
Death Is A Forest

This was what he was trying to avoid.

It was part of Nohara's job to be a bearer of bad news. After all no one on the three continents delivered as many obituaries as he did. Sadly, his death ridden history did nothing to wean his soft spot for parents. Even if he didn't want to extend his empathy to the young couple. He found their naivety somewhat relatable.

With the aggression that currently plagued the shinobi nations. It would be obvious. That only a certain population would make it to the next year alive. Yet no loving parent would allow such a toxic thought to seed itself in their mind. After all a trusting parent is never right to assume, that their child would be on the list of people that didn't make it. No average parent should show any sign of accepting their child's death. Especially when they were kicking, screaming and healthy.

It was a futile point to internalize. However, it was only natural for young hopeful families to remain young and hopeful.

For one Nohara himself couldn't imagine his daughter's death. He himself, was a well-trained shinobi. An individual who's most defining trait was paranoia. He had seen children die with his own eyes. Still, he couldn't bring himself to anticipate the end of his own.

Especially in the way that she did die. That was what hurt him the most. It didn't matter how he spun it or presented it to his conscience. It simply didn't make sense. Not to him. It should not have been his kid. He had raised her better. He taught her better.

Most importantly. Why wasn't she marked?

Her death. Her decision. But he raised her with such righteous intuition. He allowed her to partake. So, it was all his fault.

Now recent history would repeat itself. As he could do nothing as the family of morticians did the same. What a great shame for Konoha. As within a week. They had gone about losing infinite potential.

The Museigen raised a good boy. Strong willed and ambitious. So far, he had done much warranting their trust and with it he made a foolish decision. Of course, it was always easier to judge when he was not emotionally involved.

As expected, the result had gone full circle. Now both parents would take the fall for their trust. Luckily, they still had each other and good parenting skills. Once they get over the shock, they could have an even better kid.

Nohara shifted his footing. He stood hidden in a tree near to the young shinobi's home. Glaring at the front door as if that would be enough to arouse his courage and drown out his conscience.

He was already there for half hour but was yet to make a move. He couldn't tell if he should wait until the morning or get right to it. He settled on breaking the news when they were tired from their day's work. They would be more compliant in letting him leave. If well rested there was no way that he would walk out of that house without enduring a series of waterworks. Or without Kobaru's mother making an attempt on his life.

It was all in the job description, and he always got his job done. Even when beside himself. Whether it be travelling West to kill the Wind Daimyo's grandson. Or recovering scandalous evidence against his own leaders. He would always be up for the task. He'd accomplished everything short of suicide in the name of Konoha. He was beside himself but nothing could stop him from passing on this required information.

It was best that it came directly from him anyway.

Nohara let out a nasal sigh and dropped from his perch. Landing in complete silence, more on instinct than it being a necessity. He counted his steps as he approached the door. The knot in his throat building with every silent record. Hopefully he'd adapt by the time he had to actually speak. Otherwise he'd come this far out in the forest for nothing.

He rebuffed himself. Silently berating his lack of self-control. That usually did the job needed for tough situations.

Of course he would prefer waiting until he was mentally prepared for the interaction. He resigned the thought, knowing that if he did wait that long. The Museigen would find out at their child's funeral.

The jonin took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the small cottage. The hollow of the wood echoed the pounding. Making him wonder if he put too much effort into it. This thought was quickly sidelined by the sound of footsteps rushing towards him. The way the individual stomped their way out of the bedroom. Was a clear sign that they were not delighted with a visitor's appearance.

The stomping came to a stop and was replaced with the sound of locks and latches being undone. This was followed by the door calmly swinging itself open. In the doorway stood the Museigen patriarch. His eyes narrowed themselves as he settled on Nohara's towering frame. The man sighed in an exaggerated manner then moved aside inviting the shinobi in.

"That won't be necessary," Nohara stopped the man with a raised hand. His already narrowed eyes narrowed some more. As though he sought to make his displeasure unbearably obvious, "I'm afraid that I have less than favorable news."

