
Translation Requests for Wee Little Translator Like Me

นักเขียน: BadTranslator
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What is Translation Requests for Wee Little Translator Like Me

อ่านนิยาย Translation Requests for Wee Little Translator Like Me โดย ผู้เขียน BadTranslator ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel....



Miss zodiak

hai! aku Aileen. Aku baru saja menyelesaikan studiku di SMA beberapa bulan yang lalu. Karena kecintaanku terhadap dunia zodiak, dengan mudahnya aku mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai penulis di rubrik astrologi di majalah "Hola, Ruby". Target market pembaca tidak dibatasi umur, mulai dari kalangan pelajar, ibu rumahtangga, bahkan para pria juga tidak jarang konsultasi. Karena selain menulis artikel, aku juga menerima konsultasi bagi yang ingin diterawang. Baik lewat email maupun langsung face to face. Pernah juga diundang di salah satu channel TV swasta membahas seputar zodiak. Tanya jawab online juga aku jajaki. Pertanyaan dari penggemar, atau lebih tepatnya para klienku menanyakan hal yang sudah biasa aku tangani. Mulai dari masalah karir, kehidupan percintaan, kepo tentang karakter doinya gimana, bahkan ada juga yang bertanya gaya busana andalan yang matching untuknya seperti apa. Emang bisa? Tentu saja bisa, apapun pertanyaannya bisa dikupas tuntas dari sudut pandang astrologi. Seperti yang sudah aku katakan sebelumnya, untuk saat ini, aku belum berminat menjejakkan kaki ke perguruan tinggi untuk meraih gelar sarjana. iya, aku paham, sangat paham, hidup di era persaingan, lulusan SMA mau jadi apa. bukannya tidak sanggup, akunya aja yang bebal menolak mentah-mentah untuk melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi lagi. Orang tua juga sudah berlepas tangan menghadapi kelakuan jahannamku. Inilah kehidupanku, aku yang menjalankannya. Akulah si anak kepala batu. Mungkin diantara kalian, ada yang menduga-duga apa zodiak yang aku sandang jika dilihat dari perangai burukku. Zodiakku terkenal dengan kemisteriusannya, misterius? aku nggak merasa tuh! Tapi orang-orang disekitar sangat sulit memahamiku. Bukankah tiap manusia itu unik?! Aku cukup open minded terhadap lingkungan sekitarku, tapi tidak untuk hal-hal pribadi. Bagiku, membuka rahasia kehidupanku seperti aib. Iya, hidupku tidak untuk dijadikan santapan, bukan untuk digembar-gemborkan. gimana nih, sudah ada yang tahu belum aku bintangnya apa kira-kira. kalau ada yang menebak zodiakku Scorpio, empat jempol untuk kalian. Tapi kenapa ya, sebagian orang-orang memandang sebelah mata, atau justru lebih menghindar untuk tidak dekat-dekat dengan golongan kalajengking ini. Mendengarnya saja, pasti terlintas dipikiran kalian sosok hewan beracun, mematikan, dan gelap. Sesuai lambangnya, berarti para kaum Scorpio itu... menggigit? NO, kami tidak seperti itu. Asalkan kamu nggak pijak, kami tidak akan menyengat. memang terkesan pendendam, tapi naluri itu sudah tertanam. Mungkin sebagian para kaum Scorpio mengiyakan asumsiku, sebagian lagi?? menolak mentah-mentah, beranggapan kalau itu sungguh perbuatan tidak terpuji. Bagi yang spiritualnya tinggi, menjadikan ia sebagai orang yang pemaaf, tapi tetap membekas dalam ingatannya terhadap orang yang sudah bermasalah dengan manusia Scorpio. haha... Yang punya doi, atau mungkin ada diantara kalian punya sohib Scorpio, wajib kudu tahu seluk-beluk perangai mereka. yah, setidaknya untuk meminimalisir masalah diantara kalian. So, disini akan aku paparkan lebih jelas lagi. Scorpio itu, hmm... gimana ya menjelaskannya? Oh ya, satu kata untuk mereka. Rumit! Soalnya golongan ini unpredictable, sulit dimengerti, juga membingungkan.

