything, Host!...]

Hearing the system reply, the boy spoke with a. serious tone

"First.., why would I trust you "

While talking the boy squinted his eyes

Hearing the suspicion of his host, the system replied

[I'm just programmed to help you in your quest to save this world and not to necessarily answer any of your questions, but since you are my first host, I'll answer some of your questions...]

Hearing the system words the boy thought

'Quest? don't tell me...

The boy then immediately realizes something and asks the system

"Then, what's the quest your talking about?"

[The quest is simple to save the world from the impending threat that is looming this world...]

"Threat? why me? isn't that the main character's job?"

[The chosen hero just doesn't have the potential to defeat the threat]

"But, I'm just some criminal, how can I fight something the main character can not even defeat?"

[It's not you who have the potential its the body you currently possess, you were only chosen as the personality and soul cause of the sins you have committed, and was given a chance to repent those]

Hearing the system words the boy now understood somethings

"Sigh, so that's why I'm in this situation, fine, ... I just got some more questions"

[Ask, all you want Host!...]

After thinking about the situation deeply the boy spoke

"Then do you have the same function as the systems in the novels? like stats or something?"

Hearing his host question the system replied

[Of course host, I have those function programs to me as well..]

"Then, can I check my stats?"

[Sure, Host!...]


Suddenly a screen appeared in front of my face

[Name: Ranz El de Draco

Age: 10

Title: Child of Darkness

Species: Young Dragon God

Cultivation Realm: Mid Stage of Golden Core Realm

Talents: 100/100 Have the potential to become a Dragon God

Strength: 210

Stamina: 230

Agility: 333

Abilities :

Shadow Manipulation(Mastered level)

Darkness Manipulation(Intermediate level)

Forbidden Eyes of Heaven(Unstable)

Black Flame Manipulation(Beginner level)

Dragon Form(Unstable)]

After reading the words on the screen the boy is speechless, of how overpowered those numbers and words are.


"Hey system, are those stats impressive if we're gonna compare it to other people in this world? "

"I read this novel years ago.., so ...I kinda forgot some things"

[Then Let's first, introduce, some of the seven mortal mana core cultivation which contains the black core realm, red core realm, orange core realm, golden core realm, yellow core realm, silver core realm, and at the peak white core realm, each with three stages called dark stage, solid stage, and light stage

The black cores are what this world called the people who don't cultivate and have no mana at all, while an orange core realm is powerful enough to destroy mountains, and a silver core mage is powerful enough to destroy cities,

Being able to reach the orange stage at 14yo is already considered impressive to them but you(Ranz) already reach the peak stage of the seven mortal mana core at such a young age that having enough power to massacre countries is simply Impossible

Second, the stats on your profile means you're pretty strong, and with you're cultivation level, you're probably an impossible existence in the mortal's eyes..]

After hearing the system explanation the "boy" was shocked

'Then How the FUCK DID HE STILL MANAGE TO BE KILLED!?, If he's that powerful!'

Reading the host thought the system replied

[Even tho "you" are at the peak, There are still realms above that, I didn't tell you about, but I still don't have enough power for me to tell you those]

'Something you don't have enough power to? guess there are still limits to what you can do ..'

After taking deep breaths the "boy" continued

"Then, I got one more question, how di-"

"Knock" "Knock"

Before the "boy" could ask any more questions the door to the room suddenly opens, and a man walks in, seeing the man, the boy immediately recognizes the man.

'A middle age man with Long black hair, red eyes that can scare a mortal to death, and a super handsome face that is similar to the face I currently possess, One of the most popular villains at that time it was released, and probably the most tragic villain I read about, the father of "Ranz El De Draco" and one of the most powerful beings in the novel'