"Oh," was the nonchalant response. The man was not fully awake and it was visibly hard for him to piece together sentences, "Like an emergency embalming or something."

"No. Um..." Nohara shook his head in response, "this is about Kobaru," he decided to rip the band aid off, "He has gone missing along with three other genin."

Mr. Museigen stared at the shinobi at his doorsteps. An even more disappointed look on his face. No longer displeased at Nohara, but at what he had said. The two men stood in silence with more eye contact than anyone would deem necessary. Making the situation more awkward than it was a moment prior.

"Are you not concerned?"


"What? Why?" It was Nohara's turn to tout displeasure.

Was the constant contact with the dead voiding the man of basic human emotion. Nohara didn't have a problem with it. His closest friends had the emotional range of boiled potatoes. It was what he was used to.

However he expected this from shinobi who bred because the village required it. Not some random citizen.

The other man rolled his eyes then signaled for the jonin-sensei to follow him. Nohara shadowed him without a word. The two walked through the house with a slow pace set by the almost asleep mortician. Completely opposite to the theatrical thumping he displayed a minute prior.

He lead Nohara to a bedroom at the end of the hallway. Then slowly opened the door. it was a bedroom. A small one with just enough space for a futon and a closet. On the walls were shelves with several kunai.

This was Kobaru's room.

Most surprisingly. To the jonin's complete confusion. Lying in the center of the room was his future elite shinobi.

"Kobaru?" Nohara asked his jaw unhinged slightly at the sight of the sleeping boy.

"Yes," the boy's father nodded with a calm smile. He then looked at his son's sleeping frame before screaming, "Ko! Wake Up!"

With that the boy jumped up into a stance. Kunai in hand ready for whatever infiltrated his sub conscience. This alert response quickly melted into one of a disturbed kitten as he released the tension in his shoulders. Kobaru made a quick bow when he realized that Nohara was also in the room. An action to which Nohara nodded approvingly.

"Father. Sensei." He greeted straightening his frame. The boy then carefully tucked his kunai into the back of his trousers.

"Your sensei here thinks that you've died," his father drawled before turning and taking his leave.

Nohara paid his departure no mind as his attention was pinned to the boy standing at the center of the room. The gears in his head spun uncontrollably trying to explain this as opposed to surrendering his pride and asking.

He was sure that the Chunin at the gate checked all his genin when they left. Then there was also the report from the outpost that arrived two days ago. So that could only mean one thing.

One of his most reliable students had somehow broken an already broken technique.

He stared some more analyzing the situation before settling on, "you're a clone?" a quick nod from the boy, "what about the time limit?"

"What time limit?"

"The one... for clones," Nohara asked the boys indifference getting the best of the jonin.

Nohara was a seasoned shinobi. He fought on the frontlines of two wars. No other ninja lived to say that. None. Not even the red hat, who hung out at the back calling the shots. Through those wars he had the displeasure of coming across many variations of clones. Water, Lightning, exploding... If there was a compound that could be molded. Someone could make a clone out of it.

One rule that remained constant was that a clone only remained active for as long as they had chakra keeping them alive. Clones were not supposed to produce their own chakra. Since they weren't actually alive. They would survive on the meager dividend of energy then die.

So unless the original Kobaru was hiding somewhere inside the village. Popping clones out of his ass every five minutes. This one should be long dead. With the boy's novice and expected chakra reserves. The shadow clone shouldn't have even survived thirty minutes into the mission.

"Uh... Sensei." Kobaru raised his hand mostly to regain Nohara's attention.

"How are y... That's a question for another time. Where's your cell?" the jonin gathered his wits and stood with his arms crossed, "and don't tell me they're lost or something."

Kobaru instinctively straightened up as well holding his arms close to his side. "No sensei. The trip was longer than expected. Chusei believes that there was an error in calculation as the client was not considered. The team should arrive tomorrow evening for the latest."

