
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

「 Axis 」

* Rumble *

In the endless darkness, in a place filled with infinite light, and in a place where everything becomes empty. It was a strange and inexplicable view, a place that should not be occupied by any creature.

At this moment a creature stood proudly there, with a straight head and a sharp gaze. He smiled, smiled very scary as if he was having fun while killing.

The creature has a disgusting appearance, even a shit is far better than him.

In front of him is a dragon-shaped creature with a Glorious appearance, has black scales that emit an intimidating aura, and on his back there are hundreds of purple-blue crystals that line up to his tail.

Light blue eyes that have a white slit identify themselves as reptiles. Two large transparent crystal shaped horns towered over both sides of his head.

But the great Dragon was currently seen seriously injured, even his wings had been cut off and destroyed.

"Wrriririri, look at your condition now ... a dragon without wings, pathetic, do you need help from me, my old friend?"

That disgusting creature has a sound that can even make anyone who hears it vomit as bad as it.

"Look at you now, you look at me as if you've won ... the pathetic one is you, **********"

The dragon's expression was stern and determined, even though he was dying, but there were no signs of changing his expression. The look in his eyes looked at the disgusting creature with pity.

"Me, pathetic !? Don't praise me like that ~, you make me blushing, ririri " The creature laughed even harder.

"Even my status as the strongest Axis in the universe hasn't changed a bit huh ~, riririr ... Void, a place where we can't use the authority we have, our Lord is indeed evil huh ~ making a place where Axis Users like us can kill each other. .. he really makes me HORNY !!!, Ah ~ "

Even his behavior and expression became even more repulsive when he let out a lustful sigh.

But the dragon seemed unmoved by the creature's words.

"Why would you do something like this ... why would you do an action like this if you really love Our Lord?"

The creature stared at the dragon with a strange face, and said with a grin.

"You know it yourself ... all the things, occasion, and occurence that have happened, were, or will happen in Talse Uzer, have been written by our Lord and cannot change ..."

The dragon is silent, he knows and he is silent. While the creature narrowed and said to the dragon while dancing in his place.

"But, but, but, but ... you don't know the contents, do you? Right? Right? RIGHT!!!???"

The dragon was silent, he could not ward off the words of the creature so he was silent. Then, the creature stopped dancing and said with a serious expression.

"And it says, that I ------"


* drip *

"* gasp *"

Kira opened his eyes suddenly with a heavy breath, his face was pale and his expression filled with fear as if he had just seen a ghost.

Kira closed his left eye and said while breathing heavily.

"* pant * * pant * It turned out to be just a dream ... but that dream, felt very real, as if I had experienced it myself."

Kira suddenly widened his eyes because he realized that he was currently closing his eyes using his left hand, which should have disappeared and been destroyed by Urek's Meteor Burst.

'Wasn't my hand broken before? Besides that ... my body feels fine as if nothing happened, is my fight with Urek before also just a dream? '

Kira then looked around, he was currently in a totally unfamiliar place, he was lying on a damp floor with a puddle of purple liquid. The wall around it also looks like a purple crystal.

" Where am I? "

When Kira tried to sit, suddenly a voice resounded in the room and brought a mysterious feeling of majesty.

"It seems like a little of the memory fragments I have, have been integrated into your memories huh ... though it's still very little."

Hearing that, Kira became alert, he immediately stood up and put on an fighting posture.

"Calm down boy, I have no intention of hurting you, right now I don't have the slightest strength because I just woke up from a very long sleep ..."

Kira didn't let his guard down, he didn't currently know what kind of creature he was talking to, but he recognized the voice of that creature.

'That is the same voice as the dragon in my dream. Besides that he was talking about memories, what he meant was the dream I saw just now? '

Kira returned a tense expression as he recalled what he had seen in his previous dream.

"I've waited thousands of years in here by falling asleep, while continuing to wait for someone to wake me up ... and now is the time, the long wait is over now." The great voice was heard again.

"I do not understand what you say, but who are you? Show me your form!" Said Kira with a flat expression and cold tone.

Then, from behind the transparent purple crystal wall in front of Kira, a huge creature appeared in the shape of a dragon, his blue reptile eyes gazed at Kira with a sharp gaze and analyzed.

