
Trail of Arbaria

Leo, a humble European fisher founds himself transmigrated to a body of a mercenary in medieval era period. The twist is there's sophisticated fantasy and it's not what it seems. From a silent Bard, to a runaway princess. A talking deer, and a cursed underwear. Accompany Leo and his struggles from organization, religion, and kingdoms as he unfolds the hidden mystery of the continent of Arbaria, with his final destination as earth. "I just want to see my wife and kids again, I don't care how many dragons, demons, and Gods I'll slay. Until I reach my destination, even death won't have the means to stop me." + + +

TheDreamery · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Moving On

[My mind is talking!] Leo couldn't describe the feeling. It's like his thoughts are resonating out loud.

[What's going on!? What is this place? Hello!? Is there anybody out there!?]

Suddenly the massive door of the building opened up and an invisible force dragged Leo inside.

In the vast white corridor, Leo saw statues of varying sizes. The largest being 10 feet tall, it's a life-like statue of a minotaur, with 2 massive horns, and an ax with jagged edges. On the other hand, the smallest statue is the size of a dwarf, around 3 feet tall. This one has a monocle, holding a fishing rod and a ransack at his back. Other statues look like humans, demi-humans, beasts, and other creatures. There are 28 statues in total.

Leo was amazed by the details of the statues. These are the type of statues in horror movies that will suddenly move due to their life-like appearance.

While sightseeing the wonders of the 'Parthenon' which Leo decided to call the temple, the invisible force disappeared. Leo was dropped in the middle of a white throne room. Golden banners are set high above as a symbol of a red wingless dragon encircling a blue sun. The dragon's eyes look furious, Leo can feel a chill when he looks at it.

Below the banner is a beautiful throne adorned by hundred of gems varying in colors and sizes. It's the most extravagant throne Leo has ever seen. Then he focused on the table in front of him. On the table is an encyclopedia, the ancient cover of the book looks like a stone, and its title is written in blood.

"Whispers of Those Who Have Seen."

Leo warily touched the book. Seeing that there's no weird response or anything of the sort. He picked it up and flipped to the first page.

"This book was owned by the Pantheons of all ages. They are the manifestation of their thoughts, skills, and experience. If you can read the text of this book, then congratulations, you are a Pantheon and are bound to own this..."

[Uhhh, thanks? Why does it sound like the content ain't happy with me being a Pantheon?] Leo thought.

"Well, that is because you're so incompetent that even goblins can kill you with one smack of their clubs at your forehead." Suddenly the texts changed without warning shocking Leo!

[What on Earth!? What are you? What is this place?] Leo couldn't help but feel excited, for he finally found someone... Or something that can maybe explain why he transmigrated.

"I'm the Harbinger of the South! The protector of the city of Luka! The one and only Loremistress with the Seal of Pantheon, Xoa!"

[Ohhh, so great Loremistress Xoa what can you tell me about my circumstances, why am I here?]

"Well ain't that obvious? You're chosen to carry the seal since birth! I'm even more surprised that a grown man has stepped into the temple. Usually, they discover the temple at age of 6 or 7, or when they develop consciousness... Is he perhaps a late bloomer? Hmmmm, impossible, unless he has a brain the size of a bean... That makes sense..."

Irritated by the book, Leo blurted. [No, I think you're mistaking who's the victim here, I'm a man from another world. I'm living my life peacefully until I got transmigrated to the body of the boy standing here. Now all I want is to get back to my world and I can leave Harbar and you to talk about the future, how about it?]

"Oh, my Pantheon!!! \( ͡ಥ ₒ ͡ಥ)/

Are you for real!? You're one of those transported by the 'gates'!? What shit luck do you have to accidentally touch a '1-minute appearing gate every millennium' on your planet!? Oh my God, my head is aching."

[What!?] Leo doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at his misfortune. If what 'she' said is true, then Leo may as well be cursed by Gods, the God of Fortune.

"Ah, shit... I'm crying right, now, give me a minute... Bwagahahahahha, uwahahahahaha. 'Sniff, sniff, excuse me... Bahahahaha..."

[...Oh f*ck you. This ain't a laughing matter, I see you laughing again, I swear I'll throw you to some dog poop outside.]

"Hehehehe, sorry sorry. I just couldn't contain my emotions... It was a habit of mine back in the days. Soooo, I guess you have family there right? Not just some orphaned since birth cliche ain't you? Well lucky for you I know how to solve your problem." The book said.

[Really!? Brilliant! Tell me!]

"Well, it's easy... So very easy for the likes of you, human." There's hidden meaning behind her words, but Leo decided to ignore it.

[What's with the stretch? Say it!] Leo couldn't help but be restless, he has a bad feeling about this.

"It's the only method so read carefully..." It took the book another couple of minutes to continue writing the words.

"Well, you just need to kill one of every species in this world! Including dragons, leviathans, angels, demons, yah know, those mobs from the sky, oh how I hate them xD And of course, you need to kill a God. That's the most difficult part, even I may agree. Don't worry, I'm here to help, as well as the temp..." The book still kept on writing, but at this point, Leo's eyes are not focused on it anymore. He felt rage deep down, as something in his mind crumbles...

° ° °

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" A series of knocking resounded in the small corridor as a shout follows.

"Hey! How long are you gonna stay there!? It has already been 2 days since you locked yourself there! It's the 7th time the owner bugged me to ask about your rent! Are you dead yet!?" Elizabeth continued smashing the door while shouting. As it threatens to collapse, finally the door was opened.

Inside is Leo. His body lost considerable weight, distinct eyebags can be seen below his 'dead-fish' eyes, hair is ruffled and blood can be seen trickling in his arms.

The reflection of Leo in the eyes of Elizabeth was so sorrowful, that anyone who sees him will also feel sad about his appearance.

"Leo, wh-what happened to you?" Elizabeth's shaking voice can only be heard as a mumble in Leo's ears.

Since he heard about the revelation from Xoa, Leo's mind was engulfed by darkness and depression. He felt the world, along with his hope crumbling down. As such he locked himself in the room for 2 days and 2 nights, not eating anything, not doing anything, just staring at the ceiling. He even tried to end his life a couple of times, but the blurry faces of his wife and children flashed by, and he couldn't do it.

'Even the faces of my wife and children, mother and father, friends and co-workers, are all blurry. Am I Leo? Did I live a life on earth? Why am I still alive if I can't even remember anything? I might as well be dead.' These are the thoughts circulating in his mind.

The 35 years old Leo Fuchs is very self-aware of his strength and weaknesses. It's the thing that made him successful in his life on earth. But now, it came biting him back. Instead of blaming the Seal for bringing him to this world, he blames himself, which made the mental pain much more aggravating.

"Are you alright? Did your wounds reopen? Come here, let me see." Elizabeth grabs Leo's arms, as she inspects his body.

"No. I'm alright." Leo shrugged the girls' hands off. He stared at the eyes of the girl in front of him, as hundred of thoughts passed inside his mind. The two had a standstill as both of them looks at each other's eyes. A minute or so later Leo sighed.

"Sigh, I get it now. Give me a minute, let me clean myself first. Wait at me at the bar." The bar is on the 1st floor of the inn, the 2nd floor is the guesthouse and where they're staying.

"You better be Leo." Elizabeth nodded with a hint of a smile.

'What are you doing with your life, Leo? You need to man up! You already know that in life, nothing is fair! Those who long for fairness are those who couldn't and wouldn't accept the facts!' Leo adjusted his train of thoughts.

Elizabeth's touch woke the old man up. Old people are more emotional, but they're also wiser.

'Let's get going. One step at a time.' There's a process for everything.