
Three wishes and The Kingdom of Megiddo

With a frustrated smile on God and a bright smile on Shino, God has no choice but to give up and gave Shino three wishes.

"Aaahh~~ you are really something, Fine! State your three wishes and end this already" God said frustratedly

Shino then stated his first wish, "One, give me Immortality"

With an absurd wish on the first God clench his fist and laugh it off

"Immortality granted, but you really are pushing the boundaries here you now, but being immortal doesn't mean you can't die, even if your heart is remove or your head gone you are still alive, but if your soul is killed that is the end, meaning if you die on this world don't expect to be going to afterlife anymore" God said

Shino nod and thank him and stated his second wish, "Second, since magic is something unique from this world I want a large amount of mana so I can use magic without chants"

"At least that is somewhat normal, but mana capacity is something you enlarge by your own, so I shall grant you mana regeneration boost of thousand men, so you can use magic without chant, listen as you enlarge your mana capacity the effect of this will lessen because of your larger mana capacity" God said then asked, "so what is your third wish?"

Shino gave out a gentle smile and said, "My Third wish will be... To have a contact with you"

God was surprised when he heard Shino's last wish and said, "That is a surprise, why?"

"Before I die, I always thought God has forsaken me, No one is watching, No one cares, No one knows how much I suffer, I fought a battle that I thought I only know, but you were watching, you actually exist, so when my belief on you once waver again, I want something to remind me that you actually exist" Shino said with a gentle smile

God nod his head and said, "Very well, you really are something Shino, well then"

God raise his hand and a few string can be seen, a few seconds and Shino is envelope in a cocoon made of string, and from breaking to it, Shino's casual wear was replaced with a white clothing that suits for an adventurer, a pure white clothing from Shirt to boots, a long jacket paired with a long sleeve and jeans.

"Thread Magic, I shall gave you this, as a reminder that I exist, in this world you are the only possessor of this magic, it uses a day of your lifespan for every meter of thread, so don't casually use it, well you are immortal so you have infinite lifespan so it will only tire you out, but don't use it in bad thing Shino" God said

Shino was delighted and said, "Woahh~ Thread Magic, this is something, so by weaving every thread together you can make a clothing"

Seeing how happy Shino is, God has prepared to send Shino to the world and said, "Now then Shino, You shall get going now, live a life free of regrets"

With smile on his face and a light enveloping Shino, he said, "Yes, I'll try my best, Thank you so much"

And so the encounter with God are finish, Shino awoken to a cave and as soon as he stand up his head got chop off from his body.

While back on Alheim, God said to himself, "Wait, I send Shino to that cave full of monster did I? Aha-ha, well that kid is immortal getting his head knock off a few time won't affect him".

Meanwhile on a Kingdom called Megiddo a meeting was happening between the Officials of the Kingdom, discussing about the huge surge of the demons around the Kingdom and the way of dealing it.

The Head Captain of Royal Knights, the strongest knight in the kingdom, Richard Ishin, said, "The increase number of monsters around the kingdom are alarming enough, and there is a report from an adventurer that a group of demons are seen in the Forsaken Forest near the Lafoes City, we are going to get overwhelm if we don't act and find a solution to this"

After saying it a moment of silence in the room, it seems that no one will answer the Head of Royal knights

Then Averio Lafoes, Duke of the Trading Capital of the Kingdom, Lafoes City, said, "No need to worry Captain Richard, according to my Intel, The Adventurer Guild are getting more and more people, so we can let them handle it, am I right Guild master?"

With a surprise face, The Guild Master, Sarah Blueborn, said, "Hey! where you get that information?! Hmph! Well… it is not like we are hiding it, we are getting a lot more people but they all are still copper rank, few of them are in silver or gold rank, we can deal about the monster population but none of them are capable of defeating a demon, only those in the Diamond spectrum are capable of that"

After hearing the statement, Captain Richard said, "A wondering group of demon is something we can't ignore, I have sent 100 of my men for scouting and none of them came back, the Demon Lord and his follower is probably planning on something"

The Pope of the Bastille Church who worship Haeyer, The God of War, Sixtus Marcellus, propose a solution, "Then my King and Head Captain Richard, The God of War, Haeyar has provided a solution, a tournament to determine who is the strongest in the kingdom, who stand above the others are shall be called the Hero"

Duke Averios, agreed and said, "Such a great Idea Pope Sixtus, my king I accept this proposal, please consider it, forming a special group that focuses on the subjugation of the demon is a great Idea"

The King of Megiddo, King Herald III, think carefully and said, "does this proposal suit to you, Captain Richard?"

With a bit of hesitation Captain Richard said, "well, it is a viable your majesty, but.."

The captain hesitate to say it and King Herald know what he will say and said, "Well then, hold this tournament, I hate to asked this but before the Hero is chosen the guild and royal knight will defend the citizen temporarily in case of an attack has occurred, the funds for this tournament will be given later, this meeting is dismissed"

With everyone leaving the room king Herald and Captain Richard are left.

Captain Richard then said, "My king the duke and pope are clearly using the tournament to satisfy their greed, they might even rigged it, so why allow it?"

"If it means for the safety of my people, any fortune are nothing to me, even if they rig it I still feel that the real hero will rise, fate will punish them for their sin" King Herald replied

Captain Richard excused himself and left the room with disappointment. while walking the hall, Captain Richard stop to a window and look over the kingdom.

"A Hero, it's probably the greatest option but with those two pigs, we may pick a useless one, and chance that they will rig it is also high just to obtain the prize. Maybe the one we are looking for are down somewhere in a cave, haha what am I saying the kings intuition never miss" Richard said with a smile.

Meanwhile inside a Cave in the Forsaken Forest, a headless body is standing still and start to shivered from a cold wind.