'Hmm? This energy fluctuation ... '

The dragon's eyes narrowed because he saw a very strange mass of dark energy in Kira's body.

Meanwhile, Kira sees the appearance of a dragon in front of him, remembering the dragon that appeared in his dream before. Two large blue horns, jet black scales, and glowing blue eyes.

'There's no mistaking that it's him. 'thought Kira.

"Looks like you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, boy."

Kira nodded when he heard the words of the Dragon.

"Then, since we both don't have much time to talk right now, considering I just woke up from my sleep, then I'll get to the point."

Kira paused, he wanted to interrupt the words of the dragon in front of him, but strangely he could not, the natural pressure emitted by the existence of the dragon itself was enough to make Kira silenced.

"First I will introduce myself especially since my soul has now merged with you. I cannot tell my real name at this time for some reason, so you can call me whatever you want."

The dragon spoke very politely and humbly to Kira, even if Kira was only an ant in front of an elephant.

"I am the King of Mystical Dragons, and also one of the strongest Axis in the universe. Nice to meet you, boy."

Kira who heard that widened his eyes, he then recalled what Mai said earlier. About Apocrypha which is a fragment from the spine of a Mystical Dragon.

'So is what Mai said true? Wait a minute, if this dragon in front of me was a Mystical Dragon inside the Apocrypha, and I can meet him, doesn't that mean that the Apocrypha has been implanted into my body? '

After thinking for a while, Kira then looked back at the dragon.

He spoke like a humble old man, therefore Kira also humbly replied to his introduction.

"My name is Kira, a Rank-E Rrgular, nice to meet you old man." Kira said, calling the dragon as the old man.

"Old man, huh... " The dragon looked surprise .

"Well ... you speak like a wise old man, so I will call you old man until you give me your real name," Kira said with a stoic face.

Hearing that, the dragon only nodded and didn't bother about it any further. According to Kira his attitude was too strange for an Axis, well even though Kira did not know how an Axis should behave, but according the stories about them, they should be proud of theirself.

Unlike the dragon in front of him.

"Since we have introduced ourselves to each other, I want to ask you, where am I currently?" Asked Kira, still with a stoic expression.

"In your subconscious." Said the Dragon straightforwardly and Kira nodded.

"You said you were an Axis, didn't you? Can you really manage reality?"

It was a strange question for a situation like this, but Kira could not bear to ask that Dragon.

"Well that was then, at this time I can no longer do it of my own free will," said the Dragon.

" Why? "

"That's because I'm already dead, and my original body has been destroyed, And as I said before, what is in front of you right now is my soul and the manifestation of the power I have," said the Dragon.

Hearing that, Kira recalled Mai's words, that Apocrypha was a container for the soul of a dead Mystical Dragon. And the Mystical Dragon is currently in front of Kira.

Then Kira glared at the Dragon.

"Doesn't that mean you can take over my body at any time? Besides, it's not a difficult thing for a creature like you after your strength to recover."

Hearing that, the Dragon only smiled with his large mouth.

"You don't need to worry about that, if I can guess, I was awakened because the bones where I put my soul are implanted in your body."

'Yes, it seems you are right. ' Kira thought without saying it directly.

"Because my bones also carry the innate nature of my original body, so maybe there will be a change in your body later. Both morphologically or genetically, you will not be an ordinary human anymore." Said the Dragon with a firm expression to Kira.

Hearing that, Kira just looked down and said calmly.

"I know, it's not like I want this to happen."

Kira is very proud to be a human, it is one of the pride he has in himself, which is taught by his master.

"As I said before, because my bones will also merge with you, a container where I put my soul will disappear, and all that is left of me is only the remnants of consciousness, so you don't need to worry that I will take over your body, instead my soul will help you become stronger. "

Hearing that, Kira looks surprised.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that mean I killed you for implanting the container of your soul into my body?"

"Killing me? I died a long time ago, and also don't get me wrong, I moved my soul into a container not because I wanted to come back alive or something ... No, more precisely it couldn't." The dragon's expression seemed to change slightly when he mentioned the last sentence.

Kira wants to ask a way to get out of the tower to the Dragon, because he was a creature that came from outside the tower, but he had just woken up from his sleep and didn't even know where Kira was, so Kira held the question for later.

He paused for a moment before he asked.

"Then what is the purpose of moving your soul into a container if it is not to live again?"

