
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

Pyramid mayhem finale

The fist came out like a cannon, one that Ron couldn't dodge. He quickly put up his arms once more and felt the force through his arms, *crack* He heard a small crack and knew his arms were broken. He kicked the mummy in the head as retaliation however the mummy was pretty immune to blunt strikes so it only stunned it for a few seconds. But these seconds were precious to Ron who managed to get another strike with his claws in there.

Another hole was made in the mummy which was now leaking from two holes, the mummy itself however was still moving like it was normal. Ron did note that the mummy only used its fists and didn't kick, it was a very old boxing style. ('In that case') Ron had a theory that the mummy was only good at punching, that could give him an opening. 

The mummy pulled back a little and put up a standard boxing guard, it looks like its intelligence was almost fully restored. It rushed at Ron and suddenly punched with its left arm, it was quick and razor sharp. Ron had to guard that left shot with his broken arms adding more pain and more strain on the arms. Before he had time to think the right hand shot towards him.

('Now!') Ron ducked and swiped with his feet at the mummy's pivoted foot making it tumble, a boxer would never anticipate a kick suddenly. The mummy stumbled on its knee when Ron made another swipe at the mummy this time at its shoulder. *Shing* The claw went straight through the mummy's shoulder, cutting off its arm completely. The mummy looked at its arm with clear surprise, suddenly it yelled and tackled Ron directly.

The tackle came as a complete surprise, the mummy quickly crawled behind Ron and strangled him with its only arm. Its strength was as great as ever, quickly cutting off oxygen to Ron's brain. Ron elbowed the mummy to get it off him, however those elbows didn't do much. Ron's eyesight was blurring quickly, he needed to escape this hold and quickly. Ron could see the mummy peeking over his shoulder so he prepared a strike with one claw and put the other hand on his elbow. Using all his remaining force Ron shoved his arm all the way over his shoulder dislocating it in the process straight into the head of the mummy.

The arm around Ron's neck went limp and the mummy fell to the ground, Ron started coughing and saw that the mummy was finally unresponsive. Ron took a deep breath and shoved his arm back into position, it hurt like mad however it was necessary for the next part. Ron took out a minor healing potion and drank it in one gulp, at first nothing much happened before Ron suddenly started feeling like ants were crawling up his arms and shoulder. *pop* small popping sounds sounded out and after a small moment Ron's shoulder was back in place and his bones were healed back.

('That healing potion sure was effective') Ron was quite pleased with his purchase of the potion, it was quite effective at healing even his bones. He should look into buying more of those potions, it would cost merit points so doing more tasks was in the near future. Ron already had to do tasks for the second permit for the dungeon, no real harm in getting more for more potions.

As Ron was pondering about the future a change suddenly happened by the mummy, Ron saw a shadow cast over the mummy. ('What the-') Ron was suddenly surprised, the black shadow only seemed to grow on the mummy. Slowly it peeled off the mummy and Ron could swear he saw a face in the shadow looking at him, laughing at him. The shadow turned and looked at the second door in the dungeon before heading straight through the door.

And just like that peace was restored once more in the room, yet Ron was shivering. What he saw and felt from the shadow were horrifying, it felt like he was cast into a deep icy pool when the shadow looked at him. He knew the shadow was strong, extremely strong. Walking slowly to the second door Ron put his hand on the door and suddenly got a stream of information.

'Advance to the second level of the dungeon? Warning user is below the recommended level of a stage two being.' It was the next stage forward, and with it came a clear warning that Ron was weaker than it recommended. Ron considered his option for a moment before retreating from the door once more. The shadow was behind the door and Ron had no options in fighting a spectre, so he needed a way to deal damage to a spectre, especially one that gave off such a creepy feeling. And Ron knew just what he needed for it, the Whip of Alchemy. It was crafted for destroying evil.

It was probably the case that he would be missing out on wish points by taking a break in the dungeon, however rushing in there with no real weapons was just plain dumb. He could try and wish for some sort of holy bomb or weapons but if they missed or were less effective than he was expecting, he would still die.

Moving to the door for the exit of the dungeon Ron placed his hand on the door and pushed to leave the dungeon. Ron was standing back in a black void, the results screen popped up after a bit. 

Dungeon: Nameless Pharaoh's Tomb

Difficulty: Medium

Level: First level

Clear time: Fast

Monsters killed: 60%

Damage done: 100%

Final Grade: A-

Last time Ron got a B+ as a grade now he had gotten an A-, Ron was a little confused seeing the monsters killed only at 60% when he remembered he spawned some scarabs during one of the traps it was likely there were more enemies hidden in traps. Ron also got a fast clear time because of his use of the map on the first floor.

Generating rewards…

Wishmaster status has been confirmed granting 6,500 wish points for the first clear.

