
Tournament of time-dragonball

After the tournament of power Grand Xeno became extremely interested in the 7th universe especially earth. So since that day they have been watching and has been became more and more interested. Xenos think time for another tournament. A tournament of time.

Waynehead803 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs


There was a long silence after the 5 warriors of past stepped through the portal. Goku and Vegeta was more shocked than everyone. The 5 warriors were nappa, pikkon, kid buu, bardock and the 5th warrior was someone that nobody recognized but by the tail they could tell he was saiyan.

"Hey Dad do you know this guys. Only 2 i can recall is kid buu and that big bald guy. What was his name again?" "His name is nappa right vegeta? And the green guy is pikkon i fight him in a tournament when i was dead. I don't recognize the other 2 but they appear to be saiyans plus the older guy looks familiar but i can't put my finger on it."

"Are you serious Goku? He looks exactly like you." "You really think so piccolo? I think he looks like Goten hahaha." "Don't be an idiot kakarot. That's clearly Bardock your father."

Everybody jaw dropped. Goku was overwhelmed with emotion. He never even thought about who his father was let alone meeting him. Then he started getting excited at the thought of fighting his father. He was ready to spar with him to full out his power.

"Well that still leaves the younger saiyan. Vegeta do you know who that guy is?" Vegeta did not respond. The Grand Priest came over to Goku and the others. It was time for them to officially meet the rest of the fighters.

"Hey everyone!" "Hey grand Xenos i see the fighters are all here." "Yes you should say hey Goku."

When kid buu saw Goku he became enraged and was ready to fight but in this short time the Grand Priest have managed to control kid buu. Nappa locked eyes with Vegeta and had a evil smile on his face. Goku was focused on his father. He nervously stepped to Bardock and they where face to face

"So your Bardock huh?now is that the Grand Priest and the Grand kids over there pulled me through some portal. He explained this time thing and that i would be in some tournament. They also showed me their power if i refused. Who are you? You look familiar." "Im someone who wait to see how strong you are."

As Goku was turning and walking away Goku bardock took a good look at his face for the first time. At that he moment he knew who he was. "Kakarot my son"

Goku then walked up to pikkon to greet him and the other fighters. "Pikkon it's been a minute. Im sure you've gotten alot stronger and kid buu your the opponent i could never beat. I hope we get a chance to fight again." "Kid buu kill you all!"

"Well well if isn't the great prince vegeta. Didn't think you'd ever see me again did you. Your lucky the royal guys or I'll be ripping your head right now. I've only been training for 3 days and im more twice as strong as I was. Come on lets get this tournament started."

"Calm down mortal and everyone listen up the Grand Xenos calls for you attention." "Hey everyone we're really excited about this tournament!" Yeah really excited!" "You all are really strong and we're giving you 90 earth day to get even stronger."

"The Grand Xenos have decided well be held here. Since the present warriors have had significant more training the warriors from the past will continue to train in the timeless universe until the tournament. The rest of you will remain here until you are summoned. Now to you lord beerus. The Xenos are very impressed with the how strong the people of how seventh has become and are wondering how close the are to godly power. So for the final match the last minute in the tournament will face you in battle lord beerus."

"What but this is ridic...." "Are you questioning the Grand Xenos lord beerus? "No of course no grand priest i just have 1 question if they will allow it." "Go ahead lord beerus." "Do you really think these mortals can compete with a destroyer?"

"We'll have to wait and see but these warriors are gaining on you beerus. We think it would be very entertaining for us." "Yes very entertaining indeed." "Right thank you Grand Xenos." The Grand Xenos transported Goku and the others back to earth.

"Woah i can't believe it. There's gonna be some amazing fights in this tournament guys i can't wait." "I can't lie dad im started to get excited to." "Dats the spirit son. I know your excited broly it's your first tournament." Yes i would like to get to fight some powerful opponents."

"There's still 1 thing i can't figure out. Who was the other saiyan. Maybe he's just a soldier with my father. He's young but i can't tell he his untapped power. I should go back to Xenos palace to ask who is that guy." "You don't need to bother the Xenos i know who he is. His name is Tarble. He's my little brother."


To be continued.....