The dragon paused at Kira's words, before he opened his mouth again.

"That question ... I cannot answer for now, you are still not strong enough to carry the responsibility and consequences of knowing that ..."

'Responsibility, huh? This seems to be more troublesome than I thought. 'thought Kira, he felt that he had just been involved in something he should not have known.

The dragon then looked into Kira's eyes and said.

"Be stronger, and stronger until our next meeting, which may take a while, when that happens, then I will tell you everything, the secrets of the universe, and the reason for my actions."

The dragon then returned to continue.

"At that moment I will tell you, how to become an Axis User."

Kira not surprised or happy when he heard the words of the Dragon. Because, this has completely deviated from his original purpose.

"Why me? There's nothing special about me, I'm just an ordinary human being full of ignorance, why did you choose me." Said Kira with a stoic face.

"I didn't choose you, but it was fate that brought us together ... besides, you should know for yourself that humans are the most frightening creatures."

Hearing that Kira widened his eyes, before he laughed loudly. After stopping laughing, he looked at the dragon with a smile.

" You're Right. "

The dragon only smiled, before saying.

"Alright, looks like our time is up. See you in our next meeting, boy, no ... Kira, be stronger."

" Um. "

Slowly, Kira's body was enveloped in purple light before disappearing from his place. Leaving that dragon which also slowly vanished.

"A past that cannot be changed, and a future that has been set up by destiny huh... you are right **********, but what if there is someone who is destined to change that destiny?" Said the Dragon while looking up at the ceiling.

The atmosphere became quiet and the Dragon seemed to think of something.

'Besides that, the energy fluctuations that exist in that boy ...'


[Floor 29]

"Ah ~, bathing in the morning after practice is indeed very refreshing."

At the moment Rea is seen humming while walking in the aisle of private bunkers that Mai has. Rea had just finished bathing after the exhausting routine of sword training outside.

As she ran into Kira's room, her smile disappeared, after a short pause she then decided to enter Kira's room.

While holding the door handle, Rea thought for a moment.

'Even though his hands have mysteriously grown back, but why didn't he come to his senses. '

Then, Rea opened the door to Kira's room and she was greeted by a sight that really made her stunned.

When she opened the door, she saw Kira who had sat on his bed with a confused face while looking at his left hand. His hair has not been cut so long it becomes quite long.

Seeing Rea standing at the door, Kira said with a faint smile.

"Good morning, Little Girl."

Hearing that, Rea had tears in her eyes, before she slid towards Kira and immediately hugged him tightly.

"Idiot, why is it taking so long, I'm so worried." Rea's small body held Kira's body very tightly.

Seeing that, Kira was a little confused and he asked Rea.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Kira asked.

"2 years." Rea did not let go of her arms to Kira in the slightest. While Kira who heard that widened his eyes.

' 2 years? But it only feels a few minutes to me ... 'Kira then glanced at Rea and think for a while before saying.


After that, Rea did not let go of her arms for several minutes. After she wiped her tears and returned to normal, Rea immediately hit Kira's body very hard.

* boom *

However, while punching Kira's stomach without using Shinsu, Rea felt her hand hit a hard object and growled in pain.

"Ouch, what is that? Why is your body so hard."

Kira glanced towards his body, before he looked back at Rea.

"By the way, where are the others? Are they all right?"

"Ah, take it easy, they-"

Rea suddenly stopped her words as she looked at Kira's face, which made Kira tilt his head in confusion.

" What's wrong? "

"Kira-bro, your eyes ..." said Rea while pointing at Kira's eyes.

"Hm? What's wrong with my eyes?" Kira asked.

"Your eyes ... since when are your eyes blue ..."


A Talse User Story (TUS) is the story set in Talse Uzer, the universe and overarching story that Tower of God is set in.

The TUS is a universe under the premise that "The world comprises of several tales as its centre, and these tales persist as unchangeable records". In other words, in Talse Uzer Stories the past cannot change and the future is already set

Once written, a tale from the Talse Uzer universe cannot be set back or restored to a previous state. Hence, the past becomes permanently fixed, which in turn restricts future events. It's a universe that rejects the existing hypothesis that the world holds infinite possibilities.

2 Chapters towards the Workshop Arc. Power Stone Comeback.

Phantominiumcreators' thoughts