('No bonus reward this time around, because I didn't kill all the enemies?') Ron theorised about the bonus reward. Still 6,500 wish points was a ridiculous amount of wish points for Ron, it was the most he's ever gotten in one go.

Exiting the black void Ron was suddenly somewhere in the desert, taking out the compass Ron recalibrated his direction with the town. Ron seemed to be far away from the town considering he could use his wish store, taking a look at his wish points Ron saw that he had 8,000 wish points to spend.

With these wish points Ron could obtain the first piece that he needed in order to beat the second level of the dungeon, the Whip of Alchemy. The whip would cost him 2,500 points which would leave him with 5,500 points. He also knew what to spend those points on as well, but first came the whip.

Ron opened the wish store and told his wish "I wish for the legendary Whip of Alchemy" and soon he was 2,500 points lighter and a whip richer. The whip didn't look out of the ordinary, it appeared like a normal leather whip. At first Ron thought he was being scammed when he swung the whip and saw that it somehow created more force than even the 25 times weight of the normal whip. Although when one thought about it it was specifically crafted for combat.

"Now comes the tricky part" Ron said after he got a feel for his new whip, it was time for the Belmont bloodline. The Belmont bloodline would be an interesting wish, it depended on compatibility between his current bloodline and the new one. Ron had high hopes as his talent with whips, unarmed combat and also human nature would be the key to high compatibility.

Taking a deep breath Ron spoke his wish "I wish for my bloodline to become the Belmont bloodline". The wish store gave him the following message "CALCULATING... THE PRICE FOR CHANGING YOUR BLOODLINE TO THE BELMONT BLOODLINE IS 5,000 WISH POINTS. WARNING BLOODLINE CHANGES CAN RESULT IN UNKNOWN SIDE EFFECTS"

Scarlett had warned him about unknown changes in the kindling stage when changing bloodline so he was aware of that. Ron quickly undressed, he didn't want to ruin his new clothes if there were unseen complications. Standing naked in the desert wasn't something Ron ever thought he would do. 

After preparing Ron confirmed his wish. 5,000 points were gone and soon Ron felt his body warm up considerably, he was already in a hot desert now he felt like he was in a sauna. *Ba-dum* *ba-dum* His heart started beating loudly, Ron suddenly felt his consciousness sink and unknowingly entered his sea of consciousness.

Inside his sea of consciousness he saw the stars but more importantly he saw his purple flame, it was drumming to the rhythm of his heartbeat and soon he saw a change in the flame. At first the flame was a very dark purple but soon a pulse rang out and lighted all the stars, all seemed normal until another pulse suddenly rang out before the stars could even de-light. His dark purple flame seemed to be a little lighter in colour, and soon another pulse rang out.

With every pulse the flame got lighter and lighter in colour, but it also felt more pure? As if it was cleaning itself, getting rid of impurities. ('Don't tell me i'm going to be smelling foul again?') Ron had no need to control the situation because everything seemed to be going well. Suddenly a red mist was expelled from the flame, the red mist seemed to be very familiar to Ron as he recognised it as the body tempering potion. The body tempering potion wasn't part of the Belmont bloodline so it was expelled from the flame.

('Is it being purified as well?') The body tempering potion brought a small healing factor along with it and Ron didn't quite want to lose it, he quickly gathered the mist once more in a small ball and kept it close to him shielding it from the purifying pulses. 

Soon the pulses calmed down and the flame went from a dark purple to a lavender like purple, don't let the colour fool you though Ron could feel a mysterious force that was inside the flame. ('Is this magic power?') The Belmonts could use holy magic and activate magic items after all. After the final pulse rang out the stars slowly went out until 55 stars remained lit, Ron gained 22 stars from the bloodline change and magic power, after throwing the red orb back into the flame it was quickly digested but didn't ring out another pulse anymore.

Going back to his body Ron took a deep breath before gagging from his own smell, it was even more disgusting than the last time. It was a good thing he undressed as he quickly washed himself with some water. After washing himself Ron took a breath of fresh air, and felt his body filled with power not just physically but also spiritually. As Ron put on his clothes he also grabbed his whip and suddenly felt something inside him connect with the whip, it was the Belmont bloodline resonating with the whip.

Ron suddenly entered a trance as he felt his body going on autopilot, he swung the whip and using the momentum of his body he swung from a different position. To the untrained eye it looked like a beautiful dance as the whip cracked and every crack hit the exact same spot. After a while Ron was broken out of his trance and he knew what had happened, the bloodline had also upgraded his whip talent. Last time he upgraded his talent he had the exact same feeling when he threw a punch. It was a very nice bonus from the bloodline that Ron hadn't seen coming yet made sense as the Belmonts were whip masters.