
It Began With

Dream Realm isn't just any world, maybe it is for you but to them. In this world that is consider the land of dreams. It was called Dream Realm because it was a world of wishes, that reality couldn't make true. A person's greed was what made this world, a world of pain.

He didn't care what were the consequence of it. For he had nothing to lose because he lost his lover, his wife, his friend, his comrades, and his daughter. This world was made to comfort the soul but he abuse its power. He made possible what no one could do but also what he didn't do. A sun and a moon were his first wishes. The sky was his second. Life was his third. Weather's his fourth. The five kingdoms of Mystery City was fifth. Love his sixth. Death seventh. Power his eighth, Evil his ninth and Immortality his tenth wish.

Lark was his name.

Jacob was his name.

Sam was his name.

Adam was his name.

Mike was his name and it went on like this a never ending cycle. Soul after soul.

This was the story of a man who abuse the power of this world. A book that was pass down to the youngest of a family. It began with him and it will end with him.

10, 13, 29, 30, 31, 25, and 7 were there names.

The history of Dream Realm.

This is just Info on the story.

Which will be mention later in the future.

Sorry if it's short.

Pie_Love1creators' thoughts