A lonely young man left alone and dying alone. Wakes up to a new life. Finding himself in Equestria a land where giant antro ponies live and finds himself no longer lonely as the mares are giving him all the attention he had wanted and more. (To Your Eternity and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Crossover) Contains harem and futa.
A mysterious being casts a small orb unto the world. The orb first takes the form of a rock that spends an unmeasured amount of time lying there. One day, an injured white wolf collapses on top of the rock. The rock takes on the form of the now-dead wolf and wanders over to an encampment where most of the residents have died except for a cheerful boy.
The boy recognizes the wolf and calls out to him as Joann. The boy packs up food and supplies to travel to a "paradise" beyond the mountains where he believes the people of his tribe are waiting, after leaving 5 years ago, while making him stay behind to watch the sick and elderly members of the village who all eventually died. Leaving him all alone.
The two try to follow the trail the tribe left behind, even after the boy suffers an injury to his leg, only to find the remnants of a caravan and multiple grave sites buried in snow. Dejected, the boy heads back home with Joann, only to eventually succumb to his untreated injury. The boy's final request is for Joann to remember him forever. With the boy now gone and just an empty shell, The orb takes the form of the boy, and continues its journey in search of new stimulation. Going off into the world to experience those things which the boy wished he could have experienced.
But that wasn't the end for the boy just the beginning.
A light shined over the remains of the village, engulfing it in light. When the light faded where the village once stood nothing, but ice and snow remained. With only the orb in the form of the boy having any memory of it was even there.
Equestria -
A caravan of merchants came hurling a train of 6 wagons full of iron ore. The merchants are caribou who are heading down south to trade with the closest town from their isolated village. They would trade the iron ore to get supplies that aren't found in their homeland.
They came across a village that wasn't there before. All but one of the small houses are in ruins, having been picked apart little by little over time. Entering the lone intact house, the merchants found a strange being inside. It looks like one of the ponies but its pale skin has no fur, no tail, and has no long ears, as is small as a child. It also wore furs and leather to cover itself, and from what they could tell it ate fish. But judging from the size of the remaining door frames the people who lived here aren't that tall or big. (1)
The merchants learned that the creature is a boy and is very sick. They treated him as best as they could and took the boy with them. Where the ponies at the town they're going to would be able to treat him better with their magic. Not knowing what future events would center around the boy.
Canterlot -
Inside the throne room of Canterlot, the royal court was session. Raven Inkwell the royal aide to the princess was busy preparing her notes on her clipboard. Much has changed since that night where Nightmare Moon the princess's sister had return. She wasn't the only one who had return as the princess old student and adopted daughter came back as well, and she wasn't alone. Sunset came back with the sirens from the old tales. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata the 3 sirens had joined forces with Sunset in her bid to takeover. But what they didn't count on was Nightmare Moon appearing and taking care of Celestia for them.
Raven remembers Sunset and the sirens appearing at the Summer Sun Celebration right before Celestia would had revealed herself. The four easily took care of the guards, with Sunset revealing magic that no one had ever seen before leaving the other ponies cowering in fear. Having used her years away to learn and figure out new kinds of spells in her time in the human world. Even if she couldn't use magic in the human world she could still do the math and work that went into figuring out spells without using magic. (2)
Sunset revealed to Twilight Sparkle the current student of the princess of who she is and how her mother had abandoned her to fend for herself. And in all the years she was in the other world that not once that her mother had tried to contact her. Showing everypony in the town hall her memory of their last meeting, with Sunset throwing back Celestia telling her to make friends when she had no friends just subjects. Which Celestia banish her from the castle, which Sunset escape into the mirror to the human world. Which is where she met and befriended the sirens who were banished to the human world like her.
Which is when Nightmare Moon revealed herself to everypony. Which Sunset quickly revealed that she knows who she is already, Princess Luna her mom's sister. Having learned of that by going through her mom's journals when she was still living at the castle.
Twilight pleaded with Sunset to fight her aunt and free her mother. But instead, Sunset sided with her aunt who teleported her and the sirens away. Telling Twilight that her mother hasn't earned any loyalty or had ever made an effort to make a bond with her.
From there from what she learned Nightmare Moon had taken them to the old castle where the elements of harmony were kept. Where once they were destroyed, there be no stopping them. Sunset did get her aunt to bring her mother to them to watch as her last hope was smash and the daughter, she abandoned join sides with her sister. They also captured Princess Cadance the only other alicorn and her cousin who also could cause problems later.