Yes! They're alive. less paperwork for me.

Nohara nodded to himself.

"Permission to provide an update sensei."


"Outpost 151 is currently under attack. The cell is debating their options."

Eyes widened at that statement, "Could you pass on messages?"

"Sir," the clone said and summoned another one of itself.

Nohara paid it no mind and continued as though he was well aware that clones could summon other clones, "tell 'em cut a course for the village. I will have an attack unit sent to the outpost."

With that the newly summoned clone dispersed itself in a cloud of smoke, "the cell has been updated sir."

"Well done maggot," Nohara turned to leave, "by the way," he swallowed unsure of what he was going to say to the boy, "whenever you're ready to move on to more advanced techniques," Kobaru's eyes widened with glee and Nohara knew that he was to regret this statement, "Just... Let me know. I wanna see what other jutsu you can butcher."

"Yessir!" He saluted in a weak attempt to reign in his excitement.

The jonin turned in the direction of the Hokage's office and performed a shunshin. If the thoughts travelled as fast as that clone was making it seem then he couldn't afford to waste a second.


"Nohara-sensei said to make a beeline for the gate," Kobaru informed the other members of the cell.

"Yeah, he'd kill us if we went out there and died" Chusei let out an exaggerated sigh, "Plus I'm in no condition to fight."

"Are you ever in a condition to fight?" Nagisa asked her face void of expression.

"The point is," Chusei said then lowered himself into a sitting position, "we can wait it out. Then head south-west tomorrow,"

It was a reasonable response. The question of assistance was one that came from their pride as opposed to clear and logical thought. The aggressors didn't know where they were, so sitting out the raid would be the better decision. Especially for newly minted genin.

Plus it'd be a shame if he didn't make it back home alive. Especially after trekking through three different countries.

As if on que a strong pulse raced through Kobaru's system, prompting him to sync his chakra with his heartbeat. He looked around at the others for signs of genjutsu. The other genin carried on as normal. However one could never be too sure, "Did you guys feel that?"

Chusei looked at the younger boy. His body clearly communicating his concern for his fellow genin's mental health. Another strong pulse rushed through his system but this time from the opposing direction.

"There it is again," the young genin said looking around once more.

The orange haired boy appeared to feel the change this time around as he shot into a stance. Kobaru immediately fell in guard. The others quickly reacted to the alert. Not sure of what the threat was but keeping their minds open to any attack.

"Shit," Chusei said his concern replaced by a grim expression. His head ever so slightly turned to the left as he cursed.

Kobaru followed his gaze to the direction of the outpost and mimicked his friend, "shit."

Chusei always knew where they were. He wasn't keen on sharing the exact limits of chakra linking. But Kobaru found it safe to assume that the link would only be broken when there was an outward pulse. Which was why the other boy would have to reestablish the link every time Kobaru synced his chakra and heartbeat. It would essentially evict the foreign body of energy. If he didn't. Then Chusei could effectively track him.

One thing that Kobaru learned, was that with chakra if you came up with a use. Then it was already thought of generations ago. This would more than likely extend to chakra linking. What if someone with a much better understanding. Developed a way to link chakra without the physical contact. What if someone took it a step further and figured out a way to do it over long distances.

"Plan B guys," Chusei threw glances at the other three. Then moved to the cave's entrance. He peeked out of the opening and quickly turned his attention to the cell once more, "We gotta make a run for it."

Kobaru was not the one to make people repeat themselves. And neither was the rest of the cell.

They proceeded to clear any sign that they were at the cave. Leaving and heading into the canopy. With Nagisa leading the group. They adjusted their bearings hopefully heading towards Konoha.

Sheer focus out of fear bled from their eyes. A look that no group of preteens should have to employ. They were not licensed to take on other shinobi. Not with a reserve contract. Which meant that compensation for their troubles would be up to the mission desk Chunin. Even then it would be meager. All considering that they survive the attack.

