
Ready or Not

I woke up on my bed - white bed? Was this my bed? I didn't have time to wrap my head around it or to ask any questions so I got up from my bed just knowing I should get ready. For what, I didn't know.

As I took my shower in an unfamiliar bathroom, I tried to piece my thoughts together. Unfortunately, I couldn't.

Feeling disappointed and cranky, I got out of the shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a top from my suitcase.

Suitcase?! My clothes are always in my wardrobe! Where am I?!

As I began to panic, a woman with short, red hair walked into my room like no man's business and greeted me.

"Hi. I'm Amethyst. You are Glow."

I gulped and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm Glow. How did you know that?"

She blinked at me like it was obvious and I was just plain stupid - which, I probably was - but that wasn't the point so I just continued staring at her.

She rolled her eyes and pointed in the direction of the door.

"Your form is in the office along with all your information. "

I couldn't wrap my head around anything she was saying.

"I don't understand! Where are my parents? And besides your name I know nothing about you and you're telling me you know almost everything about me which is in some file about me."

Amethyst groaned again. I could swear I heard her mutter 'I hate my life'.

"Look, Mom and Dad aren't here anymore, Glow. They've left you like you asked them to after helping you and stuff."

I folded my arms across my chest. This red head was spouting nonsense.

"What am I doing here?"

At this, she smiled widely, opening her arms wide.

"You're here to train!"

My eyes widened.

"Train for what?! What training?!"

Amethyst dropped her hands and held mine.

"Fighting training."

There was silence for a moment before I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Yeah...good one!" I said, gasping for lack of air due to laughing. I clutched my sides before straightening and wiping a tear of laughter from my cheek. "Oh wow. Such a good prank. Mom, Dad, you can come out now! Good one!."

But silence greeted me as Amethyst stared at me and I didn't hear my parents answer my call. I frowned.

"Dad? Mom? Game's up. Come on out."

But no one came out.

I looked straight at Amethyst and began to feel embarrassment and anger flare in my system.

"What's this? Why won't they come out?"

She smiled.

"They won't come out because this isn't a prank, Glow. You're here to stay. "

I sunk on my bed thinking of two things only.

My parents named me Glow and have chosen to leave me in fighting camp.



Amethyst walked me down to a spacious room with twelve people inside.

Three wore black and blue suits, four wore black and red suits, another four wore black and purple suits and the last person wore a plain black suit.

And these weren't ordinary suits. They were similar to the suits in Fighting Tiger, the game.

What struck me the most was that they were all fighting. With metallic, long batons each bearing colors similar to their suits.


I really was in fighting camp.

Amethyst saw my shocked expression.

"Believe me now?"

I didn't answer. She walked over to the person wearing the completely black suit and greeted the man. The guy was shockingly handsome. He seemed to be in his late 20s. As he faced me, I couldn't help but stare at his piercing green eyes.

"Glow, right?" I nodded as we shook hands.

"I'm Levon. Welcome to Training Camp."

As he said it, I knew this wasn't a prank anymore and I nodded politely.

"Thank you." I said, surveying the area once again. My palms became really sweaty as I noticed some of the people were really good.

Levon seemed to notice my nervousness because he said: "Don't worry. First day of being here doesn't mean you have to train. You can just watch and then meet other people. You can also unpack if you haven't."

I smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you...again." He nodded.

"That's okay. Go take a seat."

I shuffled to the back of the room and sat on one of the blue plastic chairs. I looked up and watched as they fought, playing with my fingers awkwardly. Most of these people were really fit, I noticed. The boys had hard muscle and the girls looked like they exercised everyday of their lives which, they probably did.

As Levon declared there was a break, two girls wearing red and black suits walked up to me.

"You must be Glow. Welcome to Fighting Camp. You don't look very fit. Can you fight?" The tallest spoke in a belittling manner. Her nose was raised with her chin and she looked pretty proud.

Not one to back down and look wimpy, I raised my voice to. "Well I'm here to learn, aren't I?"

She looked a bit shocked before regaining herself. "Of course. But you have to be a little bit experienced, don't you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Hopefully, I'll wing it."

She narrowed her eyes before turning to her friend beside her. "I'm Jamie, this is Claire." She pointed to her friend. "I hope you enjoy your stay here."