The sight of that caused something to break in Celestia and her inner darkness came out. Transforming her Into Day Breaker. And somehow also transforming Cadance into Broken Heart. By the time Twilight and the others got to the castle most of the castle was in ruins from the fighting. The 3 alicorns were the only ones left standing as they each fought each other. The sirens were bound in chains and Sunset was also bound to the throne.
Twilight and the other bearers of the elements used the elements of harmony on the 3 alicorns but they simply dodged out of the way. Only for the rainbow beam to head right for Sunset who couldn't escape thanks to her being chained to the throne. Sunset screams caused her 3 older family members to teleport in front of her embracing her and shielding her from the magic with their bodies.
When the magic blast faded instead of three alicorns there were six of them. The elements of harmony have separated the good and evil half's of the princesses. Before anyone could move, Sunset broke free from the chains holding her and blasted the bearers of the elements, knocking all of them out. Leaving just her to deal with her now enlarged family.
Now months later Equestria is now ruled by the 3 queens. Queen Sun formerly Day Breaker, Queen Moon formerly Nightmare Moon, and Queen Heart formerly Broken Heart. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance are still around working as aides for the queens. The Elements of Harmony did rid the dark alicorns of their evil, but they ruled much differently with an iron fist, unlike how Celestia ruled. Sunset wasn't affected by the elements thanks to the others protecting her. And showed what she learned in the human world.
Over the months that followed Sunset with the backing of her aunts and her mother Sun, Sunset has been making big changes to the culture of Equestria. Many of the things that Celestia had allowed to fester under her rule were dealt with. Princess Celestia had never expected her own pony executives and bureaucrats to twist the laws underneath her nose to benefit themselves at the expense of others, nor did she expect that some of her reforms meant to help less fortunate towns could be abused in different ways. Then there are all the laws that gave ponies more rights than non ponies.
Like in Appleloosa the ponies who built the town hadn't even bothered to find out if there were any other races already living there. Which turns out that the buffalo tribe lead by chief Thunderhooves did made their home where the apple orchard had been planted. Which Sunset made the ponies say sorry to the buffaloes whose land they took without asking and planted the trees elsewhere. And that's the first of many problems that Sunset solved which endeared her to the many other races that lived in and around Equestria.
The house of nobles protested till Sun and Moon just destroyed the house and telling the nobles that they're no longer needed. Stripping them of the power that many abused and take advantage of, thanks to Celestia's blind trust. And getting rid of rules like the school system which the leaders of were disbanded, as they did more harm then good.
As for Celestia seeing how she doesn't do much but tries to bond with Sunset and just lets her do as she wants. Having all of her failures as a leader shown to her, left her with little will to do anything else. Luna like Moon are still getting use to the new world they found themselves in after years away. Cadance is taking as well as expected in the fact that she now has a sister like her aunts.
Sunset has been in her words modernizing Equestria, backing up anyone who invent machines that make the standards of living higher for all. She even made the earth pony brothers Flim and Flam the royal inventors, and with the blueprints that Sunset brought with her along with what she calls a laptop computer they have been advancing the technology level of Equestria. Sunset had made many plans for when she returns to Equestria and with what she learned in the human world she would change things.
The sirens also been helping out in improving things as they have been living in the human world for centuries and have gotten used to living there. When the humans invented indoor plumbing it blew their minds, as they came from a time before indoor plumbing was a thing. It is thanks to them that a way to that world was still open thanks to Sunset keeping the journal in the human world. Thanks to that, the portal to the human world could be open and get wi-fi, whatever it's called. So that they can use what they call smartphones.
Entering the throne room Raven walk towards the throne where queen Sun sat as she held court. The entire court was there, in what Sunset called a quarterly meeting to talk about the status of the lands they control. From what she has seen many of the younger ponies are getting use to the changes that Sunset is making while its the ones who value tradition above all else were suffering. But one of the biggest changes was making ponies feel uncomfortable.
Raven felt constrained in the button shirt and bra, panties, and the skirt also made it harder for her to move. Normally she would only be wearing clothes for a special event or gathering or when she visited other countries. Ponies of Equestria are nudist by choice, but thanks to Sunset's new law. All ponies when they're working must be wearing clothes so that they wouldn't be distracted while they're working. Which Raven must admit that it does help keep ponies from forgetting to do their work as they're too busy having sex. Of course, the amount of clothing is another issue.
