
Chapter 33.1 - Choosing the Cultivation Manual

Before they went home, Li Xinwen made sure that his clothes are clean and that there was nothing that out of place. "Ah'Xiao, remember not to say anything about what happened today. If mom asks, just tell her that it was normal training, got it?" Li Xinwen also didn't forget to remind Sun Xiao to keep things secret. After all, what will they do if their mother collapsed from a panic attack after finding out what her two sons were doing today?

So, the two brothers returned home, and they were welcomed by their anxious mother. "So, how was it? You guys didn't get hurt?" Mother Li asked.

"No, mom. Didn't get hurt," Li Xinwen replied as he hugged his mother. "I end up not joining the training," Li Xinwen added, which was not a lie.

Hearing this, Mother Li let out a sigh of relief. "And what about Ah'Xiao?"

"Also didn't join... today, they only have adult. They say I am too young and should join the class with children of my age," Sun Xiao replied, though he didn't dare to look straight at Mother Li fearing that his lie would be found out.

"That is also good. But then... what were you two doing, ah? If you didn't join the training, then you should just return home!"

At this, both Li Xinwen and Sun Xiao glanced at each other. They had spent the rest of the journey home to think of an excuse but they forgot to think of the follow-up excuse. Their face showed a nervous look and they have yet to think of an answer when Mother Li spoke again.

"Did the two of you went out to play instead?" Mother Li asked with a scrutinizing look.

"Ah, yes, yes! We just went to play since we were outside anyway," Li Xinwen quickly played along since the mother has already helped him with an excuse.

"Ah'Xiao's eyes seems to be a bit red and swollen... was he crying?" Mother Li asked once again when she noticed Sun Xiao's eyes.

"That... ah... we were watching movies and there was this one scene that made Ah'Xiao cry," Li Xinwen answered.

"Aiya, these two boys," Mother Li sighed. "Fine. Mother will let this off today. You two go up and rest when it is dinner, mother will call you," Mother Li said before she ushered her two sons up the stairs.

Having narrowly escaped, both Li Xinwen and Sun Xiao sighed in relief as soon as they reached the top of the stairs. "Ah'Xiao, come. Ge has something to show you," Li Xinwen said as he pulled Sun Xiao to his room. After entering, he told Sun Xiao to take a seat as he went to his table.

The past few days, he had finished sorting through the cultivation manual and technique that is suitable for Sun Xiao. Now that Sun Xiao has built his foundation, it was time to let the boy choose the one to his liking. "Ah'Xiao, these are all cultivation manual that you can learn in order for you to increase your strength. Ge already picked all that is suitable for you, so now, you choose which one you like!"

When Sun Xiao saw the books that Li Xinwen showed him his eyes started to shine. "If I practice a lot, will I be as strong as Xin-gege?" Sun Xiao asked.

"As long as Ah'Xiao diligently practice and cultivate, you can be as strong as I am," Li Xinwen grinned at Sun Xiao. "Choose properly. You can only choose one method to cultivate, so don't rush," Li Xinwen told the young boy.

Sun Xiao nods his head as he then checked on each manual. As Li Xinwen advised him, he looked over each book all the way to the end. Then, in one particular book, he noticed that at the back section, there was another cultivation method being stated. "Xin-gege... you really can only learn one cultivation method?" Sun Xiao asked as he looked up to his brother.

"En. These are all top-grade cultivation method. They are a complete method, so you don't have to learn several methods which are not ideal," Li Xinwen replied.

"Then... why does this book have two cultivation method?" Sun Xiao showed Li Xinwen the page where he is currently reading. "Here, it says Shenghuo Wanqu dual cultivation technique..."

Seeing the word dual cultivation plastered on the page, Li Xinwen quickly snatched the book from Sun Xiao. He slowly read the first page, before he slammed the book close. Just reading the first step of the cultivation technique had made Li Xinwen's face turn red. 'I should've checked the whole book rather than just checking the first few pages!!' Li Xinwen scolded himself in his mind.

