
I don't recognize who Iam.

Possibility that you can make it in life depends on you parents.If they didn't invest on you,or create an asset that you can start with,as a middle class society kid,you quite have a journey to go..

That's exactly what 17 year Old, handsome babitto Jones is going through."Ever since i firstly opened my little fragile eyes,day one mmmh on this planet,i never seen Happiness,I only witness smiles on other people's face,said sad yet jovial Jones.I felt Him on that.

Imagine being raised by a single mom,where you only get what she affords, that's what you need en not what you want.As a kid you want alot, because mehn you see alot on the surrounding.Sad thing,you can only see but don't touch,,,,,its not yours,you can't afford.YOUR FAMILY CAN'T.(do u feel me)