
Tournament of time-dragonball

After the tournament of power Grand Xeno became extremely interested in the 7th universe especially earth. So since that day they have been watching and has been became more and more interested. Xenos think time for another tournament. A tournament of time.

Waynehead803 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

the tournament begins

Wow that fight was amazing! Our boys really put on a show huh Vegeta. I don't think we anything to worry about with those two around the future is in great hands. Imagine how strong they'll be in a few years."

"Now that we have had our warm-up match the tournament can begin. Let's find out who's up first." The grand priest activated the tournament board and the 2 names randomly popped up. "The first round will Nappa vs Pikkon both warriors enter the ring now!" Pikkon and Nappa both stepped into the ring. Both overflowing with confidence.

"This should be good! Last time i fought pikkon he super strong i can't to see how strong he is now." Kakarot have you noticed that the past warriors energy can't be detected? "Hey your right vegeta. Whis whats up with there power level? It's like it's non-existenting." "Why yes Goku the grand Xenos thought it would be fun these way. The same goes for them. They can't sense your power levels nether."

Pikkon and Nappa took their fighting stance waiting for the bell to ring. The Grand Priest dropped his hand and the match was underway. Pikkon had amazing speed but surprisingly Nappa dodged all his hits. Nappa countered with a vicious punch to the stomach. Pikkon then did an amazing spinning fire getting a direct on Nappa. There was a big explosion and big cloud of smoke. But out of the smoking cloud shout out a powerful kai blast. The attack hit pikkon entire body knocking him to the ground nearly killing him.

"Pikkon is not able to continue. Nappa is the winner off the first round!" Goku along with everyone else was shocked in how quick the match ended. But Vegeta had a smile. "Well looks like he's gotten a little stronger. I hope he gets a chance to get his revenge." Nappa looked at vegeta and smiled as he walked out the ring.

"Wow i wasn't Pikkon to lose so quickly. To be honest i didn't expect him to lose at all." "Don't be an idiot kakarot! Nappa is a saiyan and think how many years ago i killed him. That's how many years ago he's had to train remember?" "Oh yeah i keep forgetting that little detail." "Ughhhh you idiot!"

"The next fight will be between Bardock and Piccolo. Fighters enter the ring now!." Goku smiled because this was going to be able to see his father in action. Piccolo and Barack both calmly entered the ring. "You know dad that guy looks a more intimating version of you. What hold on! Dad is that your dad?" "Im pretty sure it is. I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet but im glad i get to see his fighting style. He's gonna have to be strong because his gotten incredibly strong."

"The next round begins now. Fighters ready? Begin!" Barack attack first with two ki blasts and followed up with a fury of punches. Piccolo was able to block and hit Bardock with a punch but Bardock followed immediately with a punch of his own. Piccolo swung but Bardock dodged and countered with two punches of his own. Piccolo quickly followed up with a hard kick.

They both jumped back showing respect for each other. Then Piccolo dropped his weighted clothes and Bardock turned super saiyan. The feeling out process was over and the real was about to be underway.