Queen Sun was on the throne as it is her turn to deal with the court issues this time. Sitting across her lap is Sunset, who is suckling from her left breasts. They're each icons of sexuality in their own ways. Sunset her body was tall, slender, and nubile. Orange skin, long red hair, and a tight little ass that was just begging to be split open. She was not wearing much clothing, only a few pieces of white lingerie, a white corset that covered her small but growing breasts, and her little cunt was hidden behind an almost transparent white thong.
Her mother on the other hand is a titan of pony, standing almost 14 feet tall, with muscular arms and very firm buttocks. Her chest exploded outward with the largest breasts in the kingdom, each capped by a nipple the size of a child's thumb. Her long flame red hair flowed well past her butt, and her steely face was beautiful but stoic and cold. Queen Sun unlike Celestria is a warrior which is why she is built like a warhorse, yet dressed in a skimpy and revealing robe. Her cleavage was exposed by a circular window in her dress, and the hems of her skirt went far up her thighs, revealing the sides of her powerful legs.
Her other mother Celestia, a fully matured pony was also dressed in similar negligee as that of her daughter. A white corset pushed up her mountainous breasts and her thigh-high white leather boots accentuated her plump round ass. She sat next to her bigger sister who stood a good 2 feet taller.
The two busty mothers and their nubile daughter. With Sunset having made it clear that she prefers Sun to Celestia. Raven has seen how Celestia stares at her daughter wishing to have the same kind of bond she has with Sun. While Sun, Moon and Heart rule, it's Sunset who is the power behind the throne.
Raven had walked pass the number of clerks waiting in line to give out their report to the queen or request from her subjects. She had waited for the clerk who was in the room to leave before entering. Raven stop in front of thrones and prepared herself.
"Yes, what is it Raven?" Celestia ask.
"A message came from the northern most settlement, Ice Hoof. A strange creature has been found them and the description of it matches that of a human," Raven said.
"What?" Sunset ask as she takes her mouth from Sun's nipple.
"It appears that a human male had been living in the remains of a small village before a traveling merchant caravan of caribou had come across it and found him living there. The report says that the human was deadly ill, and the merchants took him to Ice Hoof to be treated there. The officials of Ice Hoof sent a search party to look at the human village which wasn't there before. The route the merchants used is well used by them and others, with no report of any village ever being there. The search party found the village which all but the building the human was found in having been stripped for firewood. They found graves with bodies of humans in them. From what they can tell the human has been living there for years," Raven said reading from the report.
"I thought the mirror is the only portal to the human world," Sunset said.
"So did I," Sun said.
"How could a human village just showed up out of nowhere," Sunset said trying to figure out how that's possible.
"I'll send Twilight to...," Celestia began but was cut off.
"Twilight? Really? Going by herself to the northern most settlement?" Sunset ask Celestia.
"She can go with her friends," Celestia said.
"I have a better idea, Shadowbolts!" Sunset calls out.
In a flash the five personal bodyguards of Sunset came into the room. The young Shadowbolt captain Ingigo Zap leading the team made up of Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare stood ready for their orders. All of them have large perky breasts with erect, tantalizing nipples that begged to be sucked on. Their full globes were supported by a curvaceous physic with full tone thighs and a plump yet fit butts. That is all shown by their skintight bodysuits.
Many of the old guards were fired and replaced by new ones who actually do the job of protecting ponies. To prove her point Sunset had a paper dragon built and attack Canterlot. Which Celestia could only hang her head in shame as the ponies fell for it and all the soldiers and the Wonderbolts all were hiding while Sunset rampaged through the city. Only stop when Sun walks up to the fake dragon and pulled off the covering revealing the frame holding the shape of a dragon and Sunset who was controlling it. Then she fired the guards and Wonderbolts for hiding while the city was in danger. She had the guards be retrained and taught by guards from other kingdoms that actually protected the people in their kingdoms. (3)
"Ingigo Zap, you and the others go and bring back the human male here," Sunset said.
"Yes, my lady," Ingigo Zap said.
"Raven what is known of the human male?" Sunset asks.
"He's still recovering in the hospital and is speaking a langue that no one has ever heard before. Ice Hoof doesn't have any unicorn who knows a translation spell," Raven said.
"Alright you all been with me on visits to the human world, so you all know what a human looks like. Bring him here unharmed and find out how he got here in the first place," Sunset said.
"Yes, my princess," Ingigo Zap said leading her team out of the throne room.
Author's Notes -
1 - The ponies look like humans but are bigger, have horse tails, ears and different colored furs.
2 - Like an engineer who makes a blueprint for a machine without actually making the machine in the first place.
3 - I know but seeing how dumb the ponies are and how useless the arm forces are. I'm surprise this never happen in the show.