"These kinds of technique... it is something that you can only practice with your partner..." Li Xinwen told Sun Xiao. "But the partner of your choosing must be someone who can balance the Yang energy inside of you by providing their Yin energy. It is like... a give and takes. You give them your Yang energy, and they give you their Yin energy, then both of you proceed to absorb the energies," Li Xinwen tried to explain it properly without being vulgar.

"Oh," Sun Xiao just stared at Li Xinwen's face which still has a hint of red. "Then... why does that book have two technique?"

"The whole book is one whole technique, split into half. The first half, you can cultivate on your own but the last half, you can only practice with your partner," Li Xinwen replied. "Naturally, the higher stages will help you cultivate faster but..."

"But?" Sun Xiao saw that Li Xinwen seemed to be hesitating.

"... I'll tell you when you're older," Li Xinwen finally said, not wanting to corrupt his still innocent little brother.

"Okay..." Sun Xiao also didn't press Li Xinwen into telling him. He was about to reach for the book again but Li Xinwen quickly held it away from him. "Xin-gege? I haven't finished reading that..."

"You don't have to read anything related to dual cultivation yet," Li Xinwen replied. "If you see any, just avoid them."

Sun Xiao felt that Li Xinwen is hiding something from him, but he still nodded his head. When he found another book with dual cultivation as the later part of the technique, Sun Xiao didn't tell Li Xinwen. Instead, he read the first few pages before he closed it quickly, face turning red and it spreads all the way to his ears.

Li Xinwen saw this and snatched the book from Sun Xiao, and flipped through the pages. When he saw that the later stages were also a dual cultivation, Li Xinwen just sighed. "That's why I told you that you don't have to read them," Li Xinwen said before he lightly flicked Sun Xiao's forehead playfully. "Naughty boy. Did you not know that curiosity kills the cat?"

Sun Xiao just pouted at Li Xinwen as he rubbed his forehead before he picked up another book. After his first exposure to reading dual cultivation method, Sun Xiao obediently didn't read them again. This continued for some time until Sun Xiao decided on a book. "Xin-gege... I decided on this one," Sun Xiao said to Li Xinwen as he held up the book of his choice.

Li Xinwen stared at the book title which read Muguang Zhihun and nods his head. After that, he put away the rest of the books before placing another batch of books in front of Sun Xiao. There were about ten of them. "These are all martial techniques that are suitable for you. I'll give them all to you so you can learn them. But don't rush, the stronger the technique, the more spiritual energy it'll use. First, I want you to learn the first movement in each book. Once you are stronger, then you can try learning their second movement," Li Xinwen told him. "Understand?"

Sun Xiao nods his head several times before he ran his hands over the books. "Xin-gege when I practice, will you come and see to give pointers?"

"Of course. Didn't I promise you that I'll help you train?" Li Xinwen smiled at Sun Xiao. "Now go back to your room. Oh, you've just built your foundation, don't start cultivating tonight. Wait a few days until your spiritual energy has settled down, then you can begin," Li Xinwen told Sun Xiao. "If you rush, you'll only damage your foundation. Always remember that whenever you cultivate, alright?"

"Ah'Xiao will remember!" Sun Xiao replied as he brought the eleven books with him. Leaving Li Xinwen's room, Sun Xiao went directly to his room and locked the door. He placed the ten books on his table, then picked up the Muguang Zhihun cultivation manual.

Flipping through the pages, he stopped at the section where it reads Muguang Shuanghun. He didn't know why, but his heart was telling him that this was the best cultivation method for him. He was reluctant because it also contained dual cultivation but when he saw that the dual cultivation is only on the last step, he ends up choosing it. 'Since it's on the last step... I don't have to do them. If I can just learn 9 out of 10 of the content, it should be good enough, right?' Sun Xiao thought before he closed the book again.

After that, he organized his table, placing all the cultivation book in one corner of his table before he took out his school book. Since he has some time and his brother had warned him not to cultivate for a while, he felt that he should use it to study instead.