Sonia_Nas · แฟนตาซี

A Kiss for Your Eyelid [Historical BL]

Jun Yunru, once the esteemed ger (third gender : child-bearing men) Empress of Great Qi, fell to ruin at the hands of those he once considered his own. Driven into madness by the loss of his unborn children, he spent the rest of his days in a haze at the Cold Palace. In the end, he was poisoned to death by the one person he had always regarded as his closest kin. However, due to the mysterious power of the Blood Moon that took place during the night of his death, Jun Yunru turned into a wandering ghost. Two years had passed until one day, Jun Yunru was no longer a ghost. He had found out that he had reincarnated back into his seventeen years-old self of a decade ago. Vowing to atone for his sins and collect his debts, Jun Yunru embarks on a new journey in this second lease of life. {WARNING : This is BL with Mpreg so if this is not your cup of tea, please refrain from reading it. There will be some NSFW restricted content in later chapters.] ***Disclaimers*** -This story is set in a vaguely ancient Chinese setting with an alternative history. I'm not Chinese so I apologize for any mistakes with some of the titles and terms of address. -This universe features three genders : Female, male and ger (men who can give birth). So there will be Mpreg. The ger concept was taken with liberty from the Quickly Wear The Face of the Devil novel. It isn't my original concept. I merely expanded on it. -Terms like Empress, concubine, consort and Wangfei will be used as gender-neutral titles (applying both to women and ger). **Updates** -No fixed schedule yet. I mostly write when I feel like it. But, I will try my best to update at least one 3k words chapter a week. **Cover** -It is not my art, I found it on google image search. If you are the artist and wish me to take it down, please send me a msg.

LostinMovement · ตะวันออก
3 Chs

Marrying my sister's fiancee

Chartiana Feliz Alpin, Tiana for short, was one of the top-notching students who graduated with outstanding academic achievements to a prestigious royal academy. As soon as returned home. her parent surprised her with their devastating news. As her brother used all their money for his vice gambling addiction and was indebted a big amount of money to an Aristocrat family. Her sister Margaret Laurel eloped with its lover on another empire before the wedding and subsequently her brother also flees when the lender demands his payment and leaves his family in a crisis of bankruptcy. Living her brother's debt as her parents were the guarantor, they were forced to pay for his brother's debt in just a day. Chartiana have no choice but to marry her sister's fiance and give up her dreams on becoming a business woman. But the main problem is, she and her sister are the total opposite especially on everything but of course she's more prettier than her sister. As she agreed to their condition, Chartiana was sent off to her fiancee's estate and as soon as she met him, her eyes widened in disbelief as the man who was in front of her was one of the most handsome mining the empire, also this man she was going to marry was nothing but the most annoying man who made her known as the academy's ‘Luckiest girl of all and the most hated one. Chartiana wanted to call off the agreement but she had no choice but to marry her rival and spent her three years being married to him. However, the moment she spent her days with him as his wife, the more she wanted to escape their marriage. But was it really because she hated him? or because she wanted to hide the truth about her being a just a replacement? These uncertain feelings she felt for him made her hesitant to escape his husband's teasing of her. “Can I call you honey? or would you prefer to be called Darling?” he asked while teasingly hugging her in his arms as he kissed her pale neck lightly, her shoulder suddenly tensed up while avoiding his stare. " He loves to tease someone, is he? But why are my eyes constantly changing and Why do you keep coming every night!" Wondering how can't he seems doesn't get bored teasing her, she can only wish that she can leave this place. But in the end, will she still want to end their marriage? or continue to become its wife?

shootingstar27 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs
Latest Update
จำนวน 1


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