The best case scenario was that it wasn't an attempt at tracking them. But simply the genin practicing a shinobi's sixth sense.


Kobaru quickly found out it was not just paranoia.

Not even a minute into their escape attempt Kobaru felt another pulse. His hair stood on its ends as the foreign chakra invaded his system. Placing him in a state of controlled panic. This only escalated when the pulse rushed through him once more, back to its source. Who unfortunately appeared to be heading right to them.

Chusei swore under his breath. He felt the pulse as well. And was visibly unhappy with the turn of events. He didn't say it yet, but Kobaru knew him long enough. He could see the complete exhaustion on his face. The boy probably had one good fireball left, before blacking out.

The orange haired genin repositioned himself. Taking up the role as the cell's tail, "Kid," he called out to the genin who they refused to familiarize, "On a scale of one to ten. How high would you rate your bukijutsu?"

"Um," he paused in response as though he was shocked that he was called kid, "a solid two."

It made sense that Chusei would delegate weaponry to the fourth man. Kobaru's knowledge was limited to kunai. Even then he focused more on the throwing aspect. Chusei himself liked keeping his hands free for the one jutsu he knew. Then there was Nagisa who could kick and punch her way out any situation. A blade would just hold her back.

"That means you're already better than everyone else here," Chusei replied. Kobaru couldn't see him but he knew that there was a stupid grin on it, "We need a spider monkey trap. About ten meters wide."

"So like five hundred meters of wire?" the boy asked already swinging his satchel of his back.

"Five hundred meters?" Kobaru repeated to see if it would sound any less insane coming from himself.

It did not.

"You're the expert kid," Chusei replied.

"Five hundred coming right up," the boy grinned then proceeded to provide himself a sealing scroll. All this while hopping tree to tree at the same pace.

Chusei chuckled to himself, "Nagisa get the leader in a good spot for me. Kobaru get us a headcount."

He rolled his eyes in response but summoned a normal Shadow Clone. It quickly took off to scout their followers.

Said followers turned out to be a lot closer than he initially thought. As it took all of fifty seconds for the clone to spot, count and get attacked by their aggressors.

Kobaru didn't like assuming anything. He sincerely tried his best to know and learn, as his observation would be limited to one perspective. He could count on one hand the times in his life that he settled on an actual assumption.

One was when he assumed that he wouldn't get his ass kicked by a six year old Uchiha child. The second occurred when Nohara-sensei informed his class that Konoha invested manpower into scouting bandits. His initial thought was that the outlaws and stragglers were becoming more efficient at causing discord. This was quickly shot down by his superior, but as his clone just highlighted. He hypothesized correctly.

Right before his clone was mobbed by the eleven people tailing them. He caught sight of their foreheads. Their guards. Their shoes. Which bore allegiance. They were village-less bandits. Not only that. They were travelling through the trees and using chakra just as efficiently. So far. They looked nothing like the desperate drug addicted low lives that the school textbooks painted them to be.

"What's it looking like back there?" Chusei asked realizing that his friend was lost in thought.

"Good news is they're within our combat jurisdiction. So compensation is a must," Kobaru replied trying to retain his calm, "bad news. They're using chakra and we're only fifty seconds ahead."

"Bandits using chakra? That makes no sense," the boy asked looking back at Kobaru, all while extracting yards of wire from his scroll. Making loops around his arm as he did so. Somehow focused enough on it to not mess up. But sufficiently detached to not misstep and fall to his death.

Chusei swore under his breath again as he rushed forward grabbing an end of the wire, "Hopefully they're shit bandits," he looked back at Kobaru with a sense of resolve that the younger boy was not comfortable with, "how good is your impression of me?"

Kobaru didn't respond.

Apparently it was enough as Chusei and the other genin came to a stop, "Bukijutsu kid and I will do the heavy lifting. I need a clone that looks just like me," he turned to the lone girl in the group, "Good luck carrying our tired asses back to the village."

He lives.

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