
Tolerate Me Mr. Billionaire

Ava Jones is a skillful person who had only one outcome which is having anger issues that caused her so many problems to the point that it even got her fired from the company but surprisingly she got a job in one of the world's top companies whose CEO is a multi-billionaire named Rylan Nichols. Tolerate me Mr. Billionaire

Mehakfatima · วัยรุ่น
20 Chs

Chapter 18 - Got Rescued

*Rylan POV*

I fucked up.

We are in my car and she didn't look at me even once.

Why the hell I said that she is mine? But one thing I couldn't forget that how cute she looked when she became a blushing mess.

That was a memorable sight.

How I came up with a lame excuse when I said to her that I meant "mine secretary"

I know she didn't buy that. She just ignored my existence and just followed me, not talking or arguing with me.

I felt like I was a virus whom she have to avoid.

If she wants to play this ignoring game then she should avoid that mosquito Raider, not me!

It felt like my self-respect was gone when I made sure to drop her at her place.

She was stomping on my ego.

But that didn't matter. If she is safe then I don't care about my ego, etc.

*After two weeks*

*Ava Jones POV*

Why is he always dropping me home? I tried to ignore him thinking that he will think about his self-respect and won't make me go with him.

But he is so stubborn and will still drop me home.

What's wrong with him?

Right now it's off-timing and I am sneaking out to go on my own.

It's very stupid of me as it's his building and the chances of him finding me are like 95%

I don't care. Chance is a chance and trying won't hurt

It was almost a success in escaping but...

*thunder sound*

Why again?! I started moving faster.

I have to move faster.

But much even I could.

I hate to be so much weak.

The rain started dropping and I started shivering.

My mouth started getting dry.

Heavy breathing and feeling dizzy.

This is happening again.

I was left frozen in my place. I was having flashbacks of my mum's funeral.

Tears welled up in my eyes. The only person I loved in this life left me.

I was shivering not due to the coldness of the rain but because of my panic attacks.

At least I wasn't damped in the rain as I was still in the garage because recently I bought a car that was under my budget. Buying a car came with the idea so Rylan wouldn't come to me but this man still didn't stop.

The car wasn't my concern, the only concern was that I wanted to go home because only that is the place I feel calm even if it's raining. But how? I was left frozen at my place.


I heard my name being called.

Is it Rylan?

I was frozen while seeing Rylan coming towards me.

"Are you okay? ", he asked me when he saw my teary eyes.

He didn't know that I had a phobia of rain so he is clueless.

I was quiet and he was getting more worried about me.

"just say the name, rest I will deal with it! "

He spoke making me confused. What is he thinking? I still didn't move from my place as my body wasn't still under my control.

"Just tell me ava who hurt you!! "

Why is he so much worried about me? Why does he care for me?

I hate it.

I hate it because It will be my addiction to his caring behavior and will then again end up broken. everybody is the same, they all care for a minute and will leave without even bidding goodbye.

In the next second my legs were in the air.

Rylan picked me in bridal style.

My eyes couldn't be widened anymore.

"W-what are you doing?", I finally got my tongue back.

"you wouldn't tell me what is happening. So I will do what I want now"

Hopefully, I am not blushing right now.

He made me sit in his car and put my seat belt on.

"what are you doing?", I said.

"As usual, I am gonna drop you", he said.

"No way! I have already bought my car and it's in the garage, what am I gonna do with it", I spoke in disagreement.

"No one gonna do anything with it. Let it stays in there", he said.

"And it's dangerous for you to drive in the rain", he continued speaking.

"But fine for you to drive?", I asked making him silent.

He don't say anything and shrugged his shoulders.

I scoffed. What a coward.

"Why were you crying?", he said while driving.

It was silent for a moment.

My heart wants to tell him. My soul and heart say to trust him.

But my mind says, why will you share your weaknesses with others?

He was still looking for an answer.

"What if someone steals my car?", I said changing the conversation.

In the end, my mind wins against my heart.

He saw how I changed the topic but still get along with it.

"You are forgetting to whom this whole place belongs, nobody dares to do that here, especially to you. Unless he doesn't like his life"

Is he flexing, flirting, and threatening at the same time?

I was quiet after this.

He just smiled and continued driving.

After a few minutes.

"This is not a way to my place, where are we going"

"My place", he says casually.

And I remained silent after that, just wasn't interested in arguing now and just went along with him.

The odd about right now is that I am feeling fine right now. I am not having any symptoms of panic attacks.

Is it because of his presence? Does his presence assure me of not being alone?

The only thing I know is that I am comfortable with his presence.

I like him as a person and boss. I don't have any hate feelings towards him.

I am having a lot of exams and sendup. I am not able to write, so sorry for that. Please comment, it